Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 15 Backpack

"Wait, you’re already done?" Folmirra exclaimed in surprise as she looked down at the ten purses laying in front of her. Usually it would have taken him considerably longer, but he put ten of his 15 new stat points into agility, and divided the rest amongst every stat of his.

Furrowing her brows, Fulmirra slowly inspected each one to make sure they’re all up to par, and then leaned back in her chair and sighed out loud. "They’re all perfect quality... Denmir was right, you’re a genius!"

She closed her eyes and nodded, keeping her arms crossed. "Alright, here you go, you deserved it." She opened a bag lying underneath the counter and placed 80 Copper coins on the table.

[Quest Successful - Purses Amass]

[Description] Folmirra Brighthood asked you to create 10 more purses for her shop. She will reimburse you for your work. Only an item with at least a Rank of 0 and Quality of Above Average will be accepted. Higher Quality may give a Bonus.

[Reward] 5 Copper, 10 Experience for every finished purse

[Failure] Lowered Reputation with Folmirra

[Time Limit - End of the Day]

[Bonus] 1 Copper for every quality higher than ’above average’ per purse; Higher reputation with Folmirra

Eisen nodded and looked through the quest notification. And after thanking Folmirra for the bonus money, he decided to finally ask something he should have tried to find out earler. "Folmirra, I’m pretty curious, what are all possible qualities of an item?"

Surprised at this unexpected question, Folmirra began to frown "What? You don’t know? Didn’t Denmir explain that to you?"

Seeing Eisen shake his head and Bree just tilt her head in confusion, Folmirra sighed and began to explain. "There’s 8 different main qualities. Lowest, Low, Below Average, Average, Above Average, High, Highest and Perfect. That is what shows you the quality of an item within its rank, but know that no matter how high the quality of a Rank 1 item is, it will never be better than the lowest quality rank 2 item. So a Rank 1, Perfect Quality Item will be worse than a Rank 2, Lowest Quality Item. Then, there are two more qualities. First, there are 11 Ranks to everything. Items, Skills, everything really. Rank 0 to Rank 10. A Rank 0 Item with a quality below lowest has the Unusable Quality, and a Rank 10 Item with a quality above Perfect has the Divine Quality. That’s all you need to know about that, really."

"I see... Well, then I’m glad I’ve been getting the highest quality rating for my ranks all the time haha!" Eisen laughed loudly and scratched his beard. "Well, if you’re alright with it, I’d like to use your workshop for some personal projects of mine. Of course, I’ll pay for all the materials and if you need me to do some work for you, I’ll do it."

"Sure, go ahead! I’d love to see what you can do!" The Dwarven owner of the Tailor Shop nodded with excitement glittering in her eyes.

Eisen thanked her, but also asked for some sketching supplies, such as pencils and paper. The reason he asked for those was that beside making a simple bag, he also wanted to start working on some different clothes he could change into.

First, Eisen picked out a fabric he would like for his bag, all the while looking around at different kinds of fabrics to use for his clothes later. For his bag, he chose a nice black cotton, as well as another dark red one to mix together while making the bag. He chose those colors since he decided to go for this general theme in attire because of the black coin with red carvings in the shape of a hammer around his neck. After choosing string that fits with the colors of the bag, he continued on to his table.

Eisen chose the black fabric as the base. He took the sketching paper he got from Folmirra and began to draw out the outlines for the bag. He went for a basic rectangle shape with rounded edges, and just so slightly made one of the two short sides shorter than the other. After finishing the sketch, Eisen cut along the lines he drew to make the form.

Then, he placed the form onto the fabric and cut it out twice in black, using his self-made exacto Knife. He simply sewed them together using the same running stitch he used for the purses, since it’s a reliable and durable one, and left out an opening at the shorter of the short sides. As the last step for the actual ’container’ part of the bag, he flipped over the edges of the opening and sewed them against the rest of the bag to reinforce the rim.

After turning the bag inside out, he was happy to see that his Tailoring Skill ranked up to 1.

[Tailoring reached Level 100 in Rank 0, upgrading to Rank 1]

[It is now easier to penetrate fabrics]

[Due to Ranking-up your Tailoring Skill, you gained +1 AGI and +1 END]

With a smile Eisen began to sketch out the part which would become the ’lid’ of the bag, making it as wide as the opening and about double as long.

Directly after sketching out the lid, Eisen drew a simple long thin rectangle which would become the form for the straps later. He cut out the forms off the paper and placed them onto the dark red fabric, tracing them to create cotton versions of them. He traced the one for the lid once, and the one for the straps four times.

Eisen then simply sewed one of the lid’s sides onto one side of the opening and turned to the straps. He stood up and quickly got some light and fluffy wool to spread half of it on one of the long rectangles. After placing another one onto that rectangle, he sewed them together all around the edges, and repeated that process a second time using the other two rectangles of red cotton.

He placed the straps onto the back-side of the bag and pushed his needle through the three layers of cotton at one of the ends to sow them onto the bag. He sewed the top of the other strap onto the bag parrallel to the first one, and then, slightly offset outward, sewed each of the bottom parts of the straps on. Eisen made sure to use the strongest string he could find and used the Backstitch instead of the running stitch.

While the running stitch he used up until now included simply continuosly moving forward while leaving a certain space between every time he pushed the needle through the fabric, the Backstitch basically works opposite to that in some regards.

You start like with the normal running stitch and push your needle through the fabric, and push it back through to the top a stitch-length away, and then return to the part you pushed your needle through the first time. For the second step, you continue forward a stitch-length further away than when you first pushed the needle through the back forward, and move it backward to just that spot, using the same hole you made before to push through. Then you essentially just continue this second step until you’re finished.

This gives the stitch more strength and flexiblity than other stitches, which is important especially if Eisen wants to carry heavy things in his Backpack.

As his finishing touch, Eisen grabbed a simple black button, cut a small slit into the end of the lid of the bag, and stitched the button onto the black cotton so that he can properly close it when he wants to.

And with that, he placed his bag onto the table and looked at it happily.

[You made a Red and Black Backpack]

[Red and Black Backpack]

[Quality - Perfect][Rank - 1]

[Description]A relatively simple Red and Black Backpack. Can store any type of item, and the weight limit is high due to the strength of fabric and stitch. The Wool-Filled straps make sure you don’t get sore shoulders after wearing it for a while.

"Great!" He smiled happily, although somewhat dissappointed he didn’t manage to break through his Rank Limit, he figured it made sense. He only got his Tailoring to Rank 1 in the middle of making it, after all.

"That’s so pretty!" Bree exclaimed with glittering eyes as she looked at the Backpack in Eisen’s eyes, while he began slowly putting his items inside. He smiled and placed his large hand on her head, sitting back down on his chair. "Well, now that that’s done, I’ve got some other things I want to make, which are clothing. There’s one thing I’ve got in mind that I want to make, but how about you help me out with the designs for the other ones? And after that, we can even design something for you, if you want. You’ve helped me out a lot today, after all!"

"R-Really? Are you serious? You want to make something for me? Just for me?" Bree muttered out confused, her cheerful demeanor completely gone.

Eisen began to frown, and nodded. "I mean, yes, why not? You’ve been watching me do all this boring stuff all day! And it’s going to be a great practice to get my skill level up as well, so it’s not like I don’t get anything out of it."

Bree nodded and wiped some tears out of her eyes, "Alright, thank you, Eisen. Nobody... ever made something for me..."

After placing a hand on her back to comfort her a little bit, Eisen got out simple paper to draw designs on. He took a few minutes to quickly sketch out a rough shape of himself, quite similar to the Mannequin he saw during Character Creation.

Drawing Skill Learned

"Oh? I didn’t know there was something like that!" Eisen said in surprise, and Bree looked at him confused. "What do you mean, Eisen? Is omething wrong?"

He shook his head and explained that he just got a new skill from sketching out the base for the design. Immediately, Bree opened her eyes wide and looked back and forth from Eisen and his drawing.

"Wait, what? You JUST got the Drawing Skill? But it’s so good already! How?!" She yelled out, getting a few looks from the other people in the workshop, but nothing more really.

Eisen laughed and scratched his beard, his eyes closed. "Well, I’m an old man, so how can I rely on skills?" He winked and turned back to his sketch.

"Alright, now tell me, what would be your ideas? I mainly want to go for relatively simple clothes that are easy to move in. What would you suggest?" Eisen moved onto the topic at hand, and Bree pushed herself up on the table to get a better look at the paper.

"I like what you’re wearing right now, but that’s kind of boring, right~? And you need lots of places to put your tools while you’re working~! I used to work as a Carrier for an Adventuring Party before, and it was super boring to have to look through my whole backpack to look for the items they needed..." Bree explained and Eisen nodded.

That was a valid point. Especially once he would move around outside of town to fight against monsters, he would need a lot of things on hand. He was told by Morrom that usually most adventurers always have healing and mana potions on hand, so having a lot of pockets would be helpful both in combat and work.

"Alright, so a simple base design, and a bunch of pockets on the pants, as well as something that makes the shirt not as boring. Got any ideas for that?"

"Hmm... I like the red and black you used for your backpack and the things you have on your necklace, so maybe something with that?"

"Sounds good... How about something like this?"


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