Chapter 15: Fiancée

Chapter 15:Fiancée

As the music continued playing in the background, Evie distracted herself by looking around. A princess named Vera had approached her a while ago and just like the emperor, the woman was unexpectedly friendly to her. Though she hurriedly left right after greeting Gavriel in an obviously hasty manner.

Elias, who was standing behind Evie, told her that Vera was the only vampire princess of the empire. Evie found it surprising because back home, there were at least ten princesses in their empire. The difference was too huge! But maybe, there were more princes?

"How about the princes? How many are there?" Evie asked Elias. Even though Gavriel was sitting next to her, she preferred asking Elias. Apart from the fact that Elias was so easy to speak with, almost giving off the same vibe she got from both Fray and Gina, Evie also thought that this way, she could avoid getting close to Gavriel – especially avoiding those bewitching eyes of his.

"There's only two, my lady." The butler said. "The Crown Prince and His Highness Gavriel."

Evie's eyes widened. Really? Only two?! It seemed it was true that the vampires' ability to reproduce offspring was indeed very low compared to humans. Now she somewhat has an understanding on why the vampires ended up agreeing with the truce.

Having her mind preoccupied with her own thoughts, she didn't see how Gavriel threw a threatening gaze towards the poor butler. Evie was blissfully unaware that the butler behind her had took a few steps away from her upon receiving the cold glare until she turned back to ask more questions.

"Wife, how about we go and dance?" Gavriel's voice was so compelling that before she knew it, she found herself turning to stare at him.

Evie's brain screamed at her to avert her gaze and thankfully she managed to look away before she lost herself in that seemingly hypnotic eyes. Dance? With him? No! She was trying so hard to keep her distance from him so why would she agree to dance with him? She only agreed to come to this ball because he didn't give her the chance to refuse. And she thought that this would be a great opportunity to understand this place and even meet the emperor so that when the time comes, she might be able to use the information she gathered over this trip to help the humans – once her father comes to rescue her and bring her back to where she belong.

"I… I'm sorry but I…" she bit her lips as her shoulders tensed up. "I'm still –"

"It's fine if you're not ready yet." His pleasing voice yanked her eyes back to him and then, he smiled at her. It was a slow and gorgeous smile, Evie had to remind herself to breathe. My god! Was this man doing this on purpose? He's definitely seducing her, right?!

Quickly dropping her gaze before she loses control and end up gaping at him, Evie pressed her lips tight as she focused her attention to the couples on the dance floor. She did the right thing. She must do her best to refuse and maintain a distance from him. She must not dig her own grave by agreeing with everything he asks.

Gavriel fell silent after that and they both just sat there silently when a beautiful and voluptuous woman in a low-cut black gown approached them. The woman had long, and luxurious looking dark brown hair and her eyes were the colour of the forest. Evie could say, she was probably the most beautiful woman at the ball, even prettier than the blond-haired princess.

"Good evening, Your Highness." She greeted and for the first time that night, someone greeted Gavriel with a genuine smile and not one that was forced and tensed up. Unlike the others, even the emperor and the princess, this woman stared directly into Gavriel's eyes. She behaved as if she knew him and were more than close acquaintances. Moreover, unlike the others who had greeted her warmly first before her husband, the woman had yet to spare her a glance. "I was surprised that you actually attended a ball, Your Highness. And since it's very rare for you to attend this kind of occasion, will you dance with me?" she offered her hand in front of Gavriel, causing Evie's eyes to momentarily widen.

Evie suddenly felt something inexplicable inside her and she failed to stop herself from staring at Gavriel with questions in her eyes. She regretted her impulse because as soon as she looked, Gavriel was also looking at her and just like her, he seemed to be asking as well. Though their questions were completely different, him probably asking for her permission and her asking him who the woman was.

She bit the inside of her lip. For some reason, her brain was lagging and while she was momentarily dumbfounded, Gavriel looked at the woman and spoke. "This is my wife," Gavriel introduced and finally, the woman turned to face her.

"Evielyn," Evie managed to say.

The woman blinked and then smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Lady Evielyn. I'm Thea. I am His Highness' fiancée."

Evie struggled to keep her serene expression. Fiancée? So that's why they were so casual with each other. Before Evie could even respond, Thea spoke again. "I believe it won't be a problem with you if I dance with His Highness, right?" she asked, and Evie didn't know why she had the sudden urge to clench her fists tight.

"Of course not, Lady Thea." She said without throwing a glance at Gavriel. She didn't see how the man's face went a few shades darker at her approval.

Thea smiled and the next moment, Evie watched Gavriel's back as he followed Thea out to the dance floor. The couples that were dancing even cleared a wide space for them in the middle of the vast ballroom.

Evie felt a sharp pinch in her hands and realised she was clenching her fists tight. She not only averted her gaze from them but also turned around from looking at the sight. Something was wrong with her. Why did she suddenly feel so awful? She did the right thing. She rejected his offer to dance with her, so naturally she didn't have the right to keep him next to her when a fair woman wanted to dance with him. She was very well educated when dealing with these kinds of situations. Even in the human empire, any lady can ask a prince or an emperor to dance if they're brave and noble enough. It was something that was normal, and she assumed it would be the same in this land…was it not? If that woman was the prince's fiancée, she must be a noble lady. She had the right to ask Gavriel for a dance so why was she feeling this way? This wasn't right.

Evie gave her head a little shake and then took a silent deep breath. She scolded herself inside her head and somehow, she managed to feel a little better. But the moment her eyes caught them on the dance floor, swaying so gracefully, staring into each other's eyes, and looking so perfect as if they were a couple made in heaven, something strange and awful bloomed inside Evie's heart.

Despite her struggles, she couldn't seem to contain this undesirable feeling eating her. She tried to push it away, knowing that it was ridiculous for her to suddenly feel something like this but why is it so hard for her to control these overwhelming responses? Why?

"Good evening, My Lady." A suave voice yanked her attention from the turmoil inside her. When she lifted her face, a tall and lean man was standing before her. He had intense sapphire blue eyes that seem to be able to pierce one's soul. His hair as blond and beautiful as the princess and the emperor. "I think I must introduce myself first." His smile was pleasing and lovely. "I'm Caius, Gavriel's brother."

Evie almost choked in surprise but somehow, she managed to keep her reactions to herself and outwardly remain graceful. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Crown Prince Caius. My name is –"

"Evielyn." He took the word out of her mouth with a smile before offering her his hand. "May I have this dance, My Lady?"

Evie didn't know what possessed her but before she could stop herself, she found herself accepting the crown prince's hand. She did that right after throwing a glance at Gavriel who couldn't seem to tear his eyes off the woman's face.

"Are you nervous?" The prince's deep voice nearly made her flinch. She finally realized his hand was already on her waist and that they were already dancing.

"Uhm… a little, Your Highness." She said as she looked up at him, momentarily putting her predicament in the background.

"Don't worry. I've got you," he assured her. As Evie looked at him, she couldn't help but admire his good looks. He wasn't as otherworldly as Gavriel but he still had the appearance that could break many female hearts. But wait… wasn't he Gavriel's brother? Now that she looked closely at him, Evie realized that Gavriel had nothing in common with this man. Evie then realised that the emperor and the princess had the same sapphire blue eyes and same blond hair as this crown prince. Why is it that only Gavriel looked completely different from the three of them – these three whom he calls family?


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