Spartan Reincarnation

Chapter 15: Erastes & Eromenos Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Erastes & Eromenos Chapter 15

Erastes meaning older and experienced while we are eromenos meaning youthful. Overall being ancient Spartan pederasty... Yet Spartan pederasty isn't all bad like other forms of pederasty in Greece since in Sparta the older erastes is a mentor and like a father figure instead of a pedophile. There even exists Spartan laws against homosexuality to encourage reproduction due to the leaders noting the population decline. My main goal must be to find a mentor who has had a great past or a great future so I can be in a position of strength. Nikolaos already found the best situation with the king Agesilaus albeit hopefully Agesilaus doesn't see Nikolaos in the same light as the late Lysander.

"Spartans! At ease." The king tells his men and all break up and start approaching us.

My group next to me all have varied expressions with Nikolaos being ecstatic, Georgios having a polite smile, and Nero looking blank. Perhaps he is nervous.

"Guys tell me who approaches you all," I tell them and Georgios makes a confused face.

"What why?" He asks.

"We all need to find the best and I have an eye for these sorts of things."

"Oh okay, I still want the final say of course."

"Absolutely" I give Georgios a thumbs up and he nods.

"King Agesilaus is approaching King Damon" Nikolaos announced with the king being 20 paces away.

"Ha Ha Ha very funny Nikolaos" I respond and the king finishes his walk cycle now face to face with Nikolaos.

"May we enjoy ourselves Bomonike?"

"Of course, King Agesilaus" Nikolaos answers to the king both giving polite smiles.

"Who are your friends?"

"Well, the tiny redhead is Georgios, the dark-haired dude is Nero, and the blonde is essentially our leader Damon." Nikolaos's answer makes the king raise his brow.

"Oh, so you're not the leader Nikolaos?" The king says with confusion eyeing Nikolaos with almost open eyes.

"No king, I'm the muscle." Nikolaos begins flexing as the king turns to me.

"Who are you, your birth parents' names included."

"I'm Damon like Nikolaos said and my parents' names were Laurel and Darius."

"Hmmm I don't recall either of those names... You used past tense for their names as well, have they both passed ?"

"Yes." I calmly tell the king and remember the night as if it was yesterday. Yet my brother should very much be alive and be aged 5 now.

"How Damon"

"My mother died through the birth of my now dead brother and my father died for him to stay with us."

"I'm sorry for your losses. Since your brother in arms with the Bomonike I will assure that your erastes is of good prospects."

"Thank you, King Agesilaus." The king then leads Nikolaos away from us leaving all of us boys alone.

"Woah look at all that food!" Georgios's mouth starts to water his love of food almost matching Nikolaos.

"You're right Georgios!" Nero's own eyes glisten and we all walk together and start to gobble down food. The variety of cheese and fresh bread go down our stomachs with ease until we eventually get full.

"Oh no, I think I ate too much.." Georgios holds his stomach and Nero's brows arch.

"What do you mean? Are you sick?"

"No... It's just remember when we first came in here and all the little fat boys got weeded out by the older paides to be picked on."

"Yeah?" Nero tightens his gaze, being interested in what Georgios will say.

"I don't want that to be me!" Georgios's face turns sour and my face turns blank making me intervene between the two.

"Georgios, if you're so worried just hold your stomach in," Georgios responds to my solution by taking a deep breath and expanding his chest.

"Hahahah" We look over and see a beardy Spartan of average stature laughing. "Little boy you could eat Olympus himself and still be skinnier than that boy to your left!" The Spartan points to me, the boy on the left. My build is by no means fat making my face noticeably sour.

"Chris you old brute that boy is just well built more so than you." Another man says but not in Spartan gear but a cloak.

"Xenophon excuse you but shouldn't you be in your estate?" Chris asks the famed philosopher, historian, and military leader Xenophon! My eyes immediately widen now I've met 3 historical figures that are known throughout time. Xenophon is the figure who led his Greek army out of Persia with her army on his tail for 3 years. Also being the man who wrote down almost everything known about Ancient Sparta.

"No, since my eldest will be joining here in years time. I want to get acquainted with what will be his future home." Xenophon answers with a powerful voice that fits a veteran of the Ten Thousand.

"So will you not be partaking in finding an eromenos?" While Chris speaks he eyes Georgios making Georgios give a nervous smile.

"If Sparta allows me to then I might but only if someone impresses me." Xenophon with hands behind his back looks at me once he finishes.


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