
Chapter 20 20 - Long Gen's Battle

The air crackled with intense energy as the group of powerful cultivators converged upon Long Gen. The sky was darkened by thick, ominous clouds, as if reflecting the tumultuous events unfolding below. The ground trembled beneath the collective force of the three Rank 1 Qi Experts and the seven or eight Level 3 Qi Trainees.

Long Gen, unflappable and unperturbed, stepped back a few paces as he braced himself against the crushing wave of power unleashed by his opponents. His cultivation base, at Rank 2, radiated intense undulations of energy, pushing back against the relentless assault. Despite the intensity of the situation, Long Gen's expression remained calm and collected, revealing nothing of his thoughts and intentions. The Green Lotus City Lord and the other three experts were unable to penetrate his poker face, leaving them uncertain of how to proceed.

The Green Lotus City Lord furrowed his brows, as he pondered over a troubling question. He had been tirelessly working to rid his city of the rats and criminals that had taken over, and he was determined to leave no stone unturned in his quest for a clean city. Despite his meticulous investigation of the Criminal District, he still had some nagging doubts that lingered in his mind. He couldn't shake off the thought of how a Rank 2 Qi Expert could suddenly appear out of nowhere, and where the Criminal District was getting the resources to train so many Qi Trainees. He was determined to uncover the truth and make his city safe once and for all.

Upon conducting thorough investigations, he uncovered a shocking revelation. It seemed that there was a formidable entity supporting these recruiters, and he suspected that it could be a malevolent sect with connections to the demonic realm. He discovered that the recruiters were targeting vulnerable children, mainly those living in poverty-stricken areas, and were luring them to a remote region near the Tang Mountains.

The demonic sect is a powerful and mysterious organization that preys on the vulnerable and the marginalized. Its members are mostly children and young adults who have grown up in desperate circumstances, such as poverty, neglect, or abuse. These individuals have faced immense suffering and trauma, leaving them with a deep sense of insecurity and a need for a sense of belonging and purpose.

The demonic sect exploits these feelings by offering them a place of refuge and a sense of community. Through careful grooming and manipulation, the leaders of the sect convince these children that they are the chosen ones, destined to bring about a new world order and achieve greatness. The sect members are brainwashed into believing that their loyalty and devotion to the sect is the only way to achieve this greatness, and that anyone who opposes them is their enemy.

As a result, these children become the perfect pawns for the demonic sect's sinister agenda. They are fiercely loyal, obedient, and willing to do anything to protect their leaders and the sect's ideals. The demonic sect uses these children to carry out its evil plans, manipulating them into committing heinous acts of violence and terror.

Despite the danger and evil that lies at the heart of the demonic sect, its members remain fiercely devoted to their cause. Their past experiences have left them with a deep sense of distrust towards the outside world, and they believe that the only way to survive is by sticking together and following the sect's teachings. In this way, the demonic sect becomes a self-sustaining entity, drawing in new recruits and perpetuating its reign of terror.

The Green Lotus City Lord, fueled by his determination to cleanse the Criminal District, moved forward with the purge operation despite the looming threat posed by the powerful entity behind it. He was aware of the presence of a Rank 2 Qi Expert in the city, but he was not intimidated. With the support of Western Wen, an imperial powerhouse boasting of even stronger cultivators and Qi Experts, he felt confident.

In an instant, the Green Lotus City Lord disappeared and reappeared next to Long Gen. With swift movements, he unsheathed his sword and swung it down towards the black-robed figure. The immense power behind the slash was palpable, causing the surrounding space to crack and crumble apart. Despite the ferocity of the attack, Long Gen did not try to dodge or block. Instead, he simply raised his arm towards the sword, his fingertips glowing with a soft blue hue, as if he intended to grab the sword.

The sight of Long Gen's calm and confident demeanor made the Green Lotus City Lord's expression drop, but he refused to back down.


The city walls of the Green Lotus City shook violently, as if about to crumble, due to the incredible shockwave generated by the collision between two Rank 2 Qi Experts. The force was so immense that it seemed as though the walls, which had stood tall and strong for many years, were about to fall.

However, amidst the chaos, Long Gen managed to perform a stunning feat. With his finger tips, he caught the sword that was headed straight for him, a feat that would have been impossible for most. This was no ordinary feat, but a magical technique, one that was even more powerful and intimidating than the sword slash released by the Green Lotus City Lord.

The two figures stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a silent showdown. One was suspended mid-air, while the other stood firmly on top of the city walls, his feet sinking into the ground as he held his ground. The air was charged with tension as they gazed at each other, as though sizing each other up and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.

Three towering figures, each exuding immense power and strength, approached Long Gen with determination written all over their faces. The sky was lit up with dazzling displays of magical techniques and Qi as the trio unleashed their full potential, showering Long Gen with a barrage of fireballs and poisonous gas. However, Long Gen remained calm and collected, merely waving his hand to summon a shimmering shield that effortlessly deflected the incoming attacks.

As the smoke cleared, a keen observer would have noticed a faint, glowing jade pendant hanging from Long Gen's neck. This was no ordinary trinket, but a rare and powerful Qi Artifact that only a select few were privileged enough to possess. The mere presence of this artifact spoke volumes of Long Gen's exceptional strength and skill, leaving no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.

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