Sovereign of the Ashes

Chapter 215: Venturing Out Alone

Chapter 215: Venturing Out Alone

Sein could decisively influence the outcome of a conflict involving dozens, or even hundreds, of initiates.

Yet, in a large-scale war involving thousands of initiates on each side, his individual prowess was relatively limited.

After all, Sein was only a humble magic initiate.

Even against a hundred initiates, a head-on charge was unfeasible. He could only opt for flanking maneuvers or stealth attacks to gradually whittle them down.

Three days into the battle at the Blackgrave Forest Resource Point, Sein, Daniel, and most senior initiates from the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring realized a hard truth—they could not sustain their defense.

The disparity in both the number and skill level of the initiates was too vast to be compensated for by even a top initiate like Sein.

Moreover, the Divine Tower of Land Academy had its own top initiates, including Gade, who targeted Sein immediately upon arriving at the battlefield.

Gade’s presence thwarted any chance for Sein to launch surprise or flank attacks.

In the Divine Tower of Land Academy, Gade was not the only one focused on Sein.

Over twenty Quasi Mages and hundreds of senior initiates had set their sights on him, creating a situation of overwhelming despair and helplessness.

The golden light surrounding Sein attracted dozens, if not hundreds, of magical assaults the moment he emerged from the resource point.

His magic shields, no matter how strong, shattered within seconds under the relentless onslaught.

Continuing the battle seemed futile; there was no turning point in sight.

“Let’s withdraw and fall back to our own territory. The resource points in the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring’s territory have been fortified by us over time. Not only is the magic prohibition array stronger there, but our overall power will also be greater,” Daniel suggested.

Daniel’s recommendation was undoubtedly the most pragmatic.

Anna, despite her desire to continue fighting, knew that persistence would only lead to a gradual defeat.

Continuing to fight was against the spellcasters’ ethos of calmness and rationality. This situation transcended Sein’s status as a top initiate. He had already given his all.

Anna remained silent, as did the other senior initiates and a few Quasi Mages. Heads bowed, they all seemed lost in thought.


The Blackgrave Forest Resource Point had been under a relentless barrage of elemental explosions and magic bombardments for the past three days.

Its location at the confluence of two rivers offered a tactical advantage, making it difficult for the initiates from the Divine Tower of Land Academy to completely surround them.

This geographical factor was crucial. Had they been at a resource point like Creek Orchid Grass Basin, escaping the siege would have been much harder.

Amidst the quiet contemplation of the group, Daniel shifted his gaze to Sein.

Recognized for both his individual strength and his leadership, Sein was the natural choice to make decisions for the initiates from the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring.

His status as a hero and a benchmark of strength had earned him the trust of Anna, the other Quasi Mages, and senior initiates.

According to the directives of the deans and cohort leaders during the pre-war training, Sein was in a position to make critical decisions for all the initiates.

Meeting Daniel’s inquiring look, Sein removed his mask after a brief silence and looked at the people around him.

“Withdraw to our own territory, and then what? Wait for the initiates from the Divine Tower of Land Academy to come and overrun us?” he asked.

“This strategy, though it might prolong our stay in the trial space, won’t allow us to maintain control over our resource points. Eventually, we’ll lose a significant area. We could end up like the initiates from the Divine Tower of Shadows and the Divine Tower of Radiant Thunder, stubbornly clinging to a few resource points until the end,” Sein reasoned.

He then pointed outside and continued asking, “Look at the Divine Tower of Land Academy though, do you think they will just leave us be?”

His question prompted a reflective silence from Daniel and the others.

The crucial issue at hand wasn't whether the Divine Tower of Land Academy would let the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring be. Rather, it was whether Gade, along with the majority of the senior initiates and Quasi Mages from the Divine Tower of Land Academy, would leave Sein alone.

As long as Sein remained in the trial space, the top position in the individual rankings of the current regional academy war was unlikely to be claimed by anyone from the Divine Tower of Land Academy, including Gade.

Therefore, wherever Sein was, the Divine Tower of Land Academy would relentlessly attack, with Gade being especially keen on defeating him.

With the initiates from the Divine Tower of Radiant Thunder now defeated, the only remaining objective for Gade and most of the senior initiates from the Divine Tower of Land Academy was clear—to eliminate Sein!

Daniel, breaking the ensuing silence, turned to Sein. “So, what do you propose we do?”

Sein sighed, putting his Solar Eye Mask back on again. “It’s not about what you all should do, but rather what I should do.”

Addressing the varied expressions of surprise, shock, and admiration from the group, he stated, “I plan to leave the Blackgrave Forest Resource Point and venture alone into the territories of the Divine Tower of Radiant Thunder and the Divine Tower of Land Academy.”

“As soon as I leave this resource point, the Divine Tower of Land Academy’s attack here will significantly weaken. They won’t be as determined to capture it. With most of our elite initiates from the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring here, even if they do manage to take Blackgrave Forest, the Divine Tower of Land Academy will incur substantial losses,” Sein explained.

“Moreover, I expect a considerable number of senior initiates and Quasi Mages from the Divine Tower of Land Academy will pursue me once I leave. This golden light pillar around me is like a beacon for them. You might not know, but I’ve already been chased by initiates from the Divine Tower of Land Academy before,” Sein added with a light chuckle.

His words left the other Divine Tower of Verdant Spring initiates in admiration.

Sein’s willingness to divert the Divine Tower of Land Academy’s attention, coupled with his past experiences of being pursued by many of their senior initiates and Quasi Mages, clearly set him apart from ordinary initiates.

This realization dawned on the other initiates from the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring, making them feel indebted to Sein, regardless of how one viewed the situation.

“Won’t you be putting yourself in danger by venturing out alone?” Anna asked in concern.

“No, staying put in one resource point is actually riskier for me,” Sein responded to Anna’s concern.

“I don’t plan to just hide away. The entire vast trial space is where I can best exercise my abilities. It’ll be more taxing, especially having to stay vigilant during meditation and naps. But thankfully, I have this,” he said, gesturing to his crystal ball.

The thought of one person drawing the attention of almost all the initiates in the trial space, except those from the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring, was daunting for most.

Yet now, it seemed like the only viable strategy.

Daniel was the first to nod in agreement with Sein’s plan, soon followed by Anna, though her expression betrayed her concern for him.

Sein, unfazed by the impending challenge, turned to Daniel and Anna before departing. “Please take care of Selina for me. If things get dire, it’s better for her to exit the trial space than to die here.”


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