Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 340: The Great Battle

Chapter 340: The Great Battle

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint slashed out with his sword, and Tang San once again retreated like a phantom, weaving through the sword net and drifting to the side. But this time, the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint didn't pursue. Instead, he abruptly turned his massive sword and thrust it into the ground in front of him.

In an instant, the Golden Astral energy in the air brightened, and blinding golden light erupted, transforming a thirty-meter radius around the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint into a golden ocean.

Aren't you good at dodging? Then I'll give you an area attack and see how you evade this!

At the moment when the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint thrust his heavy sword into the ground, Tang San also moved. As he landed, he stomped his right foot on the ground, and green light burst from his body.


The spot where Tang San stomped emitted a deep rumble, causing the Great Beast Fighting Arena to tremble. This timing coincided perfectly with the eruption of the Lion-Tiger Golden Astral, so when the rumble sounded, it was also when the golden light completely enveloped Tang San's figure.

This was War Stomp, the bloodline ability of elephant demons.

Why had Tang San integrated the elephant demon bloodline imprint? It wasn't because the bloodline itself was particularly high-tier, but because it could compensate for his own lack of physical strength. Elephant demons were a rather pure race, and their bloodline power was entirely focused on physical strength. Their only innate ability was War Stomp; they lacked flexibility and pretty much everything else, but when it came to sheer power, they were unparalleled—such was the result of specialization.

The shockwave from the War Stomp, cloaked in the Wind Astral, burst outward in a green hue. The Lion-Tiger Golden Astral was indeed formidable, and it produced an incredibly fierce burst of power in that instant, but Tang San's combination of War Stomp and Wind Astral made his own burst of power equally fierce.

The shockwave exploded outward, colliding with the Lion-Tiger Golden Astral explosion. The two forces largely canceled each other out. Protected by the Wind Astral and propelled by the force of the War Stomp, Tang San soared into the sky, breaking through the explosion area of the Lion-Tiger Golden Astral. His body shot upward, encased in the greenish-blue light.

At that moment, a streak of golden light suddenly slashed out from the exploding Lion-Tiger Golden Astral, transforming into a golden arc in the air.

It seemed as if it was intent on tearing the sky apart.

The instant Tang San flew upward, this golden arc chased after him. Its speed was at least twice that of the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint's previous attacks.

Thrusting the sword into the ground was not only meant to trigger the Lion-Tiger Golden Astral but also to store power for this slash. The Sword Planting Strike! The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint had used this move to slay countless opponents.

The Wind Astral surrounding Tang San was almost instantly shredded by the terrifying sword beam, and it seemed that he would be torn apart in the next moment.

But in that instant, his body suddenly became ethereal. Yes, for one brief moment, his body actually turned immaterial! The golden sword beam swept through him and into the air behind him. The terrifying aura of that moment caused the entire audience to fall silent.

Tang San's ethereal figure solidified again in the next moment. The Wind Astral that had been slashed apart reformed, and the next instant, it exploded with a bang, propelling him not away from the fight but back into it. He dashed toward the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint, whose Golden Astral had just been extinguished, and swung Sky Shatterer directly at him.

A look of shock flashed in the usually resolute eyes of the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint. At that moment, he was sure he had struck his opponent! No matter how good Tang San's footwork was, he couldn't evade in mid-air. How could he avoid the attack? Moreover, the Sword Planting Strike was both incredibly fast and powerful; in the eyes of a normal person, it moved at the speed of light. What kind of ability did the human have that allowed him to evade such an attack?

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint needed a moment to recover after consecutively unleashing the Lion-Tiger Golden Astral and the Sword Planting Strike. At this precise moment, Tang San's counterattack came. His timing was impeccable.

At that moment, not far away, a thunderous roar echoed. Among the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint's Unbeatable Squad teammates, one had already fallen.

After four teleportations with the array disc, Du Bai finally found an opportunity. This time, he deliberately teleported to the rear of the four pursuing opponents, targeting the one trailing behind.

Time Freeze, Golden Wing Wind Splitting Slash, and a charged Ice Spear. An eighth-order opponent had no chance against the combined assault of three powerful bloodlines. Moreover, the reason it lagged behind its three teammates was that for some reason it couldn’t understand, it had actually stumbled.

Misfortune had descended!

One first-tier bloodline, two second-tier bloodlines, and a powerful ice-element control from the Ice Nymph Transformation. There was no chance for the Unbeatable Squad to get a lucky strike in, and now, they had just lost a member.

In the VIP section, a burly demon male stood up, roaring thunderously. Its eyes flickered with uncertainty. The fallen demon was its offspring, and it had paid a high price to allow this offspring to become a noble only for the latter to perish in what should have been a certain victory.

At this moment, Tang San's Sky Shatterer had already reached the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint. He was just too quick, giving the Sword Saint no time to recover.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint raised his heavy sword to block Sky Shatterer.


Tang San and his hammer were knocked back, and the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint also took half a step back.

Though Tang San was much smaller, the strength of the elephant demon bloodline was not to be underestimated. Moreover, the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint's previous attacks had taken a toll on the latter’s energy.

Tang San used the rebound force of the strike to flip in mid-air and swing his hammer once more without landing.

Another boom resounded, and the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint took another half step back. His palm felt a slight warmth.

Tang San used the rebound force to take some distance once more, but the force was weaker this time. He landed, spun around, and swung his hammer for the third time in a horizontal sweep; his shorter stature meant that the hammer was bound to strike the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint's chest.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint raised his sword to block and took a deep breath, reigniting the Lion-Tiger Golden Astral.


This time, the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint didn't retreat, and the recoil Tang San felt was even greater. However, Tang San didn't get knocked back either. With his feet firmly on the ground, he spun like a top, viciously swinging Sky Shatterer again.

After repeatedly evading his opponent's attacks, Tang San finally found the opportunity to unleash his Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint felt a suffocating frustration. He could clearly sense that his opponent's strength was far inferior to his own. However, the series of explosive attacks he had unleashed earlier had drained a significant amount of his bloodline power, and he needed a few seconds to get himself together. Yet, his opponent was not giving him that chance, with attacks coming one after another.

The power transmitted through the hammer was considerable and carried a fierce vibration, forcing him to use his full strength to deal with it and leaving him no room to readjust. He was not in his best state and he was unable to step back and recover; as for counter-attacking, that was even more of a tall order given his depleted bloodline power.

Thus, he could only defend for now, waiting for Tang San's continuous attacks to cease, and then use the opportunity to recover and regain the initiative.

Unfortunately for him, he was unaware of what Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer was all about.

The essence of Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer was leveraging the opponent's power! The user didn’t have to stop and regain their balance, but rather relied on the opponent’s power to continue moving. This would continue for as long as the user and the hammer could endure the forces involved, and the stronger the recoil of each clash, the stronger the user’s hammer strikes became.

Moreover, Sky Shatterer was not just any hammer. Its pulverization ability impacted the Lion Tiger Sword Saint’s heavy sword every time they clashed, and under the guidance of Tang San’s spiritual power, the searing heat of the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron bypassed the protection of the Lion-Tiger Golden Astral, pouring into the heavy sword as well.


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