Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 337: Sky-Shatterer Appears

Chapter 337: Sky-Shatterer Appears

"So, I believe the Unbeatable Squad will win this battle. Dear guests, what are you waiting for? Three minutes, I think it will only take three minutes for our great Lion-Tiger Sword Saint to effortlessly chop down all those clowns. The match will be over within three minutes, guaranteed. Place your bets now! And to those foolish humans betting on the Shrek Squad, my condolences. Vassals will always remain vassals!"

The discriminatory remarks yelled by the host’s shrill voice filled the Great Beast Fighting Arena and spread outside. Outside the arena, countless shouting voices rose. These were sounds of anger and resistance, filled with a mixture of hope, worry, and fear—the shouts of countless humans.

Inside the arena, the demons were already in an uproar. Due to the host's hysterical shouts, countless bets were placed that the battle would end within three minutes. These "guaranteed" bets instantly increased the total betting amount.

The host's lips curled into a smile; its goal had been achieved. It was undoubtedly backing the Unbeatable Squad to win, but it also knew that the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint had been instructed to let the opponents last for three minutes. The actual guarantee was for the Great Beast Fighting Arena itself.

In the arena, both sides were now facing each other from afar.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint opened his eyes once more. His cold and calm gaze fell first on Wu Bingji, the leader of the Shrek Squad.

Though he had Ice Nymph blood, Wu Bingji felt as if his spirit was about to freeze when he made eye contact with the opponent. It was an invisible killing intent, a powerful mental intimidation that made him feel as if his body were already being torn apart.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint... How is he this formidable?

Although they had known about his terrifying record beforehand, Tang San's calm demeanor when he chose the opponent left them also calm and unhesitant. However, as they faced this undefeated warrior today, Wu Bingji finally understood how terrifying someone had to be to achieve a hundred victories.

At that moment, a figure stepped out from beside him, stepping forward to stand in front of Wu Bingji.

Immediately, Wu Bingji felt his whole body lighten as the terrifying, oppressive fear vanished.

Standing in front of him was the now-taller Tang San.

The eyes visible through the holes inTang San's mask were calm and unperturbed. The overwhelming killing intent that descended upon him instantly dissolved, unable to affect him.[1]

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint's eyes flickered. Initially indifferent to this battle, he finally showed a spark of interest.

The Shrek Squad's strategy for this final battle was simple. Tang San had already planned it out before today's match began. The strongest opponent, the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint, was his to handle. The other four opponents were for Wu Bingji and the others.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint’s teammates were one at the ninth order and three at the eighth order. Even so, if a team with one first-tier bloodline, two second-tier bloodlines, and a third-tier bloodline with powerful elemental perception and control couldn't handle them, then what had they even bothered training for?

Tang San's right hand grasped the air, and a dark red light appeared. A war hammer appeared in his hand. It was Sky Shatterer!

Since obtaining Sky Shatterer, Tang San had used it just for forging and to help refine his spiritual power; it had only once appeared in battle, and that was to conclude the fight. Today, however, it appeared in his grasp from the get-go.

When Tang San first saw the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint, he knew that with his current cultivation, he would need a weapon to defeat him.

To earn such an assessment from him, it was clear how formidable the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint was. Indeed, he even surpassed Tang San's expectations.

"Let the match... begin!" the host shouted, announcing the start of this ultimate showdown.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint's four teammates moved almost simultaneously, dashing toward the Shrek Squad.

Beneath Du Bai, array patterns flickered, and a golden pattern spread out. It was the Spirit Elevation Array. He was drawing in dense spiritual energy and injecting it into each of his teammates.

Yes, the Aetherhorn Deer Demon King let them have the three array discs for this battle, to give them a better chance of survival

Tang San regarded this Aetherhorn Deer Demon King more highly because he hadn't forcibly dismantled the three array discs during his research, avoiding their destruction.

The Spirit Elevation Array activated as Wu Bingji and Gu Li took position on either side of Tang San. At the same time, Cheng Zicheng soared into the air, surrounded by a golden light as the Golden Roc Transformation was activated.

At this moment, Tang San stepped out of the Spirit Elevation Array. The reason was simple: the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint had moved. He had also taken a step forward, walking toward Tang San. His previously calm heart was now burning with battle intent when facing an opponent who piqued his interest.

At his level, he could judge in an instant whether an opponent was worth his attention and his full effort. At this moment, the figure holding the war hammer that looked like an extension of his arm was someone he deemed worthy of facing with all his might. Even if the opponent was cleaved in half by his sword in the next moment, he believed that at least this opponent deserved his respect.

Intense golden flames surged from the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint. The blaze exuded not only heat but also a sort of sanctity, making his figure seem even more majestic. The hefty sword in his hand, over two meters long and half a meter wide, was instantly dyed golden.

His first three steps were slow, but the fourth step was the start of a sprint. He charged at Tang San with enormous strides, dragging the hefty sword behind him; with each step he took, his aura grew more potent, and his golden flames burned more fiercely.

The host looked at the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint with uncertainty in his eyes. He was very familiar with this situation, having watched countless matches. The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint was going all out! The opponent was unlikely to block such an attack. Wouldn't that mean the match could indeed end within three minutes? No, that couldn't happen. If it did, he might be punished!

Was the "guaranteed win" really going to be a guaranteed win?

As the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint sprinted, Tang San started moving, striding rapidly toward him. Their strides were somewhat similar, and their speed seemed comparable. Almost simultaneously, they leaped high into the air toward each other.

The Lion-Tiger Sword Saint’s golden flames erupted. But in the next moment, all the golden light flowed into his heavy sword like rivers into the sea. The golden heavy sword was instantly above Tang San's head.

This strike was a unification of physical power, bloodline power, and spiritual power. The audience vaguely saw the entire space behind the Lion-Tiger Sword Saint turn golden and an enormous invisible beast roaring at the sky.

Faced with such a strike, Tang San's figure seemed so small, like a speck of dust in the face of endless sharpness, about to be ground into nothing and disappear entirely from the world in the next moment.

1. The original phrase here is “vanished like a clay ox entering the sea.” ☜


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