Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 314: A Victory for Humanity

Chapter 314: A Victory for Humanity

The head of the Red-Crowned Crane exploded like a smashed watermelon, yet not a speck of blood touched Tang San, as Wind Astral burst forth from him.

He now firmly grasped the dark longsword that had fallen into his hands.

In that instant, the arena fell silent. Even the Earth Demon Ox and the female Blue Fox , who had just managed to stagger to their feet, were struck dumb.

A counter-kill? He actually pulled off a counter-kill? How did he manage that? How is this possible?

This was the collective thought of pretty much all the spectators. Even Du Bai, who had just exhausted himself using the Purple Demon Eyes, was gaping. Wu Bingji blinked in shock, and Cheng Zicheng collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

The counter-kill looked simple; Tang San’s only actions were to grab the incoming sword with one hand and then smash the opponent’s head with his hammer. The fight was over just like that!

But was it really that simple?

The hand that grasped the sword was reinforced by the Mysterious Jade Hands, and the Peacock Demon bloodline’s teleportation power dissolved the sword energy that tried to penetrate his body. Under the exquisite control of Tang San’s spiritual power, the overwhelming sword energy was teleported outside his body, rendered harmless.

The formidable force carried by that sword was neutralized by the seventh bloodline imprint within him, the one he had gotten from the ninth-order elephant demon. This was followed by the Mysterious Heaven Technique, which prevented the enemy from leaving and absorbed its energy. Finally, one strike from that monstrously heavy hammer had put an end to the matter.

In that brief moment, Tang San employed a multitude of abilities to achieve that instantaneous counter-kill. What seemed like a simple act was actually a combination of his true capabilities.

He had to not only kill his opponent but also do so in a way that all the spectators could not comprehend. The Red-Crowned Crane with a quasi-first-tier bloodline thus fell then and there. Even its bloodline power was absorbed by Tang San and preserved within him.

Tang San lifted his head and looked at the Earth Demon Ox and the female Blue Fox who had just risen. He slowly began walking toward them.

Tang San was very satisfied with the outcome of today's group battle. At the brink of life and death, his allies had unleashed their full potential. This was the true trial and the real improvement. It was the best motivation for them to keep moving forward. And he himself was the guarantor of the whole team's safety. Had his friends faced a life-or-death crisis, he would have erupted earlier. The worst-case scenario would be revealing his ability to teleport. But with the array disc in place, it was unlikely that his bloodline abilities would be suspected. Of course, it would be best if such situations did not occur, as that was not what Tang San wished to see.

His companions did not disappoint him, whether it was Cheng Zicheng's Golden Wing Wind Splitting Slash, Wu Bingji's Ice Spear, or Gu Li's Time Freeze. They had all unleashed the strongest abilities of their bloodlines. With lesser cultivation, they had overcome stronger foes and defeated an Earth Demon Ox.

Although the other Earth Demon Ox and Blue Fox were still alive, they too were severely wounded. It was time to wrap things up.


With the fusion ended and facing the immense pressure of Tang San, the now-less-sharp-witted Earth Demon Ox charged at Tang San, brandishing a Totem Pole.

As he advanced, Tang San flipped the dark longsword in his hand, grasping the hilt. Hammer in one hand, sword in the other, he met his opponent head-on.

The Blue Fox shouted something urgently, but the Earth Demon Ox didn't hear her. The Totem Pole was already hurtling toward Tang San.

Sky Shatterer was at the ready!


It was a clash of the titans. Tang San needed to justify his ability to have slain the Red-Crowned Crane to the audience. And that justification was simple: unparalleled power!


After a thunderous boom, Tang San took half a step back, while the Earth Demon Ox staggered back seven or eight steps, collapsing onto the ground.

The power of an elephant demon was superior to that of an Earth Demon Ox to begin with. Now that the bovine demon was injured and its back was shredded open by the ice explosion earlier, it was at the end of its tether.

One end of the totem pole in its hand shattered. Though the pole was thick, it lacked the resilience of the dark sword, and it was unable to withstand the pulverizing force of the hammer.

Tang San swiftly swung Sky Shatterer, and at the same time, a wind blade flew toward the Blue Fox in the distance.

"No, you can't kill me, I—" the female Blue Fox Demon screamed. But the wind blade instantly silenced her cries.

Sky Shatterer directly smashed the head of the Earth Demon Ox. Along with the Red-Crowned Crane, that made it a triple kill for Tang San!

The battle was over!

At that moment, in the small section of humans on the stands, a thunderous cheer erupted.

The human vassals were almost hysterical, shouting and venting their excitement. They had won! The Shrek Squad had once again defeated a formidable foe, and they had won again! Humanity had triumphed, defeating the demons. The human team—the Shrek Headshot Squad—was victorious!

The various demons in the audience had mixed expressions—some cursed the Shrek Squad, others admired their abilities.

Astute observers were not surprised by the match's outcome; the end had been foreseeable once Tang San had defeated the Red-Crowned Crane. It was clear to all that in this battle, whichever side claimed the first kill would determine the outcome.

The Earth Demon Ox and the Blue Fox, facing the four members of the Shrek Squad, had ended up both significantly wounded. Even so, considering that the remaining Earth Demon Ox could still fight, they still seemed to have a slight upper hand.

Regrettably, the Red-Crowned Crane on the other side had suddenly fallen, defeated in a flash by what appeared to be a mere burst of Tang San’s sheer power, thus ending the battle.

The Shrek Squad undoubtedly paid a greater price this time than previous battles. At the same time, Tang San, who had previously kept a low profile, emerged in the public eye. Wu Bingji was severely restrained, but fortunately, Tang San intervened against the Sword Saint’s descendant, the Red-Crowned Crane, enabling the Shrek Squad to triumph ultimately.

Tang San came over to his friends, picked up Gu Li, and had Du Bai help Wu Bingji up. Together, they approached Cheng Zicheng.

Cheng Zicheng struggled to her feet. When she saw the noticeably aged Wu Bingji, her eyes reddened "Eldest brother..."

Wu Bingji gave a faint smile, weakly saying, "I'm alright."

Tang San nodded. "You’ll be fine. Let's go."

At this moment, the spectator stands had become utterly chaotic. Only the cheers of the human vassals continued unabated.

The next instant, it seemed the audience outside the arena had also learned the outcome; cheers for humanity suddenly resounded around the entire Great Beast Fighting Arena.

Today, humanity won, defeating a formidable foe. The Shrek Squad triumphed once again. The battle was tough, but the outcome was a victory for humanity. An unprecedented sense of relief appeared almost simultaneously in the hearts of every human vassal who received the news.

This was the first time in their lives they felt such exhilaration, the first time their hearts were so filled with joy. They truly seemed to see the dawn of hope. Humanity won! It was proof that humans could defeat the demons!

Both of Cheng Zicheng's arms were fractured. Her left forearm broke into three pieces, and her right upper arm into two. This was the result of their full-force effort.

Gu Li was comatose from the mental exhaustion and had also sustained significant concussive injuries. Wu Bingji's condition was the most severe, with a serious depletion of his life force. The burning of his bloodline power was so intense that it had damaged his very essence.


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