Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 5: I Didn't Do Anything Yet, So Why Are You Acting Like this?

Chapter 5: I Didn't Do Anything Yet, So Why Are You Acting Like this?

A tall but slender figure quickly dashed ahead, passing trees in a blur as he nimbly ran deeply into the forest before quickly jumping high onto a tree branch in a few seconds later, his body lazily leaning against the trunk of a gigantic tree completely hiding his entire figure.

"Is it here?" Li Chen mentally asked his funny cheat while carefully observing the area around him.

Right now, he was deep in the forest and currently gazing at the small enclosure with a slightly open grass area that had small and large rocks scattered all around. He could also hear the sound of running water from a river located just a short distance away from where he was hiding.

In the far-off horizon, he could see the faintest hints of dawn coming, making it easier to see the place around him, though it didn't make much difference, as he had a skill that allowed him to see in darkness.

"Yes, this is the exact location. You may have to wait for a while since the person from the mission might be arriving later on." Black nervously said since he didn't really know all the details for the mission given to him; he was just following the task given by the rules of the world.

Yes, the mission Black was informed of was from the World Rule. That was all Black needed to know how special the person was that even the World Rule was being good towards them.

However, just as soon as he finished talking, a figure suddenly burst out from the river with a loud splash causing Li Chen to abruptly stiffened up and turning around in surprise since he didn't sense any presence at all.

Black eyes narrowing down slightly with a hidden sharp glint, Li Cheng retained his lazy demeanor as he leaned on the tree trunk.

It had been quite a while since someone was able to completely conceal their presence around him.

Which is making Li Cheng extremely curious as he eyed on the small thin figure currently standing still in the open space. The person's head was lowered the entire time while letting out soft and tired pants. Surprisingly, it was a young man with a slender small figure, looking entirely harmless, but Li Chen knew that he couldn't base a person just on their appearance alone.

His black eyes filled will interest as they roamed at the young man's body, his eyebrows wrinkling as he observed the severe, deep injuries on him.

They were deep enough for Li Chen to see parts of the young man bones through his injuries. Based on his observation of wounds the young man received, it was caused by both swords and daggers, and it also revealed just how much those people wanted this person to absolutely die.

Which the young man was definitely also poisoned by whoever was after him since Li Chen could see a purple tint on his rather white skin, especially concentrated at his injuries.

He couldn't help but wonder about how could this young man was able to continue moving until now, especially how the youth must have swum in the cold river for an extremely long time as he hid and ran from people determined to take his life.

Li Chen could tell just how much the young man's enemies had done their very best to eliminate him which they failed to do so since the person was decisively and ruthless to himself to use the river to run away from them, although from the look of it now, this person will defiantly die if he was unable to get any medical help quickly.

He was really interested to know who this young man is... Li Chen soon quickly shook his head, deciding against the idea since he was confident that the young man would bring him nothing but trouble, even without knowing his identity.

Still, that didn't stop Li Chen from admiring the young man's unyielding will and determination.

Simply based on the way the young man continued to persist with his back remaining straight despite the stress, pressure, terror, and pain he should be feeling, Li Chen could see his strength.

And when the young man raised his head, despite his intention, Li Chen could not stop staring deeply since he was quite curious about what expression the young man was showing on his face and as he looked closer, Li Chen has instantly stopped breathing for a few moments, his black eyes widening slightly.

The young man was very beautiful and overwhelmingly charming; the pale white color on those young face was adding more to his current beauty.

Oh, Li Chen was not someone that could be easily affected by a person's appearance; in his original world, he met numerous and beauties of different kinds, but in the end, his heart still remained rather calm.

He might appreciate their beautiful appearance but he would never be affected by it to the point that he felt emotion toward them.

His heart had never been moved by a person before, but right now it was surprisingly different.

Li Chen found himself moved by just a single glimpse; somewhere deep within him, he felt his soul tremble before an overwhelming thrill rushing through, it felt like he has found the special being that he has been looking for a very long time.

When he saw the young man's eyes, he became completely and utterly fascinated.

His reaction seemed to be extremely unusual, there is definitely something wrong, but Li Chen couldn't figure out what it was about.

However, the entire time, Li Chen whole being was overflowing with excitement.

Unbeknownst to Li Chen, his black eyes glowed as it quickly filled with uncontrollable madness before the gleam disappeared, eyes returning to normal.

He didn't know why he was feeling this way, but his entire being was screaming that he must get it, to not let it run away!

And Li Chen decided to follow his instinct.

He continued to watch the young man with obsessive gaze, watching the person raised a rather thin left arm to wipe away the water dripping over the pale young face with a very small hand that looked entirely soft; the young man every single movement was extremely beautiful, graceful and touching.

And as the young man long eyelashes fluttered, it proceeds to enhance his beautiful amber eyes that seemed to contain a dazzling light.

Li Chen that has always remained unaffected by everyone around him was utterly captivated by the clear and calm amber eyes that glittered brilliantly with an impressive show of great determination and unyielding will, those eyes felt so utterly warm and fierce that it just took his breath away.


Hearing the animal howl in the distance, Li Cheng body has quickly stiffened while his attention has finally awakened, right at this instant, all he wanted to do was to rush out to save the person before his very eyes, but it seemed that the young man has swiftly made his actions.

The young man seemed to have always been prepared and ready to react to any danger that might suddenly appear around him, not letting his guard down even a tiny bit.

And Li Chen who saw it has stopped himself with great difficulty and has decided to watch over, after all, even he knew that the young man is definitely a skilled martial arts person with internal energy.

Soon an ordinary white higher has quickly appeared, which was the young man can handle despite being severely injured.

Besides, even if he appeared right now, Li Chen knew that the young man would definitely move to attack him.

Oh, not because the young man was being violent, it was because the young man could not trust anyone right now; he will definitely not let his guard down no matter what happened unless a person he trusted appeared.

From the look of the dangerous situation, the young man would not allow any single mistake to happen, and even if there was a high chance that a person has suddenly appeared that might save him, there is no way that the young man will accept it so easily.

The young man was definitely in an extremely stressful and tense situation such that all he could think about was how to save himself, so any person who drew close would be attacked.

Li Chen could sense the hostile killing intent radiating from the young man's body despite how he tried to hide it.

Anyone else might have missed it, especially with the young man calm amber eyes, but Li Chen was quite skilled in that aspect.

So Li Chen watched as the young man quickly dashed ahead and with a flick of his wrist, the sword in the young man's hand has easily cut off the head of the white tiger, causing the blood to splattered around, which has also drenched the young man body.

In which the young man just turned his attention at the sky, tilting his head slightly while letting out harsh and tired pants, showing how completely exhausted he was at the moment. Still, calm amber eyes glimmered with an unknown emotion as he used his long wide sleeves to remove the blood on his small delicate face.

A second later, another howl echoed loudly, causing the young man to turn his head towards a certain direction before another howl echoed loudly and from what Li Chen could tell, it appeared like a pack of wolves has sniffed the thick smell of blood.

Li Chen soon watched with a deep gaze at the young man that has shudder slightly after knowing about what animals were coming toward him before a soft sigh escape his lip and stumbling weakly to the closes rock before sitting down against it with his back hitting the hard rock.

And with ncreasingly fascination, Li Cheng continues to observe the way the young man beautiful amber eyes remaining calm despite the dangerous and desperate situation he was in, the sword on his hand dropping on the ground, seemingly finally succumbing to exhausting and was unable to fight anymore.

With a last burst of strength, the man has gently reached out with his right hand to take out an item from inside his clothes which the usually calm amber eyes has suddenly filled with overflowing tenderness as he gazed at the amulet item on his hand, causing Li Chen to have a sudden feel extreme dissatisfaction and envy.

Li Chen had always wanted that kind of warmth but was unable to attain it, no matter how hard he tried, since no one was able to move his cold heart.

But this time it was different.

He finally met a person who could move his heart.

"Little Nie... My little Nie... this seems to be Uncle's end..." the young man soft voice sounded in the large space as he let out a sighed of regret.

"There will be no Uncle to protect you anymore..." Amber eyes quickly flashed worriedly.

"So... Stay strong and please live..." the young man worriedly prayed, while ignoring his own situation.

"Sigh... Father... Elder Brother... Second Brother... Little Xen has done his very best... I'm coming to you now."

And with a slight curve of his small pink lips, the beautiful amber eyes have slowly closed, finally entirely losing his consciousness, the small slender body eventually unable to withstand the stress it experiences any longer as he slumped down, still gripping the charm tightly in his hand as if it was his last act of resistance.

A few seconds later, a tall young man appeared a short distance away from the unconscious person, emotionless black eyes staring at the person before him.

Li Chen couldn't help being touched by the deep sentiment, devotion, and attachment that he just witnessed, and couldn't help but entirely wondered if he were to save the young man right now, would he also get that kind of devotion and attachment towards himself?

Since he will become this person benefactor for saving his life.

The beautiful and charming young man would definitely trust him, right? Since the young man was the only person he has met that could affect his emotions, Li Chen could experience that kind of warm feeling too right?

Black eyes brightening up at the mere thought of having that warmth causing his thin lips to curve up in delight and hope which he soon stared passionately and fiercely at the unconscious young man before his tall body has bent down as he gently picked up the fragile, vulnerable and beautiful young man into his arms.

Completely treating the person he just met as the most important treasure on his life starting today, Li Chen's heart skipping a beat at the mere feeling of having a soft body in his arms.

Ah, these emotions feel completely wonderful and amazing.

"Since I saved your life, you'll be mine and will be good to me, right?"

Li Chen turned around, his gentle dark eyes turning indifferent as he glanced at the pack of wolves that had finally arrived in the enclosure, a dangerous aura quickly radiating around his tall body and with a mere swift move of his sleeves, a burst of wind rushed over to the wolves, easily cutting through their bodies and causing blood and body parts to fly and scattering everywhere.

Indifferently glancing one last time at the carnage that he just easily causes, Li Cheng has quickly turned gentle as he tightly hugged the unconscious young man gently and kindly on his arm because this person is his greatest treasure which is extremely different from the callous attitude he had shown a moment ago.

And the entire time, an invisible Flake floated around while recording about what was happening after Snow had truly fallen unconscious, confident that the young man would save himself.

"Snow is so awesome, now we have such a strong ally." Flake cheered up, flashing blue light every second while entirely ignoring the unusual treatment and behavior of the young man towards his owner.



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