Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 29: Lets All Reveal Our Desires!

Chapter 29: Lets All Reveal Our Desires!

"Um... Hello? Host... you have to go now..."

Suddenly, a black orb couldn't help but spoke in a rather timid and nervous voice as he interrupt the currently heated and passionate interaction of the two figure before him, specially when the taller and slender figure hand has already move inside the purple royal robe of the other much more smaller and delicate figure that has been entirely press over the wall.

Snow that has been press by a warm and lithe body couldn't help but let out a soft and weak moan as the larger lip that has been passionately overlap with his pink lip has been slowly detach with great difficulty by Li Chen, while the silver of saliva that connect the two of them from the intense lips lock that they has just done is cut off and went down into a slender neck.

Wet and arouse amber eyes dazedly stare at the person deep darkened ink eyes, feeling completely bothered at how hot he currently felt all over his delicate body as the hand that has been grabbing tightly at Li Chen shoulder couldn't help but pull him closer.

"... Snow... you have to go to Little Nie now." Flake couldn't help but remind too while a pinkish light couldn't help but flash once in a while as he float close by while secretly recording the video of Snow and Li Chen intimate action which other, something that Snow will only know at the end of his life in this world.

Snow that has been arouse, amber eyes shimmering with emotions while the swollen pink lip let out a soft pants once in a while from the passionate kiss that he has just experience couldn't help but take a step forward as soon as he heard Flake voice, his mind reminding him that it is time for him to help the Young Emperor, only to find himself unable to even stand up properly when his own legs buckle up, seemingly having no strength to stand up properly.

And exactly the same time that Snow was about to fall down, a warm large hand suddenly grasp his thin waist and pulling his delicate body forward as it touch his lover more hotter lithe body than it usually is.

"Baby... I love you..."

A deep and hoarse voice filled with deep affection suddenly sounded out close to Snow ears that he can even feel the warmth of Li Chen breath, his voice sounding so sensual that all of Snow remaining strength vanish causing his entire delicate body to lean more over while his soft hand couldn't help but grip Li Chen robes in order to steady himself more while Snow crimson cheeks has been place over a warm sturdy chest that has been breathing more faster than ever while another large warm hand was place over at the curve of his slender hip.

Dark ink eyes deepened more as he saw the tantalizing appearance of his little lover, a predatory glint flashing on his pupil, before taking a long deep breath as Li Chen desperately tried to calm himself, only to find his body bending over and placing a chaste kiss over his little lover forehead while a thought suddenly flash on his mind as hunger dark ink eyes deepened with intense desire as he gaze at the person wrapped around his arms.

He desperately wanted to eat this person dry at this moment on.

Soon, Li Chen wouldn't be able to stop himself if this keep happening.

His little Xen just felt so sweet that he is getting so addicted every single time that he got the time to touch him specially when his large hand move as it tightly grip the flexible hip of his little lover causing Li Chen to swallowed hard while forcing to control himself for a few more minutes as his forehead lean against the wall, eyes so dark like an abyss.

He need to propose when this is entirely over soon.

While Li Chen tried to force out his desire, Snow was able to get his consciousness steady while staring at the chaotic white robes, specially when he saw a bit of that muscular chest that has been hidden before causing Snow to swallowed hard as eagerness fill his entire being while secretly planning on how to get married soon.

After all of this is over, should I propose soon?

After a few more minutes in trying to forcefully extinguish both of their desires with great difficulty, the two of them has finally left after fixing their chaotic appearance.

As they by pass dead bodies all over the place, both enemies and allies, Snow and Li Chen has finally arrive at the entrance of the Royal Hall of the Palace and saw a group of an elite soldiers with blood covering their armors guarding the entrance, stopping anyone from entering inside.

Amber eyes calmly gaze at them, not moving a tiny bit even when the group of elite soldiers has finally known their presences while Li Chen just tilt his head back a bit and right before Snow eyes, the group of elite soldiers all bow their heads in respect at the exact same time before splitting apart, making a path in the middle for the two of them to enter the Royal Hall.

Pink lip couldn't help but raise up a bit while amber eyes glimmer with tenderness as Snow gaze at the young handsome man at his side, though a surprise expression was outwardly express on his beautiful face, but inwardly, Snow only felt great adoration since he has been watching Li Chen the whole time when his lover was not staying by his side.

Feeling the adoring gaze of his little lover, Li Chen gaze down at the beautiful and charming Regent King with tender love on his dark ink eyes while secretly feeling delighted a the expression that has been shown by his little Xen, maybe he should show more of what he was capable off and Li Chen might get a surprising reward from it?

"Come on Baby. It will be over soon."

Snow nodded his head, while calmly walking ahead and entering the Royal Hall with his lover walking next to him.

"Watch Out!"

Suddenly a loud shout echoed out causing Snow amber eyes to blink while his entire attention began to focus more at what is happening inside the Royal Hall, Snow immidiately saw the figure of a person that is currently dashing toward the Young Emperor sitting on the throne with an untidy appearance as his entire body emitting a dreadful killing intent while the man green eyes brim with madness.

Amber eyes just silently stare at the dangerous person that is madly dashing forward as it tried to take away his little Nie life for a few more seconds before nonchalantly glancing at the other people that have been in the whole Royal Hall.

In another side of the Royal Hall, Snow saw a severely injured Wang Lau and a currently poisoned Hong Tai that has an extreme expression of anxiousness all over their faces, not even a tiny bit of happy emotions are being displayed at the dangerous situation of the Young Emperor, when it will obviously be in their favor if the Young Emperor die right at this instance.

As he glance around, everyone has the exact same expression on their face as they warily gaze at the currently insane Wang Lou that was about to take the Young Emperor life while a shivering Xiao Feiyu was rooted in the floor, seemingly no strength to even try to run away as blue eyes is filled with absolute terror.

Entirely feeling indifferent with the whole thing, Snow continue to take a step forward as amber eyes gaze with calmness at the dangerous situation of the Young Emperor, though he couldn't help but blink in confusion when the Young Emperor red eyes widen a bit when it met his own amber eyes.

Snow couldn't help but blink innocently when his Little Nie red eyes seemed to be giving a pitiful and grievous expression as he look toward him causing Snow to become silent for a second as he thought deeply about why is his nephew giving that kind of expression at the moment, base from what he has just seen in the holographic live video and the plan that he has already told little Nie ahead of time, there was nothing that would have made him feel like that at all.

Or did he do something wrong?

Just a three second of asking that question, Snow inwardly shake his head immediately since he was sure that there was nothing wrong that he has done to make little Nie appear like that.

Base from what Snow is currently seeing, Little Nie is probably asking for help about the currently crazy man action, since Wang Lou is a disturbing sight to see after all.

So after thinking deeply about it all, Snow just peacefully walk step by step while gently swaying the large hand that has been holding his the whole time.


A few minutes before Snow and Li Chen even arrive together.


A soft and hopeful voice echoed out while wide blue eyes remain oblivious and confuse about the current mad Wang Lou that has just finish stabbing his own father from behind.

Darkened green eyes immediately turn his head at the person that has spoken, breaking the silent that has remain from the Royal Hall after the shocking event.

Rong Nie that has been watching couldn't help but remain silent the whole time but even he couldn't help but inwardly think about how stupid the action of Xiao Feiyu has just done.



A scream of pain filled with disbelief immediately echoed out loudly as the delicate and graceful figure of the beautiful Xiao Feiyu drop violently at the ground with a loud sound.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly wince as they watch the beauty being ill treated by his own husband.

Xiao Feiyu couldn't help but widen his blue eyes in fear, as he can no longer stay in denial after receiving the beating from the person that is supposed to be his husband, the person that has promise to protect him from all danger when he promise to marry him.


"What?" Xiao Feiyu just continue to feel confuse with the whole ordeal specially when he heard the appalling word that Wang Lou has just spoken.

"Your still try to act all innocent? You sure are a good actor, even I couldn't tell what kind of a person you really are, such a liar and a cheater."

"What are you talking about? Lou... Lou... I don't get it."

Xiao Feiyu heart started to jump faster as ominous premonition started welling up inside him, that something bad is about to happen and he wouldn't like it one bit.

Wang Lou green eyes flash in negative emotions as it brim with madness while the handsome face began to distort as he madly reach out something on his long sleeves, a blue color orb on his hand appeared that soon took everyone attention.

"Watch it for yourself!"

With a very intense hatred, Wang Lou has roughly thrown the blue orb in the middle of the Hall room, just right before Xiao Feiyu as a water like mist suddenly appeared and form into a huge square form, and before anyone know it, a very shameful sound along with an obscene image appeared right before everyone surprise eyes.

While Rong Nie immediately started blocking his ears and closing his red eyes as soon as he saw the magical orb item that Wang Lou has taken out without hesitation even if it was a dangerous move on his part because Little Nie Imperial Uncle has told him to do all this action since what will happen after will going to dirty his innocent eyes, something that confuse Nie for a bit but he was following his Imperial Uncle instruction because Nie believe and trusted him with his whole life.

At first everyone watch as a man in red robe with a very handsome with sexy allure suddenly appeared in a large room before quickly standing behind a very beautiful and mesmerizing person that has soon began to interact intimately with the slightly surprise Xiao Feiyu that has his face turn crimson with shyness however, there was no hesitation and resistance on his part.

And before anyone know it the two people started to engage in a rather fiery and passionate action as the Red robe man pushed down Xiao Feiyu naked figure on the bed before gasps, pants and moan echoed out loudly after a long while, everyone eyes widened more specially when the now slightly naked red robe man has taken hold of a slender white leg and place it all the way up on his shoulder before his body began to move forward but regretfully soon the video has stop playing on that important part.

But everyone in the Royal Hall, aside from the Young Emperor, has known about what has happened next after the image was cut off, but before everyone could take a breath at the shocking and rather enticing images that they has just witness, another image with the same place appeared soon after but with a different person this time around, it was a middle age man with normal appearance that has appeared, and everyone couldn't help but gasp in shock after they clearly saw the person appearance since everyone has known about him!

That has been the richest man in the entire Rong Dynasty that has just pass away a weeks ago.

Before everyone could think more deeply about what was happening, a much more intense, and obscene scene appeared them, this time around is a complete video as the two person seemed to let all the wildness as they move like an animal, the middle man without gentleness played the beautiful and young fair in the scene with all his heart, while Xiao Feiyu has take it all without any complain as he seemed to indulged himself completely on it.

The video was so intense as the two people make a move of a mind bogging make out scene as they seemed to has let all lose themselves, it was so fierce and passionate that it even cause everyone face to turn crimson red, some of them even couldn't help but glance with a rather disturbing look at the shock Xiao Feiyu as their gaze at him meaningfully causing the already pale face of Xiao Feiyu to turn more pale as white as a piece of sheet.

Right at this instant, all that was running on Xiao Feiyu mind was the fact that he didn't even know who the other person is! Besides, there was no way that he would have done that with someone else that has the average appearance of a person.

This is fake! Definitely fake!

Xiao Feiyu inwardly scream in denial before a sudden thought grace his mind as wide blue eyes watch the scene that has been being played before him since it suddenly felt like the same thing that has happened before when he woke up the same day that Hong wasn't by his side which has been an unusual thing to happen but something that he has not thought deeply about the whole time.

Specially when he suddenly remember about what kind of world he has been living, so... that person that has appeared the next night wasn't Hong? Where is the real Hong then? Or that has been the real appearance of Hong the entire time that he has met him??

Either it is a fake or true one, the most important fact is about the man not having a handsome appearance when that very night has happened, where he has experience the most intense and satisfying night on his entire life.

He... He... He has been with a stranger and a rather older man with an average appearance the entire whole time?

Xiao Feiyu couldn't help but felt a bit nausea instantly at the thought of it, sure he like men and can sleep with different people but that is because of how handsome and beautiful they have been that he cannot control himself at all!

I... I...

"AH!" Xiao Feiyu let out a loud sound of pain as a hand has suddenly grip on his slender neck while his feet dangle in the air when his entire body has been raise high up, and as blue eyes met the green one of his husband, Xiao Feiyu couldn't help but shudder when he met the ice cold green eyes of Wang Lou along with that distorted face of his.




"Your so disgusting! To think that you have been that kind of person all along!"

Blue vein bulge on Wang Lou forehead, as he felt an intense rage inside him while feeling distaste at the person on his hand.

This person has been the wife that he has chosen! And it was a liar and a cheater all along!

There is nothing that can be trusted in this world, even his own father has given up his life and abandon him!

Suddenly a flash of the beautiful and charming face of the Regent King appeared on his mind appeared during the time that he came to visit him in the dungeon before he has been rescued.

Ah, how blind he has been to have choose this person as his wife!

Rather than choosing a weak person as his wife and feeling satisfied in being a protector, a strong and powerful person has been alright too now that Wang Lou has think deeply about it.

Specially when that prideful and powerful person was being pushed down underneath him and can only be submit at his will, just thinking about doing that to the Regent King has lessen the hatred that he felt toward him and felt extreme excitement.

However, Wang Lou still has to give a bit of a punishment to his Xen after he finally got all the power and become the Emperor when this is over!

And as he concoct a plan on his head about what he will do to the Regent King, his entire expression started to twist in a very nasty and disturbing was as he seemed to get an excited and thrilling emotion just by those thought along that has grace his mind.

When everyone caught the expression on Wang Lou face, they couldn't help but take a step back, even Wang Lau has to painfully move a far distance away, blue eyes warily staring at the currently unfamiliar son of his.

On this moment on, Wang Lau could definitely tell with a hard fact that there is something wrong with his son, he suddenly felt deep anxiety as the Regent King came into his mind.

What did he do to his own son? There is obviously wrong about Wang Lou mentality at the moment!

Hong Tai that has being supported by Hong Ling, couldn't help but warily eye the derange Wang Lou with a very guarded expression before softly whispering words toward Ling as he gave him an order while painfully grasping his chest as the poison on his body, began to get more heavy.

"Heheheh!" Wang Lou suddenly turn around and gaze at the whispering Hong Tai, causing Hong Tai entire body to tense up when that insane green eyes gaze toward him.

Hong Tai couldn't help but feel entirely confuse about how did he got the attention with Wang Lou when he hasn't even met and done anything toward him, Hong Tai feeling the weakening of his body, he can only hurriedly make Hong Ling take an action on his behalf before everything is too late.

"Hong Ling! Now! Go stop that person from making the situation more in chaos! I am sure that person is currently carrying the antidote on his person."

Hong Tai need that cure, as long as he got the cure to the poison that he has gotten then nothing will be able to stop him.

"Ah! Great General! What Great General you are! There is no need to keep commanding him anymore. It is useless after all!"

Wang Lou howl with in amusement as derange green eyes sneer at the almighty Great General, he doesn't know how and why Hong Tai has been allied with that father of his but he was sure that this person also want the throne!

His father is really naive to think that Hong Tai doesn't have any ideas toward the Throne, or does he already long known all about it and was only trying to use him?

Just like how he has been using his own son too now that Wang Lou thought deeply about it, green pupil turning colder and vicious as he shot a look at his so called Father.

Always hiding and planning something dishonest with that brain of his.

"You..." Hong Tai eyes wide in confusion before turning his attention at Hong Ling when he suddenly felt him standing up and when he take a look at the young man expression, something flash on his mind causing his eyes to widen in disbelief.

"Uncle... sorry..."

Hong Ling brown eyes stare down at the poison and painful middle age man that has disbelief expression before him, but a steel like determination suddenly flash on his brown pupil as Hong Ling take a walk a far distance away at the person that has thought everything he has known, one could say that Hong Tai was more of a master than a relative to Hong Ling when growing up.

"But I don't regret it."

He is extremely grateful by Hong Tai, however, there is just something that he dislike the most about the way his uncle does his thing and that is, Hong Tai has never thought about completely giving him the entire military power that he has over his hand.

He was obviously has been raised as an heir to the Hong Family but has been a puppet all along for him to command.

"I know that the reason that you has chosen me among the rest of our relatives was because of the magical artifact that has shown you that I has been destined to be the next Lord of the Hong Family. I could understand that all, really, but why was it that when some of the fate has obviously change, especially about Hong Tan, why do you all continue to cling into it?"

He doesn't want to be a puppet for the rest of his entire life besides, there has been this obsession that he has been trying to buried deep inside him because Hong Ling has known that there was no chance for it to happen.

"Don't you know how I felt when I learn that Hong Tan isn't destined to be the Future Empress anymore?"

Wang Lau couldn't help but feel great shock as blue eyes stare deeply at the disturb Hong Tai as a thought flash his mind after hearing what the young man has spoken, even Wang Lou insane eyes flashed with something as he continue to listen about the betrayal of this person that has offer an alliance between them when they just met when on their way to the Royal Hall.

After learning about Hong Tan change of destiny, how delighted he has been!

In that moment on, Hong Ling has been enlightened as a great inspiration well up inside him.

If their destiny and fate can be change at this moment on, then he can also change what his right?

He can also let out all those hidden thoughts that he has been trying to buried deep inside him.

In that moment, when he imagine the future that he has been dreaming all along , Hong Ling felt that he has been greatly release from the great burden that has been stopping him all along.

"Although I really betrayed you Uncle, there was no need to worry, I just want the complete authority and power that you hold. Besides, I don't really hate you Uncle, I really feel grateful for all that you have done to me till now."

As Hong Tai stared deeply at the young man that he has thought he has always known, suddenly he caught a flash of certain emotion as he stared at Hong Ling eyes which has cause more intense disbelief.

Greedy, resentment and ambitious, but among all else, intense obsession.

"Although I feel sad about you dying, I will continue to fulfill the promise I made with you before, Uncle I promise to take a great care of Hong Tan after you are gone."

Hong Ling smile gently, brown eyes brimming with happiness as it shine so brightly, looking entirely harmful and innocent, which doesn't contain even a single hesitation at all.

A white eyed wolf! Hong Tai has raised a white eyed wolf all this entire time!

Hong Ling has been hiding all those thought and even he doesn't have any single idea about it.

Intense hatred but more of a great panic and anxiousness was something Hong Tai felt more when he thought about his precious daughter life, not even the danger of losing his life can make him feel this desperate.

He is just worried about how Hong Tan will live his life when he is gone, specially when this person with great obsession is currently eyeing his daughter all along!

Hong Tai only felt utter despair the entire time, specially when a suddenly familiar figure has appeared before them, causing his eyes to widen so much that it almost look like it will pop out when he has gotten a clear look of who the person is.

Everyone else stare at the person that has suddenly appeared, before everyone understood the identity of the new person that has appeared, specially when all of them felt so confuse and panic about what is currently happening on this moment on, because it has been too much.

It was Hong Tan herself, currently has her mouth cover up, while despair, panic, and fear brimming on her eyes as she tried to understand at the situation that she found herself with, specially when she stare at the person she has grown up with all along that has suddenly turn unfamiliar.

"I will make it so that Hong Tan will not be able to live without my protection and safety. I will be the only one that she will need for the rest of her life."

"Ling... You!!! Come and kill this person away!"

Hong Tai howl with rage and hatred before ordering his elite soldier that has been standing still, worried about his entire being, but Hong Tai has stop caring about his life after learning Hong Ling ambitions.

Right now, as long as he can take away his daughter to safety, his most loyal subordinates will take care of the rest!

However, Hong Tai couldn't help but stare in incredulity when all the supposed elite soldiers of his remain standing still, seemingly not hearing what he just order.

Hong Ling couldn't help but sigh, "Uncle, there is no need to order them. They only follow what I order."

"Why the disbelief? There is no way that I will remain quiet and without doing anything while you secretly tried to control me with it."

And as Hong Ling order Hong Tai elite soldiers to stand a few distance away and remain still, and as they followed Hong Ling obediently ordered Hong Tai remain shock that he seemed unable to react about what was currently happening.

"Hahahaha! You sure raised an amazing heir Hong Tai!"

Green eyes filled with amusement as he watch the entire proceeding, though he was a bit interested about how Hong Ling was able to secretly hide the young lady that even he has been unable to even tell when she appeared but he just shrugged it all off.

"... son... stop this already..."

Wang Lau warily eyed his son, hoping to get him back to his right mind.

Green eyes immediately flash a deep hatred when he gaze at Wang Lau, "You have no right to call me as your 'son'! You obviously already decided to abandon and let me die when you heard the news of my failed attack with Xen!"

How did you know? Wang Lau couldn't help but feel panic inside him when he heard Wang Lou words but among else, has already started to get suspicious over the fact about how Wang Lou has known about it.

"But its understandable when I thought about it because after all you even didn't love my mother! So there is no way that I will be important to you. You obviously has only love one person your entire life and that is the Queen Mother, Wei Lei Shan all along!"

All those information has cause disorder on his mind when he learn all about it.

Those hidden lies, those hidden truth, the world he has thought he knew all along has been different the entire time!

Not only did the father he has great respect betrayed him, even his own wife has the courage to sleep with different men the entire time that they have been together!

But as he thought about his father love, Wang Lou couldn't help but sneer with a gleeful green eyes as he stare at the wide blue eyes of his so called father, "But you know... I heard that the Queen Mother has died... and you as always a selfish person, find your life is far more important than the supposed most important person in your whole life."

Wang Lau couldn't help but feel anxious as a suspicious began to rise on his mind, there was just something wrong about what was happening all this time.

Wang Lou sudden distorted mentality, Xiao Feiyu exposure, Hong Tai sudden poison and Hong Ling betrayal.

And as blue eyes glance at the still silent Young Emperor that has already has his red eyes wide open as he cold eyes stare all of them with a very interested expression on that young face of his. 

Rong Nie has been calmed the entire, especially with only curiosity and no surprise expression showing on his young face.

The Regent King!

"I will not be killing you father, I will let you see how I take what you want with my own hand! Now! I only need to finish the most important one!"

And that is to kill the Young Emperor!

Green eyes flash with murderous expression before dashing madly at the Young Emperor that remain sitting calmly on his throne.


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