Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 20: Snow Can Only Pamper His Lover.

Chapter 20: Snow Can Only Pamper His Lover.

"Here try this, I'm sure you will like it."

A large and slender hand carrying a bowl with a crystal clear color soup with tiny bite of meats, along with green onions and a beautiful white lotus petals was scatter around the top of the soup was place softly on the table before Snow that was currently sitting in a very comfortable chair.

The two of them are currently staying in a Dining Hall together in Snow Moon Palace.

"Here, I didn't also forget to cook one of your favorite dish."

A voice gently said before another dishes was added again causing Snow amber eyes to light up when he saw the sweet potatoes along with its green leaves was place before him.

Li Chen dark ink eyes stare at the delicate and youthful Regent King before him, eyes unable to move away before raising his hand and gently touching the top of his head.

Snow look up and letting Li Chen finish his actions before immediately speaking when the hand was remove from his head.

"Though this King doesn't dislike it, but this King has to remind you that this King is far more older than you are."

So, don't treat him like a child!

Li Chen handsome face just showed a smile, dark eyes filled with gentleness and spoiled look toward the currently dignified Regent King who was making a point about his age, but the flush on his cheeks was causing Li Chen to just find him far more charming and adorable than ever.

"Yes, Yes. Little Xen is older than I am, please forgive this young man action just now."

Snow just stared at the young man, seeing the spoiled look on his eyes, before deciding to just forget it, since this was his man anyway, he cant do anything about it.

There was nothing wrong in spoiling his man, specially when he has been working hard lately.

"Come, accompany this King to eat dinner."

After Snow finish speaking Li Chen immediately sat next to him with a smile on his face causing Snow to take a glance at him before returning his attention toward the foods before him, not reminding the young man that he could have just sat facing him.

Besides, Snow finally have the appetite to eat food after many days of leaving Li Chen sides and has started eating his own food, amber eyes lighting up a bit after tasting the delicious food on his mouth, being taken care of is nice.

His lover being a great cook is also the best!

"Does it taste good?"

Amber eyes blink, before reaching out a second later and placing foods to Li Chen own bowl and lowering his head as he continue eating but not before answering, "It's good."

Li Chen chuckle, dark ink eyes filled with pampering look at the currently eating Xen with his head lower down before putting the foods that Xen has given into his own mouth.

The candle light swayed, as the only two figure inside the dining hall, talk with each other and sometimes placing foods on their opposite bowl of rice, the scenery look extremely pleasant as the warmth atmosphere making the two people getting closer than ever.

Amber and Dark ink eyes locking from time to time, as they sat closer together.

"Your Highness the Queen Mother is asking an audience and wanted to meet you."

The warmth atmosphere immediately disappearing as an eunuch sound suddenly announce causing Snow to frown and losing his appetite as he lowered down the utensil on his hand on the table while Li Chen who has been sitting next to him, stood up and placing a hot of cup tea before Snow in order to calm his emotion down when he felt the negative atmosphere on the delicate body.

Dark ink eyes flashing lightly, before his head lowered down to cover the emotion brimming on his eyes not wanting to scared his little Xen.

Snow who was thinking something, didn't caught a glimpse of the slightly unusual reaction before him as he thought about how he already had given ordered that no one can bother the two of them unless it was the Young Emperor that was coming, then again when he remember the familiar voice and the identity of the person who was guarding the door outside at the moment, a thought suddenly flash his mind.

"Hm... tell the Queen Mother that This King will meet her in Moon Palace Hall in a few minutes."

Snow stood up and walked out the room, Li Chen quietly following behind as Snow immediately went to meet his Queen mother but not before cold amber eyes glance at the eunuch that has bowed his head and immediately left soon after receiving his order, Snow couldn't help but think that it should be the right time to also get rid of this ungrateful and unloyal person.

Wei Lei Shan, the Queen Mother sat still, paying no attention at the steaming cup of hot tea before her as she wait for her child to arrive while Green and along with the other servants stand beside her.

After a few minutes later, the door in the hall open up and the majestic Regent King wearing an unusual silky fresh green royal robes appeared, the usually slightly pale face, currently has healthy ruby color on it while the usually indifferent amber eyes is currently seemed much softer than before and his entire body radiating a bit of warmth, Wei Lei Shan eyes flashed before quickly turning her attention to the other person that came along with her child because not anyone can just walk together with the Regent King, specially when that person was walking along side him!

Unless that person is extraordinary or has a far more important place in her child heart, no one has been able to stand by Rong Xen side aside from the current Young Emperor, even that child Wang Lou was unable to.

So the Queen Mother stare at the unfamiliar person and saw that the age of the man was young, much younger than the Regent King, probably a 17-19 years old man, slender and tall with a handsome face along with that dark ink eyes filled with nothing but gentleness as he stare at the Regent King before him from time to time, obviously unafraid to show that he has a certain deep emotion toward the Regent King.

Obviously a person who has great affection toward her child, that same expression she has seen it twice before, from the late Emperor and Wang Lau and from the look of it, even she couldn't believe, are far more heavier than what she has received in the past.

"Child, this is?" Beautiful face smiled gently as she asked the other person before them after the two greeted her and has sat down, her eyes staring a bit more longer than she should have when the young man sat next to the Regent King in a rather familiar way like he has done it many times before.

This is not good, was the only thought that grace the Queen Mother mind after seeing all of it.

Snow amber eyes glance at the young handsome man, staying silent for a few seconds before opening his lip as he utter a rather short but meaningful words causing the Queen Mother to widened her eyes in shock, along with the servants around them.

"Future son-in law."

Li Chen eyes flashed in delight, this words is basically an acceptance toward what they has spoken before, he never would have thought that he will soon get his answer and in this kind of situation but never mind that, as long as he get what he want, nothing matter much.

"But... How about Wang Lou?" Queen Mother cannot bear to asked because she knew that Rong Xen really has affection toward that child, there was no way that he would have lost his affection so quickly and fell to someone else, specially to someone else that he just met a few days ago.

The words spoken by the Queen Mother cause the delight that Li Chen felt cool down, his mood suddenly turning dark, and this time, he didn't hide his expression at all.

Snow felt the emotional change of the person besides him and couldn't help but sigh, well Rong Xen really did feel affection on Wang Lou, but how can this mother of his just spoke about it? Specially when the person who he just introduce as her future son in law was right before them.

She was obviously looking for trouble, probably wanting to cause misunderstanding between them, enough to cause a rift between the two of them at that.

Its too bad, she doesn't know how the two of them are both have that possessive and almost obsessive side with the person they thoughts as theirs.

"What about that person? Queen Mother, it seemed that you have forgotten, this King has long cancelled our engagement years ago and that person has already married a main wife and have his own child too. There is no way that This King will go and become another man side wife. This King is not that desperate and have great affection to that person that this King has to go and break a happy family. Besides the reputation of the Imperial family will lose it face if this King has to do all of those."

Before Snow reach out at the obviously more less bad mood young man besides him, his small hand gently taking hold of his much warm larger hand.

"That person obviously doesn't love this King as much as this King thought so, since he married someone else after just a while of breaking the engagement, don't you think so Queen Mother?"

Amber eyes getting warmer and softer as he stare at the person he is holding the hand of, "Besides No other person beside this man has cause this King heart to beat faster than ever, making this King heart to be move, obviously this King is in love for the first time and no one will be able to sway this King heart anymore."

Yes, Snow accepted that this person will be his lover, since he decided already, why should he make everything more complicated? Even though he will live more longer in this world, but their times will always be short, he has to treasure every single time that goes by since there will be no more Li Chen in his next life.

Rong Xen and Li Chen will only have this love in this World because even if there was a slight chance that he will meet Li Chen in another world, but that person will no longer be the same anymore, they might be the same soul but it was not the Li Chen that he met as Rong Xen.

It might sound impossible at the moment but hey, Snow will continue to travel for as long as he can, there is no impossible in this world so he might meet a person not only once.

There is also those Karma that he will be connecting with in every person that he will meet, no one could never tell that because of those connection, there will be a day that he will meet them again.

Its so exciting when he thoughts about it.

So in every world, Snow will not forget them for as long as he live, and as amber eyes stare with dark ink eyes, Snow will always treasure the people that will become his lover in every world.

No matter who they are, the same or not, that feelings has always been true.

Turning his head and attention to the Queen Mother who has just visited, there was this feeling in his guts that telling him that something will happen today, blinking his eyes when he remember what Flake has told him from the spying he has been told to do, he couldn't help but lower his eyes a little before glancing briefly at the person standing next to the Queen Mother, his lip couldn't help but curve up lightly.

"Child, I heard about what happened during the celebration in the Jun Family. You might have been tired right? Mother has made your favorite snacks after knowing that you are finally back in the Palace. Here how about you try it? You too young man, I'm sure you will like it, this is one of this child favorite."

Green moved as she walked beside their table, bending down slowly and placing the tray that she has been carrying on the table, lifting the cover over it, a chrysanthemum cake immediately appeared their very eyes, looking beautiful and delicious at the same time.

This people, shouldn't be thinking that the same method they always use will always work right? Frowning, shouldn't they be thinking about different method?

With doubt, Snow amber eyes dimming down, as he stare at the snacks for a second before leaning down as a small hand try to reach out over but before he could so much as move, he suddenly found himself being lift up high in someone arms and quickly move away a distance from the other people in the room.

Confuse amber eyes stare at the suddenly cold handsome face of his lover before a thought flash his mind as amber eyes saw the man cast a transparent layer of defense around his body.

"You court death." the usually gentle voice suddenly turned cold as the soft dark ink eyes turned dangerous as he turned his eyes at the people before them.

Li Chen has always been vigilant the whole time, Little Xen safety has always been his first priority among all else, the protection he has toward him are already brimming in paranoia.

As soon as he receive the warning of Black on his mind, Li Chen already move away and has cast another defense on Xen body.

Li Chen won't allow to miss anything and cause an irreplaceable damage toward Xen, specially when he is almost fully able to cure his Cold Poison on his body.

He has long known, that most in the Royal Family that their blood tie doesn't really matter much but Li Chen saw the closeness between the Young Emperor and his little Xen and thought that this Imperial Family should have no problem, it was his fault for not checking it out clearer.

Who would have known that the Queen Mother herself was also the cause of it? Li Chen has thought of the highest possibility of someone who might have given the Cold Poison to his little Xen lurking near them but the Queen never become as the main list of suspects, specially when she has been specially known as someone that the Late Emperor has treated nicely, love and treasure the most that there were only one person in the Harem.

Having only one person in the harem, for an Emperor was already miracle enough.

"How dare you speak that way to the Queen Mother!"

Green shout but the hand she tried to keep hidden was shaking a bit, because she just started a little bit but the Young Jun has already move away blocking about what she was about to do. This time, she was already determined, even at the cost of receiving a severe injury, she decided to make the Regent King heart stop once and for all.

As she stare at the young man, her eyes flash wariness since this person really is the one who was able to mostly cure the Cold Poison that she has made and cast!

An ominous premonition come to her mind as she stare at the cold dark eyes of the young man, feeling the dangerous atmosphere around him, her instinct screaming danger nonstop as a chill run down her spine.

Forcefully swallowing the blood that has run up her throat, Green ignored the backlash of her failed attempt of taking the Regent King life as she tried to think of ways to get out safely at this moment on.

Now, Green regretted of making a move without even letting Wang Lau know all about it, only the Queen Mother and her decided to do it the next day after they learn of Rong Xen situation getting better, the two of them was panicking so much that they are unable to resist from making a move.

"Young Man, what are you speaking of? Such words spoken is a treason itself, this Queen can take your life away."

Wei Lei Shan eyes flash, as she tried to remain ignorant about the young man silent accusation while still feeling steady because she is the Queen Mother, no one can easily move her, even Rong Xen has to think twice before doing something to her, specially when she was his mother.

A long sigh echoed out after staring off for a bit, as Snow reach out and tug Li Chen clothes, amber eyes looking solemnly.

"Chen, Let me down."

After being gently lower down, Snow couldn't help but stare at the majestic and proud Queen Mother before her, all along, despite the fact that this person hated the Late Emperor, she uses the Imperial power freely without even thinking deeply about it.

Such person, Snow close his eyes as the emotion of the original Xen which is currently awake right this instance emerge with storm like emotions while feeling Li Chen hover around him in a silent support and protection.

Isn't that right Xen? This time I'll let you feel and see this moment on freely.

It was time to finally make this person open her eyes wide, such pride is meaningless because, as Snow amber eyes open up, only cold chill emit on his pupil as he stare with no sentimental emotion at the person who was supposed to be his Mother in this world.

"Emperor Father is gone, even the Big Brother and Second Brother are not here anymore. Mother... there is no one that can protect you anymore."

Yes, all along the Queen Mother has been greatly protected by the late Emperor, even when he died, his last wish that he has left on his children's was to protect their Queen Mother on his place, that was the only reason why the Queen Mother has been safe and sound her entire life living in the Palace, to make a person live a carefree and safe life in the Palace of all places is already a miracle itself.

How much effort must have a person has done just to make it all happen?

It was just too bad that the Late Emperor love and sentimental wasn't reciprocated and appreciated like he thoughts so or maybe the late Emperor has long known about the real feelings of the Queen Mother, he was after all the Emperor, he couldn't that easily be deceived by someone else, or unless, maybe he has deceived his own self all along?

It doesn't really matter as Snow was the one currently handling the situation at the moment and the Late Emperor has been long gone.

Snow sigh as he shake his head, amber eyes turning colder and colder as he spoke, "Ah Mother, did you really think that the Imperial Power that you hold was all because of your own capability?"

"What?" Wei Lei Shan gave a confuse expression before a brief of hatred flash on her amber eyes when she heard the late Emperor from her child mouth while Green who was much smarter has gotten the meaning of the Regent King words toward the Queen.

Not Good!

Green could feel the dangerous atmosphere slowly building up on the current Regent King, his amber eyes was so cold with no emotion as the look he was giving to the Queen Mother was like looking at a dead person.

This person no longer has any mercy on his eyes as he look toward the Queen Mother! Even the slight affection that they can still see before has completely disappeared, and only ruthlessness was left behind.

The hesitation that Green has been feeling, disappear completely when at this moment on she couldn't see anyway out, at least she has to give a chance to save her highness life, not only because she was her savior but also because she wanted her revenge to be fulfilled!

Its just too bad that she wont be able to see the downfall of that family with her own eyes!

"Your Highness! Please... don't forget my revenge!"

At least, I'll take along the Regent King with me! She can only believe on the hidden people that Wang Lau has left on the side of the Queen Mother to help her get away from here.

Green eyes glowed, as she made a complicated sign as the mystical energy erupt within her entire body but Snow remain calm despite it all while his Mother servant use different spell to cast some sort of unusual mystic rune spell that a mystic art user usually use before him.

This person is a rare one, sometimes they appeared, a non- fair person being able to use the mystic arts but mostly those people are still unable to fully use a rune spell despite being born to use the mystic energy, as one should have the ability to also sense the world aura at the same time.

But this person before him was using a different type of mystic arts, a never before skill that this Dynasty has seen.

One of the reason why even Rong Xen was unable to cure his Cold Poison and has taken him a long time to have the slight doubt over his Queen Mother.

Snow who was standing suddenly move and sat down at the nearest chair, as he just watched his mother servant perform a very uncommon way of using a mystic arts right before his very eyes.

Watching the slight confusion on the servant eyes on his action, Snow just smiled, there was no need to make a move as someone else will do it himself, and as soon as he finish thinking about it, his Mother servant movement suddenly stop, the slender hand that was a few inches away from touching her left chest stilled, unable to take a single move any longer as a figure has suddenly appeared and gripping the slender wrist of the older woman tightly.

Green eyes widened in disbelief, even if she tried to move with the strength and power that she has, the large hand holding her wrist is like a steel grip, unmovable and powerful.

"As long as I am alive, no one can think of harming My Little Xen, specially when wanting to take his life right before my very eyes."

Li Chen coldly said, dangerous dark ink eyes flashing murderous at the older woman, the hand grasping the slender wrist of the woman suddenly tighten up and with a loud sounds of a bone breaking was followed by a pain screamed a few seconds later.

Murderous rage still flashing on his eyes, Li Chen continue to move as he pulled the broken wrist of the older woman, totally cutting it off as the blood sprayed and drop from the detach wrist.

Li Chen who's white sleeves was splattered with blood, didn't pay attention on it as only one thought cross his mind, this was the hand that has cause his little Xen to be in a great pain.

The hand that has tortured his lover! The hand that has almost taken away his life from him!

This person deserve be punished severely!

Green scream in pain, eyes widened in panic and terror at the ruthless move, never before has she feel terrified when the young man dark ink eyes continue to stare at her sharply and dangerously, specially when the young man other hand has reach out to the form circular spell that has appeared in that one single moment, as it easily been broken the mystical energy right in the middle causing it all to collapse completely.

She has greatly underestimated this young man and that mistake will cause them a very painful death.

Green tried to move backward, she wanted nothing more than to stay away from this terrifying young man, fear was the only thing she could only thought at this moment on, only to find herself suddenly roughly being pinned on the ground as a foot step over her chest so hard that she could feel her ribs creaking in protest on how much strength the young man has uses.

"Insolent!!! How dare you hurt Green! Imperial Guards! Apprehend this young man right now! Come and get rid of him! This man is wanted this Queen life!"

Wei Lei Shan amber eyes widened incredulity along with wariness as she shout for the Imperial Guards to come and protect her life along with Green, this was the only thing that she could think off with all the events that currently happening at their situations before turning her attention toward her child that has just been sitting quietly.

"Xen! Did you see? That man is dangerous! How can you trust a man who just appeared after missing for many years??? No matter how you think about it, that man is quite suspicious! Now our life is in danger because of it! But all of it are still not too late! Call for more people to protect our self!"

There is no way that her child will choose to protect the young man life, specially after watching the brutal way he has deal with Green! No matter what, this child still has affection toward her, specially when the Imperial Family reputation was at stake!

Rong Xen will definitely not allowed anyone to give the Imperial Family a poor and unacceptable reputation, and killing the Queen Mother is definitely a serious matter regarding their Royal Family!

However, the Queen Mother still underestimate Snow, specially now that the person before her was no longer the child that has that slight hesitation because of a small affection over his own Mother.

"Mother... you can stop now. Can we end it all? This child has long known... that you are the cause of every disaster and misfortune happening in the Rong Dynasty..."

Wei Lei Shan, who was about to open her mouth to further speak, quickly shut her mouth, unbelievable amber eyes stare at the similar amber eyes that is currently filled with understanding as he look at her with solemn expression.

Li Chen who stayed silent after the accusation of the Queen Mother, quietly has been feeling extremely nervous about the fact that his Little Xen might feel scared about this other side of him, feeling great relief when Xen didn't show any strong and negative reaction. His dark ink eyes widening a bit in bewildered as he finally realize what his little Xen has spoken, before a flash of understanding appeared on his mind, dark ink eyes flashing in hatred at the so called Mother of his little Xen while feeling distressed at the same time as his eyes take the strong but delicate and small figure before him.

Snow who could feel the overwhelming emotion of the original Xen, slightly close his amber eyes, as he silently fully accept everything that the original Xen was feelings.

He will let Rong Xen, speak what he has in mind this moment on, but before that, something has to be finally end first, amber eyes still close, Snow open his mouth.

"Chen... I'll leave the rest to you for a bit alright?"

Li Chen blink his eyes before looking at the still closed eyes Xen as he sense the darkening aura around him, before smiling helplessly, it seemed that his lover has known most of his move from the very beginning!

Before a proud look flash on his eyes, look his lover is really smart and so understanding!

Even there was something that he couldn't truly hide from his little Xen and even without telling him, he already has idea on what he was about to do!

"Um! For now, leave the rest to me as you prepare yourself alright?"

Li Chen knows that his little Xen has to prepare himself a bit in confronting the other person before them, no matter what, that person was still his mother, dark ink eyes filled with overwhelming gentleness as he stare at the delicate and charming figure of his lover before turning around, dark ink eyes turning emotionless at the the Queen Mother that was currently sitting down in the floor still shock about the words spoken by the her child before turning his attention at the person he was stepping on.

Emotionless eyes flash before he remove his feet, causing the person to cough while blood was starting to leak out from the corner of her lip, eyes filled with fear but among else, overwhelming hatred brimming inside, even though she was surprise about the Regent King words, but now that she found herself unable to escape, only the overwhelming hatred she has been hiding all along was finally let out on this moment on.

Crack Crack Crack

A loud sound of a bone shattering echoed out at the current silent hall, before a woman howl of pain echoed out the hall causing the surprise Wei Lei Shan attention back as she turned around to where the sound was, amber eyes widening in dread as the bones connecting to Green other remaining hand and feet was crush so strongly that all of it was detach from their body, just like what happened to the wrist of Green a moment ago by this cold blooded monster before them.

On this moment on, Wei Lei Shan slender body shudder and swayed before throwing up a second later by these gruesome scene before her, never before has she seen such a chilling scene!

She has always been greatly taken care of and protected the moment that she has stayed in the Palace.

Fortunately or Unfortunately, she was able to remain conscious from all this situations, that something she would have wish to have remain ignorant later on.

"... Please have mercy! Don't... Don't torture her any longer!"

Suddenly a sound of an old man begging was immediately heard, obviously the old voice was shaking in an overwhelming terror but still tried to plead desperately.

Everyone attention move as the door in the hall has suddenly open up, before two figure quickly appeared before them, one was an old man figure with white hair and wrinkly face, the old body shivering as old eyes finally saw the young man figure, nothing but petrified expression was showing on his old face before his eyes saw the painful and bloody situation of the person laying on the floor causing his old face to pale as white as sheet before he quickly knelled down with a loud thud and bow his head so low that his forehead has touch the floor as he plead at the dangerous young man before him, "Please! This old man has no right to ask this for you! But Please show mercy to this old man granddaughter!"

"Old Fang!" the other person, purple eyes widen along with that delicate face as he watch as his old friend let go of all his pride and knelled to the younger man before them, before the words spoken by his old friend has cause his mind to flash a thought, purple eyes move and stared with complicated emotion at the tortured woman before them.

Green pained filled eyes immediately widened in a sheer intense of hatred and rage as she saw the scene before her while hearing the words spoken by the old man, "Cough! Cough! Hahah! You want to save me? Stop being a hypocrite! Hahaha, Granddaughter? You treat me as your granddaughter? Weren't you the one who removed and exiled my parents? My Father! My Mother! My Baby Brother! If it wasn't for your decision how could they all have died! I loathe you, along the entire Bai Family! I completely detest it! I want all the Bai family to completely disappear in this world!"

Li Chen just remain emotionless, aside from Xen, nothing in this world will be able to move his heart, dark ink eyes turn soft and gentle in a flash as he glance at the person he love, before it disappeared completely when he turn his attention toward the people that appeared before them.

Its time to completely get rid of Xen Cold Poison.



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