Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 150 - Goals Part 2

"Does anyone have any ideas on how we should go about setting up our raid teams?" Ryu asked. 

"I think we should let the numbers pick out a group of people who are best at fighting to begin building our core raid team." GreenHat suggested. He knew just how good the numbers were at fighting.

"GreenHat makes a good point. With how the game works, it is best to have our core members all good at fighting. Besides the leaders of the guild, we should have at least twenty more people to work with." FingerSandwhich thought GreenHat's idea was very good.

"Margie, what about you?" Ryu only asked Margie since he had added him to the guild personally. There was just something about the way Margie was able to get things done that made Ryu want his input. 

"Me, Darling~? Well… From my experiences in the games I used to play when it came to raiding, we would have many different teams, each led by the leaders of the guild. There would be the main core team which was filled with the guild leaders. Then there would be multiple other raid teams in order to make sure all progression is smooth~ sailing. From what I know, there are different modes for each dungeon in Soul Fusion Online, so let's say we wish to raid nothing but hell mode and get that first run through. In order to do this and make our guild the top guild, we will need to be sure that we have enough substitutes and multiple progression teams going to different dungeons all the time. As it is, gear in this game is hard to get, so we need to start off small and quickly work our way up.

"One of our main priorities to even get to start raiding would be to equip the members of the raid teams with the best crafted gear we can make, with normal resources that we can get in the field. Only then would we be able to even attempt a dungeon." Margie explained. "But in the end, it is up to you, Darling~."

"No, you make very good points. Okay, we will do it like this. We have a core team of ten, so let's make four more teams of ten. The numbers will select the members. Margie. I want you to organize the other trade skill leaders and make a list of all the highest quality items you are able to create and what you will need in order to raise your skill levels.  I know I am asking a lot of you, Margie, but you seem to have a good grasp on these things."  Ryu suddenly realized he was relying heavily on Margie for a lot of things. But after hearing how he was able to pull together the different trade skill leaders and those under them, he felt he could rely on Margie for a lot.

"No problem Darling~! I will handle it with ease." Margie said with a smile. 

"Thank you." Ryu gave Margie a nod and then looked at the numbers. "Are you three okay with handling this?"

"You can leave it to us." Number 6 replied firmly.

"Yeah, Ryu, these three are all leaders themselves, so they will be able to train our people well. As long as they have talent, they will be able to train them into some of the best players the game has ever seen." GreenHat assured. He and his brother FingerSandwhich both knew just how strong these three were.

"Oh? Then I will have to ask you to train our main core team as well." Ryu did not want to be beaten up by those under him, so he had to make sure he trained hard as well. 

"Haha! My pleasure!" Number 8 said with a smile, his eyes were brimming with excitement. But for some reason, the whole group had chills run down their spines, and all of them had the same thought. "Isn't he just a little too happy about this!?"

"Darling~ can I join in on the training as well?" Margie asked.

"Mmm.. Anyone can join. There is no need to hold back. I will make a guild announcement later." Ryu readily agreed, the stronger everyone can be, the better.

"I just want to point out that the training we will be giving will also be able to be used in real life. As we will be training everyone to kill, it is best to think before using it in actual combat with someone else. Especially if you subconsciously strike out with a killing blow." Number 7 added. He was worried he was going to see a bunch of murder cases on the news if she did not say anything.

"That is just how it is. Many are already starting to train in the art of killing just to play this game. As this game is like a world on its own where killing is what you need to do to survive, it is only natural that things will change in the real world for those playing the game." Violet paused before continuing: "What we should be worried about is how big of an impact this will have on the world. As Soul Fusion Online has only been out for less than half a year, there is no real way of telling. But the population of the game keeps growing by the millions per day. I have read that many elderly people are also playing the game just so they can relax in an environment that is not filled with tall buildings."

"We can only wait and see then." Ryu hoped that the game wouldn't get shut down because of people becoming too violent.

"Umm… Off topic but Darling~ what is that on your head? It has been bothering me for a while now." Margie asked.

"Hmm? Oh! Nergal." Ryu reached up and plucked Nergal off the top of his head and placed him on the table. "Nergal, say hi to everyone."

"Meow~" Nergal lifted his head and looked around, and gave a tired meow before putting his head back down.

"Oh my! Darling~, where did you get such a cute creature?" Margie asked. His eyes were glowing as he stared at Nergal.

"When I first started the game, I was singing a song, and I guess Nergal liked it since he decided to follow me, allowing me to gain a beast taming skill." Ryu replied.

"Darling~, can you read your skill description?" Margie asked. He really wanted a pet too!

"Mmm.." Ryu opened his menu and read the description.

[Taming ]

[Sing a song to soothe the hearts of beasts.] 

"Sigh… If only I was not tone deaf." Margie replied. He felt very disappointed that one needed to know how to sing.

"I do not think it matters, I mean, I am pretty tone deaf myself." Ryu still had no idea that he was actually very good at singing.

"Oh? Then Darling~, can you sing us a song?" Margie found it hard to believe that Ryu could get a taming skill that says: sing a song that soothes the hearts of beasts if he was tone deaf.

"Umm, okay, but I warn you I am pretty horrible to listen to." Ryu pursed his lips and then took a deep breath. "When the wind blows, I  will~..."

The whole room was dead silent. Their mouths were open in shock. They had no idea how to explain what they just heard. "I think I just got wet…" GreenHat was the first to break the silence. 

"Pfft!" WhiteLotus burst out laughing. 

"No, I am for real here!" GreenHat yelled. "Ryu, what the hell is with you saying you are tone deaf and horrible to listen to? If you are horrible to listen to, then CTS, the most popular boy band group out right now, is shit! You could easily top the charts if you were to write a music album!" 

"No!" Chi, who had been quiet the entire time, yelled out. "Ryu can not sell music otherwise, all the girls will be trying to steal him from me!"

Ryu scratched his head and blushed. "You guys don't need to be so nice. I know how bad I sound… I mean, I made you all go dead silent with strange looks on your faces." 

"You idiot!" Rose yelled. "We were silent because you were too good! Why do you say you are bad? When you log out of the game, have Chi record you sing and then listen to it yourself."

"I will record him at some point." Chi answered for Ryu. She wanted to record everything about her Ryu. 

"Alright, Let's finish up here. Umm, to have some fun, there is a world boss not too far from here, which is an oversized chicken. It will be difficult for lower levels, but with our current strength, it should be easy to kill. We can gather everyone from the guild who wants to join. All loot will be added to our guild resources." Ryu did not want everything to be about business, so world raid bosses were a good way for the entire guild to play together and have fun. Only by bonding like that would everyone in the guild be able to interact and get to know each other better. 


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