Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4937: Go away, ‘I don’t need you to help’

Chapter 4937: Go away, ‘I don’t need you to help’

Xiao Yi's figure quickly sneaked in it.

In this old lair of evil ways, now it can be said that evil cultivation is everywhere, and evil spirits are overwhelming.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's cultivation base has not been suppressed and blocked.

Until half an hour later...

At the center of the world, Xiao Yi paused and stared at it with squinting eyes.

The real Spirit Devouring Hell is in fact only the center of this piece of heaven and earth.

Although the entire world is called the Spirit Devouring Prison, if the entire world is martial arts and power is forbidden, how does this world have any meaning?

The evil cultivation here will not even be possible for cultivation.

As the Cthulhu's own lair, if the whole world is martial arts and power is forbidden, this world will be equally meaningless.

Because under the effect of chaos, even the evil way will be completely suppressed.

Therefore, the real Spirit Devouring Hell is only the center of this world.

Inside, there is a place that can truly be called a prison, a huge prison.

Looking at it with the naked eye, the evil path in the center area is extremely rich, and it has even turned from a wandering gas into an ink-like black current.

The black current, firmly sealed off and entangled this central area.

A... a huge prison where everything is forbidden.

Mountains, rivers, earth, and gloomy prisons are all in it.

The prison in the center area is repelling the power of the entire world.

If you stare from the height of the entire Conferred Heaven Realm at this moment, you can definitely see that this central area is repelling the power of the heavens and the earth from all directions...forcing away.

And these repelled forces, when they reached the barriers of the eight directions, were instantly gathered into a rush of forces, rushing beyond the end of the world.

There, where the evil **** is now, he is outside the heaven and the earth, but at the same time, he is close to the heaven and the earth, swallowing a torrent of power.

And once in danger, he will be able to instantly return from outside the world to this place, inside this old nest.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled slightly.

The entire world, it seems that only the center area is absolutely forbidden, but in fact this Spirit Devouring Hell connects the entire world of the Spirit Sealing Realm one after another.

It seems that other places in Feng Ling Tian are normal, but in fact, the martial arts here have long been revised, and it is one with the Spirit Devouring Prison itself.

As long as the Heretic God is willing, it can instantly explode these forbidden effects from the Spirit Devouring Hell in the center area, and then permeate the entire Spirit Sealing Realm.

Xiao Yi clenched his fists and took a deep breath to prove that he was cautious at the moment, adjusting to his best state.

Once you step into this central area, then the road of life and death will be completely embarked.

He had already entered this Spirit Devouring Prison before, and he also knew where Xiao Xinghe was.

It's just that he only hopes that his luck is good enough and that his ability can be perfectly displayed; otherwise, once the evil god...the evil **** returns from outside the heavens and the earth, he...will face a powerful demigod!


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and he finally entered this evil road black current blockade, where the real Spirit Devouring Prison was!

Step... step... step...

In the cold prison, the slight and almost nonexistent footsteps slowly passed by.

Yes, very light footsteps.

It's so light... It doesn't exist at all except that the person who made the footsteps can hear it inwardly.

This kind of sneaking ability is no longer a word of brilliance, but some kind of attainment that is already beyond imagination!

Before a certain prison.

Through the gloomy fence, a body limp on the ground can be seen in the dimness.

This body is completely useless.

But even so, this body was still **** in limbs, tragically bound here.

The icy ground and the damp and damp prison walls made this pool of muddy existence bear the pain of bone erosion all the time.

In front of the cell, there was an evil guard.

It wasn't the guard who normally turned his back to the cell, but he was facing the cell, with a cold gaze that gave him a full view of everything in the cell.

This evil guard knew exactly how important the prisoner was in this cell, and the order he received was to keep this prison and the prisoners in it tightly, and there should be no difference.

Just at this time.

Inside the cell, Xiao Xinghe slowly raised his head.

Perhaps it was some kind of blood-connected induction that made him look up and stare unconsciously.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a pair of...familiar...but fierce eyes that suddenly appeared from the gloom.

The dark shadow of the cold fence was set against the face and body of this evil guard, as if it had divided this evil guard's body into segments.

And behind this evil guard, at the same time, a figure did not know when it existed.

Those sharp eyes came from this ghostly figure.

Those eyes appeared from the dimness, but they seemed to cut through all the darkness, sharp and bright.

That figure, as if walking out of the darkness, soundless, like a ghost, but it seems to be able to crush all darkness!

The figure slowly stretched out his hand, slowly approaching his throat from behind the evil guard.


With an almost unheard cracking sound, the evil guard's neck was twisted and broken.


The figure held the key, opened the door of the cell, and walked in slowly.

Xiao Xinghe saw the incoming person clearly through the dim light, and his pupils shrank suddenly, "You..."

Here comes Xiao Yi.

Even if Xiao Yi was wearing a mask, Xiao Xinghe would not admit his mistakes with those eyes.

Moreover, in the past, Xiao Yi always wore a ghost mask when he was still Yi Xiao in the Yanlong League.

Xiao Xinghe recognized it instantly.

"Hush." Xiao Yi made a silent gesture.


The chains bound on Xiao Xinghe's body were untied.

"Go..." Xiao Yi whispered, but instantly noticed Xiao Xinghe's abandoned limbs, and instantly frowned.

Xiao Xinghe noticed the change of gaze under Xiao Yi's mask, and sneered, "My son really didn't expect that this fellow who didn't even have the life to leave the Spirit Devouring Prison when the Emperor came here, you guys actually came."

"The little thief Xiao Yi's name is brave, and he really lives up to his reputation."

Without a word, Xiao Yi stretched out his hand to pull up Xiao Xinghe.

Xiao Xinghe sneered and said, "Okay, leave me alone. You still have a chance to leave before you have disturbed the evil cultivators in the Spirit Devouring Prison."

Xiao Yi remained silent and only hugged Xiao Xinghe's shoulders.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Xinghe was struggling, gritted his teeth, and tried his best to lower his voice, "Go away, my son doesn't need you to help."

Xiao Yi's tone was indifferent, "I didn't plan to come to rescue you."

Xiao Xinghe's mouth grinned with a satisfied smile, "That's just what this son wants, go away..."


Xiao Yi took Xiao Xinghe's shoulder with one hand, and put his back on himself.

Xiao Xinghe's expression changed, but he was completely powerless to resist, and he cursed coldly, "Asshole, are you deaf or stupid? Can't hear this son or can't understand people?"

"My son let you go..."

"Don't be brave in front of my son, and put on your savior-like appearance. Do you think that you can leave this spirit-devouring prison with me in a delusion?"

Xiao Yi was indifferent, turned around and left.


A rush of enthusiasm, a tingling pain, emerged from Xiao Yi's shoulder.

The teeth in Xiao Xinghe's mouth bit on Xiao Yi's shoulder angrily until bursts of blood were bitten out.

This is the Spirit Devouring Prison, the powerful physical body that Xiao Yi used to be proud of, now as fragile as a mortal body.


The second is more.


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