Sorcerer… Cyborg???

Chapter 3: Road to the Academy

Chapter 3: Road to the Academy

Kothar had been in this world for twelve years and had grown quickly. He had Tam's strong build standing almost to his father's shoulder, but also walked with the same grace that Ophil did. Kothar's black curls now fell in loose coils around his face, and he had Tam's olive skin and piercing blue eyes. He looked much more like Tam than he did Ophil, with his well defined features and pointed nose.

"Kothar, come quickly, we need to hurry or you'll miss this year's aptitude screening." Simon called out from outside the pair of tall doors that led out onto the street.

"Coming Uncle!" Kothar raced down the stairs of his home, still clutching the book that had distracted him enough to forget the test of aptitude, which would examine his magical affinity and aptitude.

Anyone could apply and study at the Academy, but the Academy recommended an aptitude screening, as a mage without sufficient aptitude would spend years mastering a basic spell, while others could master the same spell in weeks. There was still a place for everyone in the Academy, with mages of low aptitude becoming great scholars of magical theory and even teaching at the Academy.

However, Trinquile Academy, the local academy that Kothar would attend was unique in this. King Rotan's father had been the first to ruler to negotiate so to allow all to study magic, and Ursten's advances in magic had reflected the benefits.

Thanks to this, Kothar had no worries about his aptitude, but he was eager to discover what it was and which elements he had an affinity for.

They climbed into the waiting carriage, powered by a large Mana Crystal, and rolled off smoothly as the driver placed his hand on the rune inscribed orb fixed in front of his seat.

They rolled on towards the local offices of the Academy in the center of Balin, the capital of Ursten. Trinquile Academy was only loosely associated with Ursten, as Mages were capable of establishing independent nations of their own due to their vast social standing and military might.

But most mages preferred the heat of battle or the cool interior of libraries, reluctant to enter the quagmire that was politics. As a result, most Academies associated themselves with a nearby nation, one with similar ideals and sufficient military prowess. This meant the battlemages got their fill of war and the researchers had the quiet they desired.

The carriage rolled to a stop outside the offices, Kothar and Simon hopped out and saw parents from all corners of the kingdom, some wearing elaborate clothing, others dressed in rustic farm wear, there was even an enormous man, dressed in heavy furs.

They joined the throng of young teens and their guardians gathered outside the Trinquile offices, all hoping for a high enough affinity which would allow them to bypass the grueling entry examinations that all Academies administered.

The tall doors, covered in fine gold inlay, slowly opened inwards. A short, bald man stood in the entrance with his arms behind his back. He wore heavy leather clothing covered in fine designs, and was extremely old, his face an old dried up prune.

[Detecting novel energy circuit. Initiating analysis. Estimated processing time: 10 years]

Silane had obviously recognized the markings for what they were, runes inscribed on the old battlemages clothing to enhance it. Kothar was shocked, and also glad that Silane appeared to be recovering some of her functions. The old man's eyes narrowed as he saw Kothar gazing at the runes, and he furrowed his brow.

"Welcome! It warms my heart to see so many young students interested in learning the intricacies of magic! I am Krieg, I will be supervising today's assessment." Krieg's mellow voice echoed out with a suprising intensity in comparison to his withered and frail appearance. He smiled kindly at the gathered students, taking a moment to look each one in the eyes.

"Follow me, please " Krieg stroked his thin, wispy beard as he beckoned to the crowd.

He marched into the ornate building and they all followed. The young hopefuls marveling at the numerous light crystals on the walls and ceiling, the multicolored lights flickering to create beautiful patterns reminiscent of flowers in full bloom.

The students, and even their guardians let out sighs of admiration and wonder, and some even bumped into one another, since they were ao caught up with the sight above.

Even Kothar looked around in pure admiration, he had seen many wonderful displays in his past life, but the attention to detail, the fact that every flower looked so slightly different as the pattern flickered, all took his breath away.

Coming to another set of doors, Krieg raised his hand slightly, the doors swinging open in response. Inside was a row of desks with clerks sat at each one.

"Please line up to register and receive a waiting slip, myself or one of my associates will be waiting in separate rooms to keep your results private." Krieg said as he took a seat behind one of the desks.

Keeping the results secret was necessary to prevent rival academies from kidnapping talented young mages, which was still all too common if one bragged too loudly.

"Number 54!" Krieg called out, standing at the entrance of one of the doors on the far side of the waiting room. Simon tapped Kothar on the shoulder, he had become immersed in the alchemical tome he had brought with him. They both started up and headed to the testing room.

"We have two orbs here, the first shall test your aptitude, which primarily tests your analytical capability as well as your potential to grow. The second shall test your elemental affinities. Please place both hands on the first orb and relax, shift your attention towards the orb, try looking to its center." Krieg gestured to the two orbs, set out on low tables within the dim room.

Kothar stared into the orb, focusing on the swirling mist within, the mist slowly started to brighten under his palms, becoming brighter and brighter and beginning to revolve like a cyclone. Soon, the orb began to shine with a blinding light that pulsed twice then disappeared.

"Very impressive, a prime grade mana potential. You should be very pleased with yourself young man. But remember, hard work along with talent will bring rewards." Krieg looked at Kothar with a genuine glint of admiration in his eyes.

Simon struggled to contain his joy, his young pupil was guaranteed to become an impressive mage, even though he might not become a scholar, he would still be successful on his chosen path. Kothar maintained his usual serious expression, but was elated internally, studying the mysteries of magic just might help him find a way back to his home.

"Ok, now the second orb, please. Same as before." Krieg gestured to the other orb, which was identical, except it lacked any mist swirling inside. Kothar placed his hands on the orb and relaxed, focusing on the center. Dark spots began to appear within the orb, forming clumps as they aggregated.

Krieg's eyes widened as he leant forward to get a better look. The clumps grew larger and small white sparks began to appear, jumping between the clumps of dark material. As the sparks grew in number and the clumps increased in size, arcs of lighting began to arc within the orb, illuminating the room.

"Amazing, a prime spatial affinity alongside a prime lightning affinity. You sure are an extremely gifted young man." Krieg's voice dropped to a whisper.

"Be sure to keep this to yourselves, tell nobody, or you could put your charge in grave danger." Krieg commanded Simon.

Simon nodded, gulping nervously.

Krieg set his hand on Kothar's shoulder, leaning towards him.

"Child, if you would like to truly learn spatial magic, come find me after your first year examinations, preform well and you could become my personal apprentice." Krieg said softly.

"Krieg is a great spatial battle mage Kothar, this is a great opportunity for you." Simon chimed in.

"I have one condition, to ensure you learn the perfect basics of spatial magic from me, you can only use lightning affinity spells until you become my pupil." Krieg looked at Kothar, his face stoic.

Kothar looked straight ahead, deep in thought, then he bowed deeply towards Krieg.

"I shall not disappoint you, teacher."

"Hahahaha, how cocky, it's good you have some spirit." Krieg clapped Kothar on the shoulder.

"See you at the Academy, boy."

Simon and Kothar hopped in their carriage, excitedly discussing the future. A mysterious figure was perched on a nearby rooftop.

"Bloody Academy Mages, always obsessed with cloaking spells." The figure pulled some of the mist from around itself, and began to shape it into a bird.

Finally, the figure had formed a remarkable approximation of a blackbird, then the figure leaned down and began to whisper into its ear, letting it fly free once it had received its instructions.


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