Sorcerer… Cyborg???

Chapter 27: Clash

Chapter 27: Clash

The once serene valley was now a pandemonium of light and noise. The air shook as Warriors slashed at each other with empowered weapons, and walls of every element rolled across the battlefield in waves as Mages of both sides competed to dominate the field. Kultas' mages had set themselves up behind his amassed forces, and like Balmin's platoon, they were also well defended by soldiers.

While the majority of Mages shot massive fireballs, or sent small tornadoes spinning across the battlefield, a few spent their energy attempting to attack or respond to the attacks of the enemy platoon. Kothar watched as a massive spear of ice rocketed towards a Wind Mage who was currently conjuring up a massive ball of swirling wind blades.

Kothar dashed toward him, sending mana coursing through his sword and setting it abuzz, but the twin Earth Mages were already prepared and a wall of earth rose up in front of the Wind Mage, the massive ice spear shattering harmlessly against the wall, which dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.

"Take it easy young blood. You leave the spells to us and deal with any sneaky threats coming our way." The twin who talked had a surprisingly deep voice which clashed with his short, pudgy appearance.

"Sure thing." Kothar nodded, and resumed scanning the battlefield. He could see the massive swirls of mana that were the Intermediate levels leading their respective squads across the battlefield.

Boson was currently tearing through Kultas' front lines, riding a heavily furred rhinoceros which was equally as huge as he was, his massive axe acting almost like a battering ram, sending men and their horses flying. Meanwhile, Serena had split her forces, their arrows striking down at Kultas' lieutenants, suppressing them from making an impact of their own.

Boson continued to split Kultas' ranks like a hot knife through butter, but he suddenly reined in his mount and came to a halt.

"Hahahaha. I knew it, wet the ground enough and the worms come crawling out!" Boson mocked the man who had rode out at the head of a column of cavalry.

"I'll have your head for your impudence, peasant! I never knew why Tam tolerated inferiors in his army, now you show your true colors." The man raised an equally large axe to his shoulder, his face covered by a horned helmet, with only a tiny slit for his eyes.

"Twist your words whichever way you want Kultas! The whole kingdom now knows you for the two faced dog you are!" Boson roared back at Kultas, spurring his mount forward.

"Come then! I'll teach you where you belong!" Kultas roared back, matching Boson's charge.

The two warriors swung their axes with a ridiculous speed, the massive blades sending sparks flying over their heads. The two armies had distanced themselves from the clash, since no one below the Intermediate rank could even approach the pair without the risk of losing their head to a stray blow. However the fighting continued, leaving an island of calm around the two.

At first the pair seemed evenly matched, with neither backing down, but bit by bit Boson was forced back and his face slowly grew paler and paler.

Kothar gasped as Kultas' mana suddenly surged, now only matched by one other person on the battlefield, Tam. Matching his surge in mana, Kultas let loose a huge swing of his axe, knocking Boson clean off his mount and into the dirt.

"Stay down dog!" Kultas sneered at Boson, spitting down at him from his charger. Boson, pale, weakly struggled to his feet, propping himself up with the handle of his axe.

"Why don't you bark out for your master, so I can teach him a lesson too!" Kultas continued to mock Boson. Boson took a weak defensive stance, his arms shaking from the strain, coughing up blood.

"Maybe Tam will show his face if he loses one of his mutts!" Kultas dismounted and strode to Boson, raising his axe up high, swinging it down to cleave Boson in two. The air blurred as he did so and Tam appeared in front of the weakened Boson to block Kultas' finishing blow.

"There's no need for that Cousin!" Tam's sword was tiny compared to the massive axe that Kultas wielded, but he held the weight of it up easily, not even breaking a sweat.

"Of course, but we both knew this needed to happen." Kultas responded quietly, Kothar only able to make out what he was saying by reading his lips. The pair began to clash, Tam matching each of Kultas' blows with a flowing ease.

"So you thought breaking through to Advanced warrior would let you match me on the field?" Tam replied to Kultas, dodging a fierce blow by a hair.

"I had to come for you, I couldn't let you keep bringing peasants up the ranks." Kultas continued to drive massive blows at Tam.

"Spare me your classist drivel Kultas. We both know you never believed the rubbish you spout." Tam sent a piercing stab toward Kultas, aiming for a seam in his heavy plate armor.

"I needed an excuse to rebel didn't I? And this way, whoever wins, we know where the nobles of Ursten stand." Kultas twisted, the stab glancing off his plate, carving a shallow groove in the lacquer.

"Still the pretense of a noble cause, Kultas? Just come out with it, you've always wanted the throne!" Tam stepped back, glaring at Kultas.

"You know as well as I do Tam, Rotan is too weak to lead. Ursten needs a strong hand on the throne, look how quickly so many of the nobles threw their weight behind me!" Kultas removed his helm, revealing a heavy featured face, with a massive black mane and full beard.

"That's what we were for Kultas, to be the force that Rotan needed, he knows the hearts of the people, and he'll create a better country, just like his father!"

"Tell me then Tam, what's a haven worth if its King can't take to the battlefield? Fodder for greedy nations?"

"It's a good home for its people, that's what it is." Tam sighed as Kultas took up his axe again.

"One last argument huh, Tam? Let's finish this the right way." Kultas strode forward, donning his helm once again.


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