Sorcerer… Cyborg???

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

A pair of curved columns framed a distorted circle in the very air itself, and loud crackling noise could be heard for a hundred meters around it. The air between the column blurry and indistinct, but then suddenly grew impossibly bright. The visors of the Sentinels guarding the gate immediately darkened, shielding their eyes from the glare. 

There was a loud clank, and a leg that was more machine than man stepped out of the gate, the Sentinels guarding the location looked on in awe of the mighty figure. This was the Commander of the Sentinels himself, the greatest hero that humanity had ever known. 

The rugged figure, whose face was the only part of him that still resembled a human, had a faint smile, he was finally home, how he had missed his home planet, The Garden. If  only he had returned home under better circumstances. 

The Garden was the most beautiful planet in the Galactic Alliance. Covered with sapphire oceans teeming with life, dense forests and spotted with beautiful lakes and rivers.

The Garden was aptly named. It was a holiday planet, where the wealthy and powerful of the alliance came to live, and your average citizen dreamt of visiting. The planet was filled with attractions of every kind, resorts, fine restaurants and whole islands dedicated to unique creatures from far off planets.

A young Sentinel approached Kothar, his solid Titanite Alloy helmet, and the banded star insignia proudly displayed across his dress uniform signaling him as a Captain in the Sentinels, an impressive feat for an individual his age. 

The Sentinels were the intergalactic peacekeeping force for the Alliance, which had members situated on every major inhabited planet, as well as outposts throughout the settled galaxy and outposts on the fringes of neighboring galaxies, ready to fend of any threat to humanity. 

The Sentinel snapped to attention and saluted Kothar, drawing to a halt in front of towered figure. He looked the cyborg commander up and down, scarcely believing his eyes, the stories had not done him justice. Every inch of the man was purpose built for war, and a single arm would be more than enough to take on an entire fleet of battleships. 

"Commander Kothar, we estimate contact in approximately 40 minutes." The Captain of the local Sentinel outpost gazed at Kothar with undisguised admiration  taking in the dull sheen of the interstellar grade alloy that armored Kothar, as well as the cage at the center of his chest that demonstrated humanity's greatest achievement yet, capturing the heart of a star. Kothar was a walking testament to the triumphs of man.

"Save your breath, soldier." Kothar smiled and tapped behind his right ear, signaling that his AI implant had filled him in. He had never grown comfortable with the reverence that so many had for him, but protecting them was his only calling. 

"Of course, Sir! Can't be too certain Sir!" The young captain was eager to impress Kothar, as most young sentinels would be.

Why? Kothar was Commander of the Sentinels and war hero of hundreds of battles, defending the Alliance on the front lines against a dozen different alien races and single handedly negotiating the surrender of many others. Humanity finally had their hero, and he was magnificent.

Only his head had some remaining resemblance to the man he once was, short cropped dark hair and worn proud features. He had the look of a man who had seen the universe.

[Silane, update estimated vector for the incoming.] Kothar spoke internally to Silane, who had become almost completely integrated with the last remaining vestige of his biology, his brain.

[Updating... Threat appears to have adjusted course 12 degrees relative to the core of Garden, it is headed directly for our location.] Kothar heard her smooth voice respond.

[Huh. Let's see if we can't draw this thing away. It might be drawn in by my neutron core.] Kothar activated his flight system, activating the thrusters located on his back and legs, rocketing up through the atmosphere. He headed towards the edge of the Garden System, hoping the threat would follow.

[Update threat vector.]

[Updating... Threat has adjusted course again, I suggest continuing our course to draw it away.]

[Let's go then.]

Kothar continued flying outward as the timer in his visual interface ticked down, gritting his teeth. Kothar had dealt with many threats before, but this was an unknown signature, he wanted to be certain his home planet was safe. By now, Garden was a tiny dot in the distance, barely visible against its star.

[1 minute until collision.] Silane announced, Kothar turned to the direction the threat was approaching from.

[What in the---What is that thing!] Kothar yelled, inaudible in the vacuum of space. A massive beast approached. Bigger than the Alliance's largest battleship, covered with interlocking deep black scales, and dark eyes that shone with specks of light like windows into the night sky. It looked like the stories he had heard of dragons, but Kothar was certain it was just some freak of alien biology.

"Halt, you are approaching a Galactic Alliance planet, cease or you will be neutralized." Kothar broadcasted on every known communication frequency. His first instinct had always been negotiation. The beast continued to approach, propelled by a mysterious force. Kothar raised his palm, activating the dozens of star powered lasers integrated within his body.

"I will fire! Turn back immediately!" Kothar's lasers charged up.

~Do what you want. Puny mortal.~ The beast spoke directly into his mind, not speaking words, but its message was conveyed well enough. Shocked, Kothar let off his blasts, aiming at the center of the beast's forehead. To his disappointment, the beast simply continued onward, ignoring him completely.

[Silane, reroute 100% of power to lasers. This threat must be neutralized.]

[Kothar. That would mean suspending life support systems and leaving you stranded out here]

[I'm the only one who has a chance of beating this thing, it has to be done.]

[Of course, Sir. Initiating Override.] Silane assented, and Kothar's chest began to glow, the full power of the captured star threatening to destroy his body from the inside. His arms fused together, forming a massive cannon, aiming at the eye of the beast.

Kothar took aim as his lasers charged up. Fwooom. Kothar was sent hurtling backward as the massive rush of energy hit the beast directly in its huge eye. Its massive jaws opened silently in anguish, a silent scream echoing from its mouth.

~Puny mortal, I shall destroy you!

In harming me, you have doomed your world.

I will devour this entire galaxy.

Know my name before your end.

I am the Devourer. I am inevitable.~

The beast rushed at Kothar, jaws wide open, a twisting stream of blackish/purple rushing at him.

[Well, we had a good run Silane. I guess this is it.]

[We did, didn't we.]

Kothar closed his eyes and waited.

The energy struck Kothar directly in the chest, bursting open the cage that held the star and triggering a massive explosion. The young Captain on Garden shielded his eyes as he looked up at the massive flash of light in the sky. Kothar was no more, and his people had no idea of their impending doom.


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