Chapter 600: Decision

Chapter 600: Decision


As the night of the seven day slowly rolled out, the citizens in the capital and those in the provinces were becoming more and more restless.

The seven-day ultimatum had caused much more chaos than even Sol could have anticipated. After all, it was only in times of danger that one true nature would reveal itself.

Many people made the mistake of thinking that the weak were always righteous and the strong evil. The reality was that the weak showed the true ugliness of their heart when they had nothing else to lose.

Those seven days had been nightmare inducing. Many people started turning to religion, wishing to pray to the goddesses in hope to be saved. Others started selling their houses and leaving their villages. This mainly happened for those who lived close to Lustburg, as they would be the closest target.

This resulted in what could only be called a mass exodus, as more and more people did their best to join the capital as fast as possible. After all, they knew that it was possible for the Supreme Daughter to erect a holy territory and protect them from any danger.

Those leaving their home faced much danger, while the criminal rate in the capital skyrocketed. The price of housing increased by more than 1000% and the cost for daily necessity increased as well as war merchants understood that this was the best moment for them to enrich themselves.

Meanwhile, as more and more people littered the street with no way to have a house nor even get food, new slums were created one after another.

It was hard to believe that all of this basically happened in only seven day. How things went from peace to absolute chaos also left many people bewildered.

Kuki and Shuten had been working hard to keep things from completely spiraling out of control, but there were limits to how much the two of them could do. Of course, even as they did so, Shuten did not forget to make sure to push the public opinion in the direction that suited her the most.

The funny thing was that, in this case, she had no need to even do anything. While some people might feel resentment, there were very few people who actually hated Sol outright in Wratharis.

Beastkins were war beasts, animals born for war and battle. They, more than anyone, understood that Lustburg had been very lenient during this war. Thanks to the existence of the Rangers, as well as Setsuna, Lilin and more importantly, Sol’s display of power, there was no doubt in their mind that the amount of casualties could have been far higher.

Furthermore, they were the one who declared war on Lustburg, so this made this situation doubly embarrassing and miserable.

Though the citizen hatred was not directed at Sol, this did not mean that it did not exist. In fact, all this hatred was focused on one individual.

Lupus Tiangou Ira — The tyrant.

For the last few days, more and more protests had exploded while citizens surrounded the main palace. They shouted at the top of their lungs for Lupus to step down from the throne and surrender it to the righteous heiress.

This was even more since they knew that once the war resumed, Lustburg would be truly merciless in its action.

And so they reunited, and so they raged! Their voices reached the top of heaven to bring down the Tyrant who sat high up.


In the depth of the palace, sitting cross-legged with a long golden spear resting on his lap, Lupus was breathing deeply and slowly. His face was slightly emaciated and sickly pale, all signs showing a great lack of blood.

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Even now, holding the spear, his veins bulged out while the spear shone with crimson light as it drank his blood.

The room he was currently in looked more like an abandoned dungeon than anything else, and the only decorations were two chairs and the mat where Lupus was meditating.

Lupus was not alone in this small training room that was akin to a dungeon, as the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, rested with his back against the wall and his own staff resting on his shoulder.

“Those so-called Divine Weapons seemed more demonic than anything.”

Wukong mused as he looked at the pitiful state Lupus was in. The Divine weapon was sucking his life force like a vampire, and he had undoubtedly lost more than a few decades in his lifespan.

“There is nothing I can do. Divine weapons cannot be wielded at their true maximum potential by mortals. Only by using the divinity in my blood as nourishment can I use it. This is no different from the creation of a Holy Territory by a Supreme Daughter.”

“So it’s because you are weak. I see. It makes sense.”

Lupus’ lips twitched a little. Sun Wukong had a way with words that infuriated him deeply, but at the moment he needed the help of the man. So Lupus simply swallowed his words of anger.

“By the way. You are surprisingly calm. I thought by now you would be screaming and asking for those people screaming to be beheaded.”

Lupus was nearly at the peak as a King, and Sun Wukong could be considered a half demigod. Even as deep as they were in the palace, it was no problem to hear the outraged cry of the masses.

Lupus simply caressed the spear with a hollow smile, “Half of them must be people working for Kuki while the other half are just ignorant pebbles. Their cries change nothing. They can do nothing. Their actions are meaningless. The weak do not get to decide their destiny.”

His smile slowly changed into a wolfish one, “No matter how much they cry, scream, protest, riot, or curse. Once I kill my niece tomorrow, they will have no choice but to lower their tails and show their bellies while begging for forgiveness. That is all they amount to.”

The rules of the world were clear, and there was nothing the citizens could do against him at this moment.

“Still. It must sting, right? Knowing that you have no allies, that everyone hate your guts and wishes you would simply die. Then again, I guess you never had anyone stand on your side, so you must be used to it.”

The smile on Lupus’ face twisted a little as he lowered his head and caressed the shaft of the divine spear.

“I once had an ally. He was a stupid man who would cheer me on whatever I did. A man who would raise me up when I failed and would reward me when I succeeded.” His voice was soft.

“Oh? What happened to that man?”

“I killed him and I took everything that belonged to him.”

“The previous King, huh.”

Silence settled between them as Lupus tilted his head, “Are you not curious. The reason I killed my brother? Everyone always asks me why.”

“I am not.” Sun Wukong shook his head, “Do not be mistaken, Lupus. I have no interest in you. Your reasons, your desires, your justification is all worthless in my eyes. But I do not hate you either. Because you are weak. I only pity you.”

Sun Wukong stood up and started walking toward the exit, “You said those mortals were worthless as they cannot change their destiny and in a way, you are indeed right. They are weak. But this does not give you the right to look down on them. Do you want to know why?”

“… Why?”

“Because ultimately, they are not alone. They have friends, lovers, and people who care for them. Their struggle may be meaningless, but they are risking their lives to fight for an impossible dream in order to assure a better future for their loved ones and themselves. As for you?”

A low chuckle escaped him, “Even if you manage to win this war. You will still be all alone. Nothing but a lonely Tyrant that no one loves and cares for, destined to sit on a bloody throne until the day you die and even after your death you will be remembered as nothing but a stain. How truly pitiful.”

On those last words, Sun Wukong left the room, leaving Lupus alone in the room, or at least that should have been the case.

“I must say. This man is really terrifying. I feel like he would have noticed me if I didn’t use this divine weapon to hide my aura.”

A voice full of amusement sounded behind Lupus, but he did not bother turning around,

“So, dear King. It seems like this is the end. What will be your answer?”

Lupus closed his eyes,

“I have made my decision.”


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