Preface from your beloved Translator:
This is NOT a story about a mother and her son. Faaar from it. This is a romance novel. It is about a goofy MC who perceives the ML, who, by the way, is older than her, as her "son". And I shouldn't need to say where this is going.
Important knowledge that you need to possess before reading this book:
There are different types of fans in China for idols. There are girlfriend fans, wife fans, mommy fans, and, of course, black fans. The concepts are simple, girlfriend/wife fans view their idols as lovers and, for example, it's not okay for their idols to date other people. Mommy fans normally are around the age of the idol's mother, so they'd view the idols as their "sons" (or daughters) and support them that way. In this case, MC is younger than ML in age, but for some reason she sees herself as a mommy fan of his. Don't ask. It will be explained later in the book.