Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 101: They Wouldn’t

Chapter 101: They Wouldn’t

A culprit was finally captured.

All Black Dragon Clan subsidiaries heard the news by the next morning, including the rumor that Shanghai Royal Family Head Wang Ki-neung was the one who captured him.

Family Head Wang overdid himself.

Would you like to release a counter announcement?

I dont know. Li Chingwei tilted her head and, looking genuinely curious, asked, Would anyone believe me if I said Wei-ling captured the culprit, or would more believe that the Master of Swords stole Family Head Wangs achievement?

There is clear security footage of Wei-ling getting there first.

Not many would believe she defeated him alone when the culprit is the one who killed the others.

Li Chingwei briefly hesitated and, with her delicate hands, moved a piece on the chessboard in front of her. Even fewer would believe she was able to defeat him with the Master of Swords instructions.

Thats true. Yo Ouin gave a bitter smile. Even as a martial artist from an older age, he would have been skeptical to hear that someone won a fight through instructions over a phone call.

There was no way the clan would believe it when they had never come face to face with Limons skills and had nothing but deep resentment against him, especially since the Shanghai Royal Family was spreading the rumor like their lives depended on it.

Its not surprising at all that Family Head Wang would want to spread the rumor.

An official claim would have let us reveal the truth, Li Chingwei said.

Yo Ouin nodded. That must be why hes content with just the rumors. Sometimes, a vague rumor holds more weight than gold.

How cunning. It was clever of them to use a rumor because it allowed them to rebuild their status and honor if the truth remained hidden and they also wouldnt be held responsible if it became known.

There was a lot he would gain and little he could lose, which was a very fitting move for someone like Wang.

In the end, it doesnt matter.

Does this mean you will not act on this?

Its not worth it. Li Chingwei disregarded Wangs efforts as futile. Maybe it was a big deal for the Shanghai Royal Family, but it was too pathetic for her to care about.

Is the Master of Swords disappointed at all? Yo Ouin asked with caution

The Master of Swords? Chingwei let out a muffled laugh. Would he feel disappointment over an achievement that even I find pathetic? He doesnt even care about receiving glory for saving the world. She smiled.

It appears my worries are unwarranted

Not exactly. The Master of Swords may not be disappointed, but he might feel pity.

Is that so?

Yes. Thats why I said Family Head Wang overdid himself, Chingwei said. If he had been respectful in asking Limon for the culprit, he would have begrudgingly handed him over, but Wang crossed the line with his aggressiveness.

Of course, it was his mistake since he was the type of person who couldnt understand others and didnt think Limon would ever give him the chance.

If thats all he was able to get from falling from the Master of Swords favor, then could it be called an advantage?

It mightve given the man a temporary advantage, but they could never forget that Limon was an ageless, immortal swordmasterhe could interfere with the Shanghai Royal Familys business for centuries on end.

Yo Ouin recalled the damage Limon single-handedly brought to the Seven Dragons Association in the past and immediately started to feel sympathy towards Wang.

Family Head Wang made a very foolish decision, she said.

Hes been going through a lot recently, Li Chingwei replied. Anyone can make bad judgments when theyre desperate.

Though it sounded like she was defending him, Yo Ouin noticed there was not even the slightest bit of sympathy in her tone. Opposing Limon was the same as opposing the Princess, after all.

I should sell any stocks related to the Shanghai Royal Family. His growing sympathy aside, Yo Ouin was cool-headed in his conclusions as the head manager of Leviathan.

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Chingwei calmly said, Family head Wang is not an issue. The problem is whats going on outside. She moved another chess piece to a map with gold, silver, carnelian, sapphire, greenstone, white jade, and obsidian.

Is this about the other clans? Yo Ouin asked.

Yes. It would be more than just trouble if they decided on a sure action.

Even if its another clan, they wouldnt be able to blatantly make a move.

Chingwei sighed. They can still act covertly, and we dont have the power to stop such interference.

Yo Ouin couldnt argue with that

The plutocratic Gold Dragon Clan of the United States of America

The great Khanate Silver Dragon Clan of Russia

The Blue Dragon Clan of the British Empire

The White Dragon Clan, part of the Holy League

The Red Dragon Clan, leader of the African military regime

The Green Dragon Clan, which ruled the South American cartels

Despite being a member of the same Seven Dragons, the Black Dragon Clans power was weak in comparison.

Some clans even had more power than nations in the 77 Chinese Federations. Since East Asia was their mainland, the Black Dragon Clan had suffered the most at Limons hands, yet there he was, about to marry their princess, Li Chingwei.

Of course, the other clans wouldnt just sit back and allow such a thing.

How do you think they will take action?

Each clan has different opinions, Chingwei quietly said as she recalled the most recent conference. It feels like the Gold Dragon Clan is trying to use their wealth, and the Red Dragon Clan is getting more bold with their threats.

Thats a little bit of a relief.

Yes. It means they wont act immediately, but as for the other clans Im not sure what they might do.

The clans with transparent objectives were a lesser evil since she could predict and prepare for their next moves, which wasnt something she could do with the more discrete clans.

Do you think the other clans had a part in this incident? Yo Ouin asked.

I doubt it. If they did, it would have been a full-out war. They dont have anything to gain from such minor aggressions.

They could be trying to probe our reaction.

Chingwei tilted her head. Do you think so?

She didnt necessarily trust her connections with the other clans since the Seven Dragons Association was more of an alliance than a single organization. Their alliance had never been very strong, not even when they were the rulers of the world.

Since they were legally recognized, it was probable for them to commit terrorism against each other for the sake of reconnaissance, but Li Chingwei had a reason for discounting that.

I wouldnt try to probe in such a way if I were them. Instead, I would have snuck a spy in or tried to contact the Master of Swords directly.

It cant be! Are you thinking the other princesses might try to take direct action?


The Seven Dragons Association had fought against Limon more than any other group, and they were more aware than anyone of the kind of man Limon used to be. Times may have changed, but anyone with a half-knowledge of the power hed displayed back then wouldnt be surprised if the princesses got directly involved.

Even Chingwei herself had directly proposed to him.

The only reason they arent taking immediate action is because the Master of Swords reputation is getting worse by the day since our engagement.

Is that why youre avoiding the matter of his status, Princess?

Its one of the reasons. The other princesses would take action much faster if the Master of Swords reputation went back up.

Yo Ouin understoodthere was a reason Li Chingwei did nothing while Limons reputation was declining.

Ill pay more attention to the other clans movements, she said.

No, please take caution and follow internal restrictions instead. Especially around Leviathan employees.

Do we not have to get involved?

Theres no point in stopping them if they set their mind to making a move. Li Chingwei shook her head and stared at the arrangement of chess pieces on the map. Its possible one of them has already contacted the Master of Swords.

They wouldnt.

They could, she added, especially if they were aware of his musical skills. At least two of them would fly over in a heartbeat, dont you think?

Thats Yo Ouin stopped himself. Hed heard the mans performance, so he knew that regardless of being a swordmaster, Limons talent for music alone was unrivaled.

As Chingwei said, there were princesses in the Seven Dragons Association who would go to the ends of the Earth if they heard him performone was the embodiment of greed who couldnt bear not having something she wanted in her hands, and the other princess considered music her life and traveled the world for it.

They wouldnt have had the opportunity to listen to the Master of Swords music.

I hope so.

Yo Ouin thought her concern was excessive. How could they hear Limons music when he and Chingwei were the only two people in their clan to have listened to it?

Even if they did hear it, the princesses wouldnt move so hastily when they ruled their territories with more power than kings.


Hmph, damn it, Limon cursed.

Whats wrong, partner? Eugene asked.

What do you think? Its because of you.

What did I do? Eugene tilted her head in confusion.

I thought you got yourself a respectable job when you said you started working.

This job is plenty respectable! she argued.

A waitress? Limon clicked his tongue as he looked at Eugene dressed in a server uniform and holding a tray.

Eugene was unbothered, though, and she set down his drink with a shrug. What? I make money, eat food, and sing every once in a while. Its the best job I could hope for.

A waitress doesnt usually do the last part, do they?

Partner, being old-fashioned isnt good for you. Its hard to get a job in this world if you cant adapt with an open mind, you know. Eugene wagged her finger from side to side, and Limon scrunched his face in response.

Then, someone came to their table and interrupted them. Hahaha! Youre right, Miss. Singing now and then isnt a problem. Not a problem at /invite/reaperscans

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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