Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 4 - -3<Mental Attack>

Arvin looked at the people that were whispering and talking about something with Alman. They were checking all earthlings out like they were some sort of bikini models. He didn't know whether checking him out is a good thing or a bad thing. But he knew one thing for sure. That guy Alman didn't tell them about the whole truth of the situation. He had a gut feeling telling that these people are not trustable and he should just run away from here as soon as he gets the chance.

There was something fishy about the story that the Alman guy told them. There were so many questions that were bombarding themselves in his mind but he didn't speak them out loud…. ​​

He said that they were on the 1st floor of Yggdrasil. But he could not understand the logic of the existence of floors. Why are they even here? And why did they start from the 1st floor and not from any other floor?

And the shadiest question of all…

Why was he helping other earthlings? That was the most important question of them all…

When he met Alman on the road, he came running towards him like Arvin was his lost found brother. He had gathered all these earthlings with him who were following him. But why? He could understand by the clothes and appearance of the people that they encountered some ferocious animal of some sort. That could explain the blood and look of despair in the faces of the people. And the way that they were following Alman meant that he must have saved them… But why?

If Alman was a good guy, he could have saved a few people and gotten out of there. But based on the size of the group and based on the fact that he didn't come here with all these people, Arvin speculated that these earthlings must have been spawned in different places. That meant that he deliberately was searching for earthlings. Alone…

That is the main point. He went there alone. Not with a group. If people of this world are good and well-mannered people they would have sent a group of people to rescue them from the jungle. They could have saved a lot of people from this. But Alman came alone. When he met with Arvin he came running towards him like Arvin was a lost lottery ticket. As soon as he saw Arvin's appearance, his enthusiasm changed into that of disgust. He looked at him like he was just trash. But why so? He is supposed to be the good guy, right? So why the look of disdain?

Then comes the society that Arvin and other people came to. Based on the ruthless words of Alman, this place is supposed to be like a world where strength rules. And this is not a democracy where people rule. So if Alman lived in this kind of society then why would he even risk his life to save them. Given this society's belief, some higher-ups of this society sending a helping hand for them was out of the question. So why did he come here?

Arvin didn't know shit about the situation he was in. He didn't have enough info about society. He had a feeling that he should not mingle with the people of the city. So, he made his decision. For now, he would follow this group and see what is going to happen next. After that, he would escape with the first chance that he would get. And last but not least he would put his guard up from now onwards…


After talking to strangers, Alman ordered the group to follow him. Soon Alman and the group came to the gates of the city. While coming into the city, they went through the main gate of the city, which was being guarded by a bunch of soldiers wearing medieval Europe-style armor.

Arvin was an intelligent man and he had guts. But what he lacked was strength. Arvin knew about his qualities and his bad points. And throughout his life, he may be bullied a lot, but he was never afraid.

But today, he felt fear for his life. He didn't know how or why but as they were going into the city, soldiers at the top of city walls, just looked at the group. Arvin saw them, looked down. As soon they looked down, they started smiling. Then hell was sent loose. Arvin's body got heavy. A very cold chill ran down his spine, also he started sweating intensely. He could feel dread. And he didn't know how, but he could feel that this feeling of despair and death. That feeling was coming from someone in front of him.

Arvin wanted to look up and see, how and what was doing this? His mind told him that he should look up. But his body told him that he should not look up or otherwise he would die. But that feeling suddenly went away. Arvin regained his senses as soon as the feeling went away. He started looking around. He saw that most of the members of his group were on the ground. They were unconscious. While he and 15-16 people were still standing in their places.

Before he could make sense of the situation about what was happening around here, he heard few people laughing.


That laugh came from in up above him. When Arvin looked up above him, he saw that those soldiers were laughing, while pointing fingers at Alman.….

"Haha… What the hell? Alman you weak mother fuck*er. Look at that, even the cripple was able to withstand your mental attack. This is just hilarious…." One of the soldiers said while laughing his ass out…

But soon one of the people from the earthling group, that withstood the attack, lost his mind. He was wearing a suit. But his blazer was torn from the sides as well as his pants were a mess. Although Arvin didn't have a lot of knowledge of suits, from the looks of it, his suit looked like it used to be a very expensive suit…

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Hey Alman, you bastard! What the fuck do you suppose you are doing? Huh? Do you think this is funny? Mother Fucker I will kill you right here and now!" That man shouted. As the soldiers heard what that man was saying, they stopped laughing…

"Relax man. This was a test to separate water and oil. You see those bastards down there, they don't have any potential. They will all die a dog's death in the future. But you guys on the other hand are different. You will live like a king in the future. Relax man, just relax." Alman said.

"Is that supposed to make me calm down?" that man gritted his teeth and asked…

"You will know in just a few seconds about what I am talking about. Just chillax and come with me. " Alman said. He then looked at the soldiers by the gate and nodded at them. The soldiers nodded back. Soon a platoon of soldiers started running towards them. They were followed by some bullock carts. And strangely the animal pulling the cart was normal buffalo. Then those soldiers started gathering the fainted people and started loading them in bullock carts…

One of the women that had stayed conscious asked Alman…

"Where are they taking them?" she asked in a worried voice.

"Somewhere safe. They will first be treated, bathed, and fed then they will be sent to the god's pillar where we are going right now…. NOW! Everyone keep following me!" Alman said.

So those 16 people started following Alman. During this whole ordeal, Arvin kept looking around for clues. He knew that no one in the world is so selfless. So this so-called test and Alman rescuing all these people could mean one thing. He is doing this from greed and not from the act of goodness…

Based on speculation, Alman wanted something that only people from the earth have. That would explain all these scenarios. Arvin then looked towards all the people that have survived that had remained conscious. He couldn't find any similarity in them. They all belong to different genders and have different body types. So the only thing he could think was that they had high mental fortitude.

What the main question was what did they possess that Alman wanted desperately? He had gone through all this length, then he could guess that the thing that he wanted must be precious. But the question was what do they possess?...


Arvin and his group went through the gates and went into the city. Instantly they were greeted with a magnificent city. Through gates, they wound up in what looked like to be a market of the city. As they were walking by, people on the street pointed at their group. But they all looked at them with a sense of fear.

Arvin didn't know why they were fearing them? Then he wondered what things Alman omitted in his orientation…

Arvin looked at the various stalls that were spread on the road that they were in. Those stalls sell all kinds of various types of weird fruits and vegetables. He had never seen those types of vegetables and fruits that were being sold in those stalls. Arvin saw that some stalls were also selling colorful liquids. Some of them also had swords, knives, and bows.

Still following Alman their group came deep into the city. And as they got deeper into the city, the market became less crowded and the quality of the shops also increased. In the deepest parts of the city, there were fancy shops with fancier stuff. In the inner parts, people also dressed well and had an attitude in them…

Soon while following Alman, he and his group came to a square. It was a very crowded square. Various people with fancy clothing were standing by the side of the square. In Between, the square there was a tall black monolith. Arvin when saw the monolith, he felt that there was something weird about the monolith.

As he saw the monolith he also made a speculation that maybe this monolith is God's tower…

#Solo Player Arvin


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