Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 26 - -25<Being A Pain In The Ass>

After getting out of the HTC branch, Arvin went straight towards the cheapest inn that he could find. He was baffled to find that even the cheapest inn of the Arcane city cost him, 10 copper, for one night. And that cost did not even include meals. He had to buy his meals from outside the inn. But the good thing was that as soon as he got the HTC card he got all the copper coins refunded that he gave for the recruitment.

Arvin had enough money in his hands that he could live off this money for at least a month or two. At that time he had decided that he had to take care of some things… ​​

Arvin had many arrogant and rich kids back on earth. He knew how most of those brats think. They were some stubborn bunch who didn't understand the meaning of the word 'No'. As Arvin has denied the offer by Phyllis Cullen and other kids, they will not give him peace. Either they will take this matter up to their ego and try to attack him to let out their frustration. Or they will keep on pursuing him and irritate him until Arvin gives in.

But Arvin wasn't a little bit worried about those things. It was because, as soon he entered his room of the inn, he went straight towards the quest that was given to him. And as soon as he saw the content of the quest, it flipped his mind…


{Normal Quest}

Quest- Be a pain in the as*

Description- Be a pain in the as* of Alman. Lord Commander of the City watch is the strongest being in the Arcane city. But that man has also been a source of the host's nightmares. So take revenge on him. Make him pay for what he did to you. Make him pay something back as compensation for all the nightmares that he has given to you.

Rewards- The rewards for this quest are solely dependent on the amount of compensation that the host can get from him.

Penalty- None


As Arvin looked at the quest, he was confused about whether he should take this quest or not. He sure was tempted to take the quest. And now as he was aware of the fact that Alman was not able to recognize him, he could easily plan his revenge on Alman.

But if he takes on the quest, it will not be an easy quest. Alman was a Lord Commander of the city's watch. He was a very powerful man. His power could be seen from the fact that Cassandra thought highly of him. And if he even wants compensation, what will he ask him? It is not like he could just go on his door and ask for compensation.

Arvin also had to think about those kids that he had offended by saying no to their offer. They will be on his tail too. He had to make sure that his identity as an earthling stays hidden as well. He also had to train…

'Speaking of training… Dobby, tell me something. If I complete a quest like this, then will I get Exp?'


'Even if I don't use any combat techniques during the whole quest?'


'Why? And how?'

[Host thinks of it like this..]

[Gods are omnipotent beings. They could do anything.]



Arvin then tried to think rationally. He had to decide whether he should do combat training or do this quest. He spends the whole 3 hours thinking about it and concludes that he should just do both. After all, he had all the time that he needed. The quest didn't have any time foundation. So did his training. So he could do both simultaneously…

Now, all that he needed was to plan how he will get compensation from Alman. He had concluded that no matter what he could not go ask for compensation directly. So at last he was left with only one option. That was stealing.

He could steal valuable stuff from his house or from his office, whichever is most feasible. Then he could leave a note there saying that he had taken all this stuff as compensation. That way he can fulfill his task as well as give Alman a taste of his own medicine.

But Arvin was not a thief. He had no idea how to even start. So that whole day he makes a list of things that he had to do to start his plan…

1>Find Alman's office or home.

2>Somehow infiltrate his office or home.

3>Find the most valuable thing that he could find there.

4>Take the item.

5>Get the hell out of here without anyone noticing that he had been there.

These 5 points were key and major elements that Arvin needed to accomplish for the quest to become successful. He had to make sure that no one sees him…

Arvin knew that Alman was a very strong and powerful man on the 1st floor. So messing with him and getting away might be able to make him famous. That could help in accomplishing another quest that he had been given. With that Arvin started preparing for the plans…

'Hey Dobby, could I ask you a question?'


'Could you tell me… If I can change into an insect-like a fly or something?'

[Host can change into a fly but it will significantly lower the time of the host's transformation.]

'By how much?'

[From 1 hour to just 20 minutes.]

'Interesting' Arvin thought.

#edited by Hocther

#14 power stones more to go for 2 extra chapters on Sunday...

#And i know this chapter is very small. It was done deliberately..


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