Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 2 - -1<Transported To Another World>

The great forest of Kalgan is a vast forest on the 1st floor. It is filled with trees that could be said to be older than the age apocalypse. The great forest is filled with various exotic plants and animals. Kalgan forest could be said a forest that is the biggest natural resource on the 1st floor. Every day various adventurers and mercenary goes to the forest either to hunt animals or in search of some rare herb. The forest had so many hidden treasures that it is said that Kalgan forest is a dragon's den. It is filled with treasures but also with danger…

Just beside the forest are the hilly grasslands. Locals usually use them as herding grounds. Although it is a dangerous area, still with an abundance supply of mana from the Kalgan forest the grass that grows there is very nutritious which is great for animals. And most of the time adventurers patrol that area to hunt for any wild animals. So it is a pretty safe place.


Sun was high in the sky. A cold breeze was flowing from the forest. The grass of the hilly areas danced as the breeze passed them by. It was a magnificent scene...

Just up the highest hill near the Kalgan forest, a boy was lying on the grass. His eyes were closed. One could assume that he was asleep. He had a brown skin tone with short black hair. He a big scar on the right side of his face. That scar looked like a burn mark. The burn mark had ruined the right side cheek of the boy. He was wearing a black color shirt with tiny black boxers.

The boy looked like that he was sleeping peacefully when a certain small dragonfly flew past that boy's ears, then that boy showed the signs of waking up. As that boy woke up he first felt the fresh breeze that kissed his face. Then he felt the soft grass that he was lying on. It was then the boy realized that he was in an unknown place. He abruptly got up.

He opened his eyes wide open. He was astonished by the scene that he was witnessing. He had only seen this type of beautiful scenery in wallpapers. Now he was witnessing it.

But out of blue, the beautiful scene was interrupted by a small message-shaped icon that suddenly manifested itself in front of him. That boy was surprised by the message icon. He had never seen anything like this before…

First of all, he was now in an unknown place. And now sudden emergence of this message icon. That boy knew that this was not a dream as he could feel the cold breeze flowing while the soft grass beneath him was undoubtedly real. Confuse about what was happening that boy started to think about the last thing that he remembers.

He remembered his name. His name was Arvin. The last thing he remembered was that he was making cup noodles in his dorm room. He was working on a project that he needed to submit by this week's end. And that was it. That was it. Other than that he didn't remember anything else. He didn't remember anything that could connect him about what he was doing here. And what is this place?

Confuse about what to do next, Arvin raised his hands to touch the message icon that he could see. As soon as he touched the icon another blue screen opened in front of him….


Welcome to Yggdrasil!!

Congratulations! You have been chosen to become a player in the magnificent world of Yggdrasil. Survive and explore the world to the fullest and you will be able to achieve everything in the world.

All The Best!


As Arvin looked at the message that he received he became confused….

'What is this message? What is Yggdrasil? If I remember correctly then Yggdrasil was supposed to be part of Norse mythology? So what does that mean? Where am I?' questions like that came rushing into Arvin's mind. He didn't understand the situation he was in.

After contemplating the situation that he was in right now, Arvin got up. He decided that he should first find where he was. Then only he could understand the situation that he was in. Then he could make plans for the future. As Arvin got up he noticed that he was bare feet. The soft grass tickled his feet. As he felt ticklish in his feet he thought that this place isn't so bad.

While limping he came down the hill. He knew that it would be dangerous for a cripple like him to go into a forest-like area. So started walking opposite the forest. The refreshing air that was flowing by him made him feel refreshed. He enjoyed the scenery that he saw while walking. His surrounding was so beautiful that for a moment he even considered to live here for forever.

Enjoying scenery here and there he eventually came across a human settlement. From a distance when he saw a human settlement he was amazed. He then slowly started walking towards the city. As he got closer to the city he noticed that was a road leading to the city. The road was a dirt road but it was surprisingly flat. It was like this road was naturally formed. Arvin has never seen or heard about a road like this…

When Arvin stepped on the road he felt the road from his bare feet. Surpirinsggly the road was soft. Arvin then used his toes to dig into the road. Then he took some dirt to see what kind of soil was this. It was then he saw an unbelievable scene. The small hold that he made from his toes was magically filled again.

Arvin ignored its surroundings and deeply started thinking about the method from which this road was made. According to logic, it was almost impossible to make a road this flat with earth. Curiously he inspected the road for a minute or two. When he was not able to uncover anything, then he just moved on. He thought that he must investigate this road further as it could be a profitable investment in the future…

As Arvin got closer to the settlement, he noticed this settlement was a big city. As he got closer he noticed that city was surrounded by white color walls. The walls seemed that they were at least 30 feet tall. Arvin noticed that few men were patrolling that the top of the wall. All the men that were patrolling were wearing white chest color armor. Those soldiers were also a knight's helmet with a white color feather on the top. Those helmets looked exactly like helmets that spartans used to wear during ancient times. Expect these helmets are white.

As Arvin was looking at everything curiously, his concentration broke when he heard a very terrifying noise…


Arvin looked up and there it was. When he looked up and saw what had made that noise he lost his cool. Up above him was flock flying by the city. The size of those birds was very abnormal. He knew that those birds were far up in the sky. But still, they looked humongous from where he was standing. That meant that the real size of those birds would be…

The birds were red. Arvin could see that they all had golden colors like an eagle. Their beak was black like that of a hawk. They looked like a hawk but they were red and were humongous.

When he thought about the size of those birds it sent a shivered down his spine. But as he was looking at the sky he noticed another weird thing. There was no sun in the sky. He could see everything around him. He could see trees were casting shadows, while he was also casting a shadow. But still, he could not see the sun. Then where is the light coming from? He looked again in the sky. He thought he was being delusional. According to the laws of physics, there must be a sun in the sky. But he was not able to find it.

As Arvin was looking at the sky he noticed another peculiarity. There was just a shade but if one looks carefully then he/she might notice it. The blue color of the sky was hiding it well, but if one look carefully one would notice that there was land behind that blue curtain of sly. He could notice it. It seemed that he was underground. And the ground above him was hidden by a blue color hue which acted as a camouflage…

As Arvin was thinking about the birds and about the possibility of him being underground he noticed that a group of people was heading his way. They were all being lead by a burly man with the physique of a wrestler. He was bald and have a slim mustache on his face. He looked like a barbarian as he was not wearing anything above. He was bare-chested. While down below he was wearing leather pants.

He looked very weird to Arvin. But he couldn't complain because he was wearing a black shirt and trousers. As the bald man noticed Arvin, he came running towards him. When he got close to Arvin he said…

"Welcome to Yggdrasil Earthling!"


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