Solo Max-Level Newbie

Chapter 92: Filth Eating Jar

Chapter 92: Filth Eating Jar

W-what is this

The professor staggered backward.

You died. You are alive. You should be dead. He was obviously dead.

Andrea was also shocked.

On the other hand, Jin-hyuk kept touching his shoulders and waist.

Ugh. I was halfway through the Styx river and back.

He could even see the flower garden and amazing beauties that asked him to cross over. For a moment, he almost even followed their request.

It was a shame that the song was from Ancient Greece. It would have been more exciting if they were singing trot.

The curse of the Demon King has disappeared with this.

Jin-hyuk nodded his head, feeling satisfied.

From the first meeting with the Demon King to receiving the hidden quest. From making the professor use his relic while at the same time waiting for the Blessing of the Stars to revive him to lift the Demon Kings curse.

Everything went as planned.

The casting time of the magic book worked right.

He could no longer use his unique abilities and skills now.

But it didnt matter.

He had suddenly lost his strength because of the professors relic.

Like a complete scarecrow being hit.

The master of the gladiator arena was adept at using various weapons.

The master of the mine was incredibly strong, whereas the professor used a powerful magic relic, but

Since the relic was used, its magic was now used up for the moment, so there was no concern about how the rest of this would go.

You bastard! Just who the hell are!

The professor couldnt even finish his angry words.

Why? Is this the first time you saw someone die and come back?

Of course!

What kind of professor doesnt accept a resurrection? Shouldnt you, of all people, be trusting in this more than me?

If they believed this, he would consider them even more insane, but they would survive longer too. Besides, what if he respawned and could suddenly shoot lasers from his eyes? Wouldnt that be interesting?

Dont talk shit!

The professor cursed as he picked up a surgical knife from the table. This meant he wasnt going to just lie down.

You will regret it.

Jin-hyuk smiled and lowered his form.


A red dagger appeared in his right hand.


The surgical knife and dagger crossed paths.

Jin-hyuk, who deflected the professors attack that was aimed at his heart, countered by aiming for his thigh.


On target!

The dagger went in quite deep.


The professor screamed in pain.

He had said that Jin-hyuk would regret this. When this person who held the weight from the back line came forward, victory and defeat were decided.

No, just one more thing.

The professor still had a way to turn this situation around.

Of course.

Even though that is what I want.

Jin-hyuk looked at the jar and the professor.

Wasnt now the time to gamble?

If he continued like this, then he would die. The professor would know this better than other people, right?

Jin-hyuk continued to provoke the opponent, pushing him into the corner little by little.

Now the opponent has to choose whether he will die

Damn it.

In the end, the professor made a decision

[5th-floor professor activates Lv10' Sacrifice'!]

Something that resembled the shape of a human hand protruded out from the professors chest.

It had an eerie appearance and was made of smoke.

If I dont have enough magic all I need to do is supplement it!


A method to replenish the relics magic by sacrificing his own followers.

The professors hidden card.


The hand flew towards Andrea. Reacting to this was difficult for her, who had never fought before.


Andrea looked down at her chest with trembling eyes.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

She saw a hand holding her heart. And the smoke grew thicker.

Give up your powers, you humble servant!

No matter how small her magic was, it would be a nice variable in this situation.


Petria de Ame.

The moment the skill began to absorb her magic.

Peteria de Amerois. Theo pa Verisio.

Another familiar voice intervened.

It was Jin-hyuk.


The professor turned his head.

He was so surprised that he bit his tongue in shock.

H-how do you know the runes

Those ancient runes are basic. Doesnt everyone speak at least three languages these days?

What was more difficult was to predict which of the many spells would come out of the opponents mouth.

From the professors point of view, there was no time to think about it.


From this moment, the price needed to be paid.


The Filth Eating Jar began to vibrate violently.

It would eat the target following the casters orders.


The professor turned around.

Unlike before, he decided that running away was the right choice now. However, the black hands from the jar were much quicker.


The hands tightly gripped the professors body.

Head, cheeks, waist, shoulders, and finally, his legs. It was a perfect capture.

N-No! no!

The professor struggled against the hands.

He scratched the floors with his nails and kicked a desk against the floor with his feet. He tried everything to escape the grasp of the black hands.

Of course, it was all futile.

Just holding on to something didnt mean the target wouldnt get devoured.


Ten nail marks were left on the stone floor until the very end.


The body of the professor was completely swallowed into the jar.




The sounds that came out were the horrifying sounds of bones being crushed. The man who had once led a multitude of followers and lived as the Demon Kings right hand had now met his tragic end.

No, it was probably too easy of a death compared to burning to death.

The scene lasted less than 30 seconds.

Jin-hyuk looked at the professor with cold eyes. Then he turned his head as if remembering something.

There was Andrea, who was almost half-dead.

I.I did you get him?

Do you know what I need?


Andrea opened her eyes and touched her body. Her face was more curious about her survival rather than happy about living.

Rather, dont you feel more strange? Isnt your body lighter than usual? Full of power?

Uh? Ah, come to think What is this? It is like waking up from a good nights sleep.

As I thought, it worked like this.

The professor was dead. However, the message that showed that the 5th floor had been conquered didnt appear yet.

Well, that was obvious.

Because the head of the psychiatric ward wasnt dead yet.

As the professor dies during the activation of the sacrificial ritual, the holy relic chooses a new master.

In other words.

The wards new boss would be Andrea.

The time has come for her to be aware of it too.

As he thought that.


A short sight escaped from Andreas mouth.

She realized what the vitality and power she was feeling were.

The succession effect.

It was the moment when the new master was born.


The master

Will obey me alone.

Jin-hyuk smiled.

All the other players might think killing the boss was the only way to conquer the floor.

I am different.

Veterans do not seek the normal.

They didnt care about the conditions if it meant better benefits and simulation. That was the way veterans climbed.

That was how they could see the top of the tower.

Before this, you were betrayed by your most precious people and abandoned here.

That is correct.

Now those times are over for you. At least on the 5th floor, no one else would be rude to you.

She was no longer a measly child believer but the ruler and master of the floor with magic and subordinates under her command.

This is where Andrea would live in the future.

So, from now on, live with a smile.

Thank you. Really

Andreas eyes welled up with tears.

It seemed the sorrow and the pain she had kept holding inside were bursting out.

She was already in a situation where she couldnt betray Jin-hyuk due to the stigma on her.


Even if that didnt exist, Andrea would never betray the man who gave her freedom.

Still, he had something else to do.

I dont really like being thanked

Jin-hyuk mumbled his words as if waiting for something.


Andrea wiped her tears with her sleeve and turned to Jin-hyuk.

It was decided.

How she would live in the future.

My name is Andrea. I am the master of this ward.

Andrea politely knelt down on one knee.

All the beings on this ward, including me, will follow you and do what you need. Even if the request is against the rulers of the upper floors.

And she bowed with sincerity.

[The boss monster 'Andrea' in the 'Psychiatric Ward' on the 5th floor swears allegiance.]

[The Mine and Gladiator Arena have been released]

[The 6th Floor of the Tower of Trials is open!]

[Time remaining until clearing the next floor: 89D 23h:59m:59s]

[Level has risen]

[Level has risen]

[Level has risen]

His level rose as the next floor opened with a series of status windows.

Having the power of the 5th floor in my hand will be useful in the future.

Considering the future, assistance from the lower floors was one of the tasks he needed to fulfill.

Jin-hyuk looked down.

Towards the rewards.

[You are the first to receive the loyalty of a boss monster]

[You have acquired the special item 'Mirror that breaks down boundaries (Overrank)']


Jin-hyuk frowned at the unexpectedly massive reward that had arrived.

The 5th floor was cleared.

The world had reason to cheer again.

And again, the main character of this achievement was the Korean ranker, Kang Jin-hyuk.

-Takoyaki: Seriously, shouldn't the president of each nation give the guy something at this point?

-Black flame dragon on the right hand: No. At this point, they should just hand down their presidential seats to him. What good will any title or reward do for him? Will he cook food with it?

-IndexTM: I am dying to see the attack video. I am curious to see how he cleared it though I know it will be edited.

In this hot atmosphere, the video everyone wanted had appeared!

[Escaping right in front of the manager]

The provocative title.

And the video played.

Jin-hyuk had taken the Path of Choice, a place that was notorious for its tight time requirements and difficulty.

But in front of a veteran, it was as if it didnt matter. Kang Jin-hyuk broke through the gates instantly without even needing to listen.

It was unbelievable.

It was absurd.

Eventually, even the Paths manager lost it. Instead of anger, there was doubt.

-Index: Ah hahahaha! Isn't he supposed to be an admin?

-VeteranIdentification: Wow, how much does he have to know to go through it like that.

-Tissue paper on the desk: Seeing the other veterans who can't seem to do anything, doesn't it feel like he is the only person who can get results?

-SaeYoungEonHwan: Well, Kang Jin-hyuk must be attempting this for the second time, but he was too overpowered.

-Woojin Choi: I am one of the players who survived in that ward. I thought there was no answer other than to die there, but thanks to player Kang Jin-hyuk we were able to live. Thank god.

The explosive reaction didnt stop until night arrived.

At the same time, a meme began to spread on the internet.

There was a veteran who stood at the top of the players.

There was oil and fossilized stagnant water.

Lastly, there was Jin-hyuk, who watched it all.


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