Solo Max-Level Newbie

Chapter 104: Medusa Raid (4)

Chapter 104: Medusa Raid (4)

Using the Giants Grasp to use a pillar as a weapon was a kind of performance.

One meant to attract the attention of others.

The one who deceives the opponent is also the best visually.

Jin-hyuk smiled.

It wasnt for nothing that the magicians always captivated the audiences attention with their flashy outfits and antiques.

If such a gap of captivation could be created, then any kind of boss could be taken down.

Uh, when how can you joke like this!

Medusa looked down and gritted her teeth.

Runes were drawn with blood.

It was a technique done using the blood of the tanker she had killed. Medusa tried to move back, but it was too late.

I made this specifically for you.

If he could not confine her using an intermediate barrier.

Then all it took was to use up the whole land here and


A large rune formation that was drawn on the floor shined brightly.

Breaking it will not be easy.

That was a known fact.

Because this was of a completely different scale.


[A 3-star (level) barrier 'Sealed Coffin' is activated!]

A modifier that only appeared when the proper process and magic were combined.

For the first time, a barrier with a star level was activated.


Jin-hyuk nodded as he looked at the shining light.

He had been a little worried since he had used his feet to draw this, but his body remembered the runes well.

Wasnt there a saying that even if ones form died, the class was eternal?

Trapped within the square barrier, Medusa screamed.

Akkkk! Let me go right now!

Kwang! Kwang! Bang!

Even if she used her whip or bashed it with her tail, the barrier didnt budge.

As was said before, it wasnt easy to break down.

There was a way to destroy this barrier, but if someone only tried to break it down with ignorant force, then it wouldnt break even after a thousand years.

A barrier was a delicate thing.

Jin-hyuk glanced over.

Now that the boss was locked inside, the status window should appear that indicated the quest was successful.

At that moment.


Several status windows appeared.

[Third Condition has been met.]

[You have succeeded in achieving the 1st job of a Barrier User.]

[Because you succeeded in trapping the highest level boss monster among the options, the 'hidden job quest' is activated!]

[You have changed your job to a higher level job, the 'Rune Interpreter'!]

No way.!

Right! I knew it would happen like this!

Jin-hyuk cheered at this announcement.

The quest description had indicated that he needed to lock up a boss monster as a condition for the job. However, there was no clear indication of how strong the boss needed to be.

Naturally, like bean sprouts sprouting in a drought-stricken place, players who chose the Barrier User job always look for the weakest book to fulfill the 3rd condition.

A goblin or slime on the 1st floor, something that was easy to catch.

Right. That isnt a boss at all.

Few people would choose a difficult path over the easy one.


A veteran wouldnt take the easy way. Even in a situation where there was no information and more difficulty, they would try to get more than what was expected of them.

The more difficult the situation, the more reluctant other people would be to attempt it.

And that would bring in a bigger reward.

That assumption was proven right.


His heart pounded at this.

It couldnt be helped. The game had been released for 11 years, but not a single player had gotten a hidden job.

As he had dealt with Medusa, the most challenging target that the Gray Temple could give as a quest, he had expected additional rewards.

He also hoped that there would be a hidden one too.

This is something I didnt know before.

However, being surprised with a slap to the back of the head was always welcomed with such a pleasant reward.

Jin-hyuk clenched his fist.

First, lets check the contents.

It should be good if it was a hidden job, but the details needed to be checked.

Jin-hyuk gulped as he began to read the lines in the status window.

[Rune Interpreter

Acquisition Difficulty: Overrank

Description: If a barrier can be built using an existing rune, the rune interpreter can realize the essence of the rune and reinterpret it to create a barrier that had never existed before. The understanding of all things through runes. That is the essence of the ability of an interpreter. The barrier created by the Rune Interpreter has twice the performance of a normal barrier, and it will not be easy for anyone other than the caster to understand its structure, let alone break it.]


This was excellent.

Out of all the descriptions he had seen, this was the one he liked the most. The point was that this job went well with any veteran who knew how to use it.

The best conditions to become strong!

It is difficult to destroy

A playful smile formed on Jin-hyuks lips.

At the same time, countless scenarios flashed through his mind.

Looking at this, he would be able to put someone he hated into a barrier and see them lose their hair one strand at a time.

It would also be fun to put a barrier over a treasure chest that belonged to another to watch them scream.


It would be fun to block a toilet too.

In the case of Elise, we can put chicken and beer inside the barrier.

Chun Yuseong should he get a barrier placed over the sword he loved so much.

They were quite thrilling thoughts, to be honest.

Of course, he wouldnt do pranks behind their backs, nor would he do everything he could think of.

Still, there are endless ways to use it.

One choice was to gain the interest of the Tower and create a huge ripple effect with it.


['Moon Imprint' will be engraved]


With a short message, a white engraving appeared that covered the space from Jin-hyuks wrist to his shoulder.

It was a medium that allowed him to activate a barrier with minimum magic.

With this, all of the requirements for the 1st job were complete.


Nice nice.

Very good.

As Jin-hyuk read through his status window and exclaimed his surprise.

You! What are you doing with me?

Medusa, who was trapped in the barrier, mumbled.


will you kill me?

Her appearance of strength was now gone. She looked more like a mouse trapped in a prison of worry and fear.

It was inevitable that she would be scared.

If things continued this way, she would likely die.

Jin-hyuk smiled.

Well? I guess Ill have to cut your head off and make some armor with the snakeskin. Right? I heard that players have a high demand for the skin.


Medusa looked genuinely shocked.

Hearing about her end before it happened wasnt a pleasant topic, even for a boss monster. Much less so for Medusa.

It is a joke. But if you keep making this noise, I might really make a wallet out of snakeskin.

It was common sense to kill the boss when you cleared a dungeon.

Experience, rewards, and items. All of them could be limitless.

However, the Gray Temple had less merit compared to other places.

Once Medusas head was taken out of the temple, it lost its ability to petrify objects. Armor made out of her snakeskin also has poison in it and would damage those who wore it.

Of course, there would be other rewards in addition to experience points, but

There was a better method than that.

Jin-hyuk activated the Coin Exchange.

What was needed

In a brass bowl, 1 liter of Trihon goat blood, 6 hind legs of a swamp miller, and a blue lotus flower?

[Paid a total of 3350 coins]

Most of them were cheap items. Anyway, the number of views from his videos had recently increased, recording an additional 10 million.

Then the first thing to do is


Jin-hyuk poured the goat blood into a faded brass bowl and floated the blue lotus on it. Finally, the hind legs of the swamp millet were placed on the edge of the lotus.

At that moment.


The brass bowl began to vibrate violently.

He wondered if the blood would flow out, but then it became still.

[This is absurd.]

He then heard a deep voice as a man sighed between his words.

[Player Kang Jin-hyuk. How did you manage to know about this?]

The owner of the voice was the librarian of the Magic Library.

Rick Hennessy.

What? I just bought things and mixed them. How did this come up? This. Hahaha. It is a coincidence.

Jin-hyuk smiled.

Actually, he had used this method with full knowledge of what it was. It was similar to walking into someones room without an invitation.

But what else could be done?

The gate to the library was closed, so he had to do this.

[That doesn't answer my question, but this contact information hasn't been disclosed yet, so how can you find it? I need to know.]

Ricks voice became cold.

It seemed like he wasnt going to let this matter go. However

Ah! Come to think of it, I had a beast in here!

Jin-hyuk suddenly changed the topic.


Rick paused for a moment.

This method of communication using these items allowed him to share the view, so even Rick could see the surroundings.

Now. Get ready to see!

Jin-hyuk looked at Medusa, who was curled up in the barrier with a gloomy expression on her face.


[Uh? That monster is!?]

He could hear Rick gasp.

Just as he predicted.

I knew you would be interested.

Jin-hyuk smiled slightly.

If it had to do with things from the Greek side, there was only a single collector. One who cunningly collected everything, whether they be relics, records, or beasts.

Rick was quite close with the God who loved to do this.

He would take even a single tooth if it was made in Greece. How much more could he gain by using Medusa as bait, then?

Rick, who was quick to calculate, must have been thinking the same thing.

It was definitely wrong of me to contact you this suddenly. Still, there is a reason if you dont like this, I will assume we will forget what happened. And I will be satisfied with the Medusa I have here.

Jin-hyuk infused magic into his Twin Dragon Swords.


The swords were soon dyed with the color of the Sword Grave.

[W-wait! Please wait! You cannot kill it! Don't!]

Rick shouted in panic.


It was his first time seeing this man like this. If he had acted like this in front of Jin-hyuk more often, he would have enjoyed it even more.

I will ask you for the last time.

Jin-hyuk pointed his sword at Medusa.

Do you think its still important to know how I got information on how to do this communication method?


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