Solar Mage

Chapter 65: Coma

Chapter 65: Coma


Before Arthur's great pillar of fire erupted, everyone was at peace, they were working as usual, the day almost coming to an end, as they fantasized of what they would do after their work was over, grab a few drinks at the tavern, eat some good food, spend some romantic time with their spouse, or maybe just lay down on their beds and rest.

But their fantasies were brought to an end as a blinding pillar of fire erupted out of the ground, in a loud, almost deafening, sound. Across the capital, the civilians ran away in fear, dropping whatever they were doing, only trying to get as far away from whatever that thing was, as possible. They believed it was the end of days spoken of by the fanatic cultists that frequently appeared throughout the capital.

In the Wolkan Royal Academy however, the students, intrigued by the unique display of magic, gazed out their classroom windows, nothing of fear, and only of excitement, the children conversing with each other, unconcerned by it.

"Look at that fire pillar! It's so big!"

One girl enthusiastically said to another.

"Yeah! I wonder who casted that, because they must be an idiot to use magic as powerful as that in the capital city, the headquarters of the Imperial Wardens!"

Another replied, in a belittling tone, void of empathy, before both of them laugh, trying to act cool to the other.


The voices fade into the distance, as one girl looks out the window, at the fire, but not focusing on anything.

Oh Arthur, where are you? Please be safe and come back soon...

In the Usagan Royal Palace, two figures sit at a fancy table and sip on their hot tea, both staring out their gold-lined window, empty of emotion, both having an attendant stand at their side, who only look straight, their eyes and attention at the other side of the wall, unwavering. One has short brown hair and wears very thin, but fine yellow cloth, the other, with long silver hair and heavy diamond, gold plated armor, their ox shaped helmet off, and set on the table as they both continue to stare out the window, taking another sip of tea.

"So, Sir Chrono, would you like to take care of this with your Royal Guards, or should I?"

The man in fine yellow cloth says, turning from the window to face the armored man at the other end of the table.

"You know how much I like a good battle, Sir Scorso, but unfortunately, as our negotiations have ended, my Emperor wishes me back as soon as possible. As this city is under the jurisdiction of your Imperial Wardens, I think I will take my leave."

The cunning man says with a polite smile on his face, while Scorso continues to look at Chrono, unamused and expressionless.

"Very well then, I wish you safe travels on your journey back and the prolonged prosperity of both our kingdoms. Make sure you bring more of this tea next time, it's quite good."

His face turns into a polite smile just as Chrono, as they shake each other's hands, before the Commander of the Aurorian Royal Guards places his helmet back on his head, and leaves with his attendant.

Scorso and his attendant continue to stay in the room, unmoving and not speaking a word, until the Royal Guards leave the room.

"Looks like the fire is gone, do you care to take a crack at it, Vice-Commander Potato? Or do you want me to find another to take care of this?"

Scorso says in a friendly tone, laying his neck on the top of the chair and staring back at Potato with a smile on his face.

"I will do as you instruct, sir."

Potato replies automatically, sounding like a robot, empty of emotion.

"Come on, don't be like that."

Potato leaves the room, in a slow pace, gently closing the door as he leaves, before springing through the palace, his destination already set, like a robot.

"He really isn't a great talker."


The great Pillar of Fire starts to thin, as I finally regain feeling of my mana circuits after the pure, orange mana drains from my system. My mana circuits are completely emptied and don't refill even though the sun shines above me, my Manaheart too damaged for the task.

Great, now that that's over, I can finally relax, not that I would be able to keep staying awake, even if I wanted to, which I don't, so it all works out for me. Hopefully my Manaheart can heal from this, either by that Heavenly Martial Body or Pyro.

As I fall through the sky, unable to move any part of my body or use any magic, I notice the Phoenix Feather, not drifting through the air like a normal feather should, but instead latched onto me like there was a magnet inside my body, and the feather was magnetic.

What the hell is that doing there? Don't tell me my skin that I spent so long refining was punctured by a feather! Ah... what am I saying? How could that possibly be the case? Just stop thinking, and just relax...

Trying, but unable to even close my eyelids, I am forced to try and sleep with my eyes open.

Sigh, this is not ideal, but this is still fine. I'm fine with this.

When I begin to get relaxed, my eyelids somehow close by themselves, another obstacle, once again, blocks my way to relaxation, that being– the pain of Mana Deprivation Reflux.


My body involuntarily winces at every, constant, burning pain coming from the Reflux, however, unlike the time in the Adventurer's Guild where I used all my mana, this time, I had used all of my mana, and more, creating an artificial manaheart, and using an unrecognized mana, much more powerful than what my mana circuits could handle.


On my face, nothing of pain could be seen, in fact, it looked relaxed, much more than it ever has, like I had reached the state of nirvana.

Wait, I think I'm starting to get used to it– SHIT!!!

The entire way down, I could do nothing while feeling the pain of what could be imagined as how a demon would torture a mortal soul in hell.


Just as I fall through the hole I made through the roof of the Mint Estate, I come to a complete stop, feeling no impact of the fall whatsoever.

I'm alive? Oh thank you shadow– OW!!!"

Even after landing, I am unable to take control of my body and continue to suffer in pain.

The hand that held me lowers, and reveals the face of the person who saved me.

Wait, that's not what the shadow looks like, he doesn't have white hair... Who is this?

I continue to try and examine the person holding me, with just my peripheral vision, unable to even move my eyeballs, but cannot come to a conclusion.

"Why isn't he moving? Is he dead?"

Wait, this voice– it's Dustin! Has he recovered already? How fast! A swordmaster really is– OW!!! FUCK!!! JUST LET ME ENJOY MY REUNION IN PEACE!!!

The man with white hair says, dropping to the floor and holding me up like an offering to the sky, while he begins to sob.

"O' Pyro, I'm so sorry... I've killed our one and only savior that you've finally sent down to save us, in your mercy!"

What are you talking about Dustin? I'm alive! And stop crying! Every time a tear drops on me, it hurts like a sword just pierced through me!

Just then, another man, wearing dark clothes enters my peripheral vision.

"He's fine Dustin, he just can't move his body. He looks like he's unconscious, but he's awake and probably suffering in intense pain.

This other voice! It's that shadow! If he's speaking so calmly, that means that he has a plan to help me with this stupid– OW– FUCKING PAIN!

"What should we do then?"

Dustin asks, no longer crying.

"Don't worry, I have just the thing to help him right now."


The shadow walks closer to Dustin, now standing nearer to my central vision, as he reaches into his cloak and takes out some kind of elixir.

An elixir? Nice! It will taste disgusting, but I've only ever had positive results from healing elixirs. In fact, I think the only elixir that I've ever taken that was really terrible was that energy pill–

The pain from the Mana Deprivation Reflux comes once again, but I ignore it, as it is masked behind the doom, and horror of me remembering a painful memory, the horrible taste in my mouth from the inspection grounds.

No... NOOOO!!!!

I try to shake my head, with all of my nonexistent might and all used up energy, but it doesn't move no matter how much I try. Eventually, I somehow manage to move my eyeballs, and try to shake them left and right to signify to the shadow that I don't want it. In my central vision, our eyes meet and the shadow sees me shaking my eyes.

Oh thank god he saw, I would rather suffer this pain for another day than to eat that again–

Under his mask, he smiles, his expression softening, looking at me in amusement.

Wait, why is he smiling at me like that? What is he doing? No– NOOOOOO!!!

The keeper lowers his hand, pinching the yellow colored pill into my mouth, easily opening it because of the relaxed muscles in my jaw, before he takes it out.


Still looking at me in amusement, he speaks.

"Don't worry, that isn't the energy pill, you can swallow it."

You know, it does taste a little different. It definitely doesn't taste good but, it's not as bad! SHIT! Ah fuck, whatever, anthing to get rid of this pain I guess.

I finally relax my last muscles in my throat, and let the pill slide down my tongue, not feeling any special effects at the moment of ingestion.

Hey, this elixir tastes kind of weird, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I don't feel anything yet either. What a weird pill–

I come to realization as I begin to feel the effects, my heart rate and breathing, the only body functions left that I could feel, starting to slow down.

No fucking way, there's no way that this bastard really just fed me a sleeping pill–


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