Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 19: Phyton's Ability

Chapter 19: Phyton's Ability

Sol, Miya, and their students manage to cover their body in time before it emerges. The students run out of the building as fast as they can, none of them think to play hero when a real threat is present.

The snake rush at one of the protectors, the dogman wants to dodge it but he becomes very slow like he is moving in a pool of mud.

Unable to dodge, he ends up being eaten in one bite. The protectors want to run but they need to buy some time for the students.

"This snake definitely has bloodline!" everyone thought.

While bloodline is uncommon, snakes in myth are numerous, medusa, lamia, basilisk, hydra, ouroboros, and worse, Typhon, all of them are highly dangerous creatures and without a doubt their bloodline is strong.

Snakes in myth have some common ability among them, magical eyes, potent venom or poisonous blood, and unlimited regeneration.

If this snake has them all then killing it becomes an impossible endeavor, if it only has one ability then it is somewhat manageable for a team of Heir to kill it.

While Sol and Miya are using coats, so it can't see them, it is going both ways, if they look at it then that's mean it can see their face in return.

If they can't look at it, it becomes harder to fight it. The only way is to run, and if they run then it will go after the students, so there is no other solution than fight it under this constraint.

From the eleven remaining protectors, only the one who was opening that box is currently not in its field of vision, the others are in slow motion.

"Miya, can you throw that thing at its face?" Sol looks at Miya.

"This Nya??" she pulls out a glass bottle, "I can't see its face but if it trying to eat someone then I may be able to predict it's trajectory"

"wait for the chance then," he says.

The Python rush at another protector, but before it reaches the man, Miya throws the bottle at its face.

It breaks into pieces and its content spill on the Python's face. The Python closed its eyes and roll on the floor, it's tail swings everywhere, the protector who is freed from its eyes are retreating so they won't be hit by its tail.

Sol had prepared the bottle in case Nerodia decide to come back, he had instructed Miya to carry it with her everywhere and to throw it at any blue snake she sees, he gets her to do it because his vow makes him unable to do it himself.

The bottle contains Sulfuric Acid, snakes have a heightened sense of smell, they usually avoid anything that has a strong smell, undoubtedly super snake will have a super sense as well so it will be even more effective.

Sol chooses Sulfuric Acid because other than its strong smell, it is also corrosive. With these properties, he hopes that it can impair Nerodia's vision and sense of smell.

"It's effective!! But we need more than a bottle for a snake this big." Sol muse to himself.

The snake eyes are hurt but it already starts to heal, luckily it doesn't have unlimited regeneration so they still have some time.

"don't let it heal its eyes!!" Sol told everyone.

Sol pulls his knife and slashes it behind its head, while Miya and two protector claw at its eyes. The other protectors try to hit its body.

While Sol's knife leaves a quite deep scratch on its scales but compared to its giant body, it barely feels anything.

Miya and the two protectors are doing a much better job, it's eyes won't recover in a while with all the injuries they incur.

While the other protector receives similar result as him or worse, some of them even fail to hit in and got hit by its tail in return, this unlucky protectors are sent flying across the building and hit a wall.

The fight continues with everyone trying to mob the blinded snake while the snake sends them flying from time to time. While at it, Miya hits its eyes once in a while to keep it blinded.

Sol can feel that somehow his knife is getting sharper every time he hit it, while the change is very subtle, Sol estimate he will need another thirty minutes of hitting it before his knife is sharp enough to go through its body.

So Sol swings his knife as fast as he can, he doesn't put his priority in strength but in speed, trying to sharpen his knife as fast as he can.

The snake suddenly changes its tactics. It raises its head high in the air so they can't keep injuring its eyes and it starts to swing its tail to the ground, flattening anything it hits.

Two protectors have been turned into a pool of blood and gore when they were unable to dodge its tail.

"let's retreat, we can't beat it," one protector says before he gets turned into another blood pool, his voice is dead gives away of his location.

The other protector starts to retreat without a word, Sol exchange a look with Miya then they start to retreat as well.

There is too much risk to kill it, Sol only need a few more hit for his knife to become sharp enough to kill it, but without any way to hit its vitals he can't kill it, its body was just too big.

They are about to retreat but its eyes recovered at the time they reach the door. The protectors turned into slow motion when it recovered.

" Shit! Its timing is the worst!" Sol complains.


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