Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 178: Overpower

Chapter 178: Overpower

With the sole surviving minor demigod killed, the other demigods were like loose sand against the wind. They got blown away easily.

Sol did not even need to attack them himself and the already running for their lives, his conjured creature was still rampaging through their rank.

He only looked at them a bit before turning toward the base. He did not try to stop the creature or actively kill the surviving demigods.

"There is no need to kill these underlings, and there is no need to spare them either. Who knows how many cities they have attacked before," he thought.

"Death is the only result of a war. If they were so eager for a war with them, they must be ready to face their own demise," he coldly said.

"Sol! Let me help the creatures. At this rate, the demigods will run away, we can't let them leave, let me help!" Nai begged him.

"No! We will let those who survive leave, there is no need to kill them all, and you are forbidden to kill anyone from now on, you can only kill those I ordered you to kill. If I know you kill anyone, then you will starve for a week for each person you kill!" he warned.

"Eh?! That is unfair! I want to kill them too, you can kill them why can't I kill them? Sol, it's being unreasonable! This is blackmail!" IT protested.

"The difference is I kill because I must, but your reason is different. You enjoy it, right? The feel of blood against your blade? If you still want to kill for that, then I will never use you to fight, ever!" he pointed.

"What is wrong with enjoying that? They are our enemy, we can just kill them, it's not like it will be the end, they will just go to the underworld!" it protested.

"Underworld or not, you are not allowed to kill anyone without my consent, say another word, and you will not get food for a week!" he said finally.

"fine!" it replied before staying silent. It seemed to enter the rebelling phase, and he did not know how to teach it as it was raised in the underworld under such a bloody condition.

"I will take care of it later. For now, I need to return home as fast as I can. The god of prophecy's army should be close to home, I can't wait any longer."

Sol hurriedly walked toward the city, but the city gate was closed on his face. There was no sign of the gate opening.

"Open the gate! I have beaten the enemy, you are saved now. Let me in!" he shouted.

A man got to the top of the gate and looked down at him, "No! What is the proof you are not our enemy? If you enter the city and do the same to us as you did to them, then there will be a massacre!" the man said.

"Fuck you! I just saved your ass out there, and this is how you treat me? If I want, I can just let you die! And I can just destroy your barrier to get inside, so open the gate before I become rude!" Sol cursed at the man.

He was in a terrible mood and had no time for nonsense. He had tried his best to stay civil, but if the other party would not respect him, then he had no other choice but to take action.

"If you try to enter forcefully, then we have no other choice but to attack you! Don't blame us if we gang up on you!" the man tried to threaten him.

"What did you say? Do you think you can beat me? I just save your fucking ass out there!!! What makes you think I will lose? Because your pantheon building? Or maybe your god has you back? Tell him whoever he or she is, that Sol Vestitor have returned from hell and want to return home!" he said domineeringly.

Of course, he did not say that because he could beat the god but because the god would not harm him; he was pardoned for his sins when he returned from hell, so if the god tried to punish him, then that would go against their promise.

"Return from hell? Don't you try to bluff me! The gate of the underworld was closed. Even if you have been to hell, then there is no way you can return here!" the man said.

"Ho? Why don't you ask the god you think can protect you from my wrath if it was possible that I returned from hell?" he taunted.

The man turned silent for a bit before he turned to a man beside him. The man nodded before going running to the temples.

"I will count to ten! If you don't open the gate, then I will open it myself!" Sol warned.

The man was in doubt, but he decided to stay with his earlier stance. He did not open the gate, even though his back was drenched in sweat.

"This man is strong, he could massacre forty demigods by himself, but he was not invincible, the people from the new gods faction almost killed him so we should be able to hold him outside the barrier, there is no way our barrier will fall against a single man!" the man thought.

"One! Two! Three! ... Ten!" Sol counted from one to ten, but the gate was still closed.

During his speech, Sol was already gathering a knife aura on his hand, the aura formed a blade along his palm.

He used his palm to strike at the city gate, but it did not deal much damage. The scar he made healed within a blink of an eye.

"Oh... this barrier is stronger than the Deus city's barrier, I guess I will need to use more power," he thought as he conjured more and more knife aura.

He repeatedly strikes with his palm, it grew faster and faster until his hand became a blur. Soon the city gate and barrier started to crack.

"What the fuck? How can he damage the gate, even though forty minor demigods were having a hard time damaging it? Is he really a minor demigod? He is too overpowering!" The man on top of the wall was shocked.

"Captain! Goddess Freja said that she will not punish the man, on the other hand, we should let him in, she said he was one of the people that helped the gods to open the gate to the underworld and we should accommodate him!" the man who left before hurriedly explained.

"What is that true?" the Captain asked again.

"Yes! we should clear this misunderstanding! We can't make him our enemy! Goddess Freya will not protect us against him!"

BOOM!!! A loud sound exploded as Sol destroyed the barrier, blocking his way before he destroyed the door.

"Shit! We are too late! He is already inside and out for our blood!" the man panicked.

"If anyone wants to stop me, then come! I don't have all day!" Sol shouted toward the city.

A lot of exhausted demigods could only look at him in fear, they had seen him killing the minor demigods outside.

"No, this is a misunderstanding, we did not know that you were not our enemy but a friend of our goddess, please have mercy, don't kill these innocent people!" the captain tried to beg.

Sol had enough nonsense and was about to punish them but the knife in his hand suddenly reminded him, "right, I can't be like Nai, I can't kill people willy-nilly, I need to return home faster!"

"Please, Sir." He begged him.

"Fine! Just lead me to your teleportation gate! I am in a hurry," he ordered.

"This way, Sir," the man led him to the side, there were three teleportation gates, but the man hesitated for a bit.

"Sir, the other city had cut the gate's connection because they were afraid that we would lose the war. If you can wait, I will contact them and ask them to re-establish the connection," the man said.

"How long will you need?" Sol asked in worry. Time was in essence and he could not wait too long.

"It depends on the other side, but at most, it will take twelve hours," The man answered.

"Make that two hours, if you can't do that in two hours then I will..." he was about to threaten the man but he did not know what to say.

"You know What I will do! Just do it in two hours!" Sol commanded.

"For now, I will go to the Temple and talk to Minerva again, I need to know how is Nerva and the other, are they still safe or not," he thought as he went toward the gate, he could feel fear from whoever he passed by.

Sol did not know that his body was covered in a thick bloody aura, his knife aura was evolving but toward something that was far from ideal for him.

"I hope Minerva will meet me once more," he thought.


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