Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 170: Return

Chapter 170: Return

"Who opened the gate?!" A booming man's voice could be heard through the underworld.

"Pluto!!! Stop struggling! Just give the underworld to me!" a female voice resounded.

"Ha! As if I will let you take my world! You just took me by surprise! I will retake the underworld before you can notice it!" Pluto boasted.

The world rumbled as the two rulers of the underworld tried to take over control from each other. Both of them have the qualification as the ruler, as their domain was a major aspect of the underworld.

Underworld was about to have a major change, whether Pluto or Styx win the battle, the world will inevitably suffer and people that live in it will die.

"Shit! Who is fighting Pluto? I thought the war would stop when the gate of the underworld got opened!" Sol lamented.

From what he knew, Atlas only needed to open the gate so he could go to the mortal realm, but suddenly there is a woman fighting the god of the underworld over control of the world.

"Anyway, It's not my problem, I will just return to the mortal realm. The longer I say here, the more dangerous it becomes," He picked himself up.

The other people who were there also have the same thought as him. They hurriedly went toward the gate.

To his dismay, only a major demigod or stronger could pass through the gate, a lot of minor demigods got repelled by the gate.

"Fuck! We have gone this far! We need to pass through!" A man that got repelled tried again, but the same thing happened again.

The gate seems to be able to differentiate between people, some can pass without trouble while it would repel others.

"What is wrong here? Why do some minor demigods get repelled while others don't?" Sol wondered.

Sol did not rust to pass through the gate yet, he wanted to make sure that he qualified to pass through the gate.

From his observation, if someone got repelled once then they would be repelled again no matter what they do.

After a long observation, he let out a sigh of relief. He finally knew what the qualification was to pass through the gate.

"It seems that soul of the dead can only pass if they become a major demigod, those weaker than a major demigod can't get back to the land of the living," he mused.

He looked at the hydras he kept inside a crystal ball with relief, "I can still keep them, I can use them to fight stronger opponents, or I can give them to Nerodia as a souvenir."

With no further ado, he went toward the gate; he passed through the gate without problem but the moment he tried to pull the crystal ball along with him; he felt some resistance.

Luckily, the resistance was not big enough to stop him. He channels his power and breaks through the resistance by brute force.

"Forcibly bringing others out of the underworld is also possible, I guess that's why the gods could actually revive people, they just need to pull their soul through the gate," he thought.

With all that taken care of, he finally focused on his surroundings. Sol found himself in a white world, but when he focused, he noticed that it was not the world that was white, but snow covering the place he was at.

The temperature was really low, he could clearly feel the familiar world, the world that was cold because there was no sun.

"I'm back!" He could finally feel at ease, no time limit, no war, no major gods trying to fight for control of the world.

Sol tiredly laid on the snow. It had been months since he could finally feel at ease. The cold snow felt way more comfortable on his skin, he knew that barely anyone could harm him.

In the underworld, just any random people he meets could possibly kill him, but in the mortal realm, the strongest were just minor demigods.

Of course, that was if he did not count the army of Gods and Demigods that just escaped the underworld.

Sol could see none of them, "It seems everyone got teleported to a different location," he thought.

"Wait, where is this? How should I get back home?" he finally realized that he did not know where he was.

Sol waited for an hour for people to pick him up but it seemed he was too optimistic. They only picked him up when he was about to be sent to the underworld so he would not run away from his punishment.

He closed his eyes and tried to sense the mini-world. He could vaguely sense its location since he was connected to his mini world.

To his surprise, he was thousands of kilometers away, "I'm in a foreign nation!" he realized in shock.

Sol thought he could get home as soon as he returned, but it dashed his hope when he knew he would need to take another journey to get home.

"I need to find a city, at least I will know where I actually am. Hopefully, they have a teleportation gate so I can save some time in traveling," he thought.

Sol conjured an ice pillar under him. It pushed him up high in the sky so he could see where the nearest city was.

As a minor demigod, Sol could make such a giant construct with ease, as long as he could see what he was conjuring, even making a highrise building was easy for him.

Sol found the nearest city was a few kilometers to the east. Once he knew his destination, Sol jumped down from the ice pillar and ran toward the city. He conjured a knife aura on his body so he could reach the city sooner.

Along the way, he sensed a lot of creatures, but he did not bother to kill them as they were only lesser demigods.

The Current Sol didn't even see lesser demigods as his opponent, he was accustomed to fighting enemies on the higher rank than himself that fighting weaker opponents did not interest him at all.

"Compared to the underworld, this place feels like a playground," he grinned.

Even though he met a minor demigod stronger than him or even a major demigod, Sol still has an ace card up his sleeve.

It did not take long for him to reach the city. When he was near, he could sense a giant barrier covering the city.

Inside the barrier, the temperature was higher and there was less snow in it, Sol could feel the barrier was blocking his entry.

Unlike the cities he knew, this city doesn't have guard posts all around it. He suspects that the barrier will warn them when someone tries to enter the barrier.

He waited for the barrier to open or someone came to let him into the city, but no one came even after fifteen minutes of waiting.

"No one come? I guess I will just let myself in then," he shrugged as he raised his knife.

He stabbed the barrier before slicing it open just enough for him to pass. It was not strong enough to block the armament.

He walked into the barrier and he could see the city before him; it was a city out of a comic book in his eyes.

The technology was beyond what he knew before the upheaval, cars were flying everywhere and he could see robots even from outside the city.

"Did I dent onto the wrong world?" he wondered, but he was interrupted by twenty powerful presences that rapidly went after him.

Soon, he could see twenty armored demigods coming toward him, each of them was a minor demigod, but what strange was their get up, rather than a knight's armor or battle armor, their armor was closer to an exo-suit out of a sci-fi movie.

They pointed guns at him, strangely the gun did not have bullets but was filled with high concentrations of energy.

"What the fuck? Are they from the future or something?" it shocked Sol.

"Did time flow differently in the underworld and I came back after a hundred years or something," his mind went on overdrive, but the group of demigods did not give him any chance to think.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking our city?!" one of them asked in a loud voice.

"I did not attack the city, I just want to enter the city!" Sol tried to explain, but the group was not convinced.

"Lies! If you want to visit then, why did you break our barrier and not come through the front door?!"

The man's word made him grimace, "Fuck! How should I know that there is a front door!" he lamented, but they did not give him time to explain further.

All twenty demigods shot their weapons and red laser beams were coming at Sol, he could feel the concentrated energy power, they would melt and burn his body if he did not dodge.

"Why the fuck every time I tried to get into a new city they always attack me?!" he lamented.


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