Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 161: Unbeliveable

Chapter 161: Unbeliveable

"Didn't it lose all its head? Is it regenerating already? Damn, should I run? I might have enough time to run if it hasn't finished its healing," Sol's mind went into overdrive as he looked at the hydra.

The hydra headless body was lying on the bottom of the lake, he could barely see it as it was covered in red water.

If Sol had not frozen the water around him then he would be swimming in the hydra's blood, "I can't see anything," he lamented.

Half an hour had passed since their fight that the whole lake was already polluted by the hydra's poisonous blood.

Rather than using his eye to see, Sol conjured uncountable small ice crystals in the lake, he made them just like the ice fog he used for detection but more compact so it can function underwater.

The crystal was not as accurate as the fog but it was enough for him to sense movement from the hydra.

"It's moving!" He finally could sense a movement from the hydra, it was so faint that he thought it was how the creature tried to revive itself but to his surprise, he could sense something different from the source of this movement.

"There are nine heat sources inside the hydra!" he bemused as the hydra's body had grown cold from being submerged underwater but these nine heat sources were not getting colder.

On the other hand, they seem to be growing hotter, "one of the heat sources is moving!" he found the source of the movement.

"What is that?" he wondered as he was sure it was not the hydra.

"There is no use in wondering, let's check it out," he thought as he conjured an ice platform below him and the hydra.

It pushed him and the hydra out of the water as he increased the size of the ice platform, once on the surface he broke the ice barrier that was keeping the red water from touching him.

Sol walked to the hydra's body but he stopped himself as he could feel a profound danger, "The blood is evaporating!" he hurriedly froze the hydra's blood with his ability so they would not be mixed with the air.

"If I inhale the vapor it will most likely kill me," Sol cautiously held his breath as some of it already mixed with the air.

"This area will turn into a death zone, it is probably one of the hydra's survival tactics," he analyzed as the hydra would be defenseless when it tried to revive itself.

After waiting a bit and observing the situation, Sol went toward the hydra's headless body, he was a few meters away from it when a part of its body burst from the inside.

He staggered back to dodge flesh and blood that flew everywhere toward him, luckily he was wary and could react in time by conjuring a shield of ice.

Sol's eyes were opened wide when he found a snake was coming out of the hydra's body, but to his relief, it was only a lesser demi-titan, he could kill it with ease.

The snake raised its head at him as if observing him, Sol was ready to kill it when it suddenly turned to look at the hydra's body.

"The other source is moving too!" Sol could sense the other heat source inside the hydra was moving.

The snake suddenly zapped toward the nearest source, "Is it trying to help its friend?" Sol wondered.

Seeing that it would not be a threat he decided to observe the snake, he started speculating about the snake.

"Is that the hydra's baby? But it only has one head, will it grow more heads over time?" he mused.

Just like he guessed, the other heat source burst out of the hydra's body, another eight snakes were born out of it.

To his surprise, the snakes started to fight among themselves, the first snake bite of another snake's head before swallowing them.

To his surprise, the snake's power increased overtime once it ate its sibling, the fight continued and within five minutes only three snakes were left, each of them had eaten two other snakes.

"Is this nature? Survival to the fittest?" Sol had read about snakes eating their young to replenish their energy from giving birth but this was the first time he saw the baby also eat each other.

The last three snakes' fight was really fierce, no one was losing, they did not even bother about Sol who was observing them.

It was then that the snakes started to grow more heads, it started like they were growing tumors on their neck but they soon became snakeheads.

"That's how a hydra was born! It gave birth to nine children who will fight to be the real hydra!" he realized.

"Wait, should I let them? What if it suddenly becomes as strong as its mother once it grows eight heads?" Sol contemplates his options.

Currently, they were infinitely close to being a minor demi-titan, just another head and they would be a minor demi-titan.

"For now let's stop them," he thought as he conjured three balls of ice that trapped each snake, the three tri-headed hydras were trying to go at each other even inside the crystal but they could not break it as Sol was stronger.

The first solution he thought was to kill the hydra's baby but it would not give him any profit, "I could use them as a weapon" he thought as he could let them eat each other at the right time and throw a nine-headed hydra at his enemy.

Thinking of the value of such a trick, he decided to keep them alive, he did not know when he would meet another major demigod, having something that could fight them would make him safer.

"Of course that if they become a major demigod after eating each other," he thought, as there is always a chance that they would need to grow before becoming as strong as their mother, an undying hydra.

"For now let's just put them to sleep," Sol used the Sun ice ability to induce a cryosleep for the snakes, they grew colder and colder before they stopped moving.

He made the crystal ball fly behind him, it made him look like some kind of god in mythology, "Well it's not myth since everything is real," he thought.

Sol turned to look at the island, he could not take a clear look at the statue on the altar yet, now that he had the chance to take it home, he was not shy to do so.

He froze the lake's surface to make a path toward the island since his fight had put some distance between them.

Once he got closer to the altar, he found the small statue standing there, it exudes an ancient aura, but he had expected that, what he did not expect was he found the statue familiar.

"Tyx?! What the fuck?" he found the statue to look very familiar with his former teammate in the trial ground, the girl that had betrayed him and helped Atlas to free himself.

"How is there a statue that looks just like her? It also has such a power it's unbelievable!" he looked aghast.

The girl he knew was not even a minor demigod, how could he believe there was a statue on her image that could turn a lesser demigod into a minor demigod just by looking at it?

"I'm not mistaken, they are not only similar, but this looks exactly like her!" Suddenly a foreboding feeling came to him.

"There is more to her than it appears!" he could sense it but he did not know what she really was.

"Either way I won't forgive her for what she had done, I will get back at her when there is a chance," Sol promised.

He reached out to the statue, the moment he pulled it off from the altar, he did not even feel any resistance.

"I will take this with me then," he smiled. His hate for the real person did not stop him from taking the statue; it was too useful for him to throw away.

With all that taken care of, Sol needs to decide his next course of action, "Should I catch up with Hilda and the other?" he wondered.

He still held some grudge because they left him even though he himself would have done the same to survive.

"I have the key with me so I could just go by myself but it would be dangerous to go by myself," Sol contemplated.

He had kept the key given to each group from Tea when they reunite, he was stronger than her at that point so he had every right to keep the key.

Sol might not have any map as he let the other keep it but he was only a week away from their destination and he could just move in a straight line if he decided to go by himself.

"I will go by myself, If I found them then so be it if I don't meet them then so be it," he decided to just let fate choose for him.


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