Snake Evolution System

Chapter 14 - Awakening The Class Part 4

"It's about the time when that wave is going to arrive" Shivam mumbled to himself while his gaze was in a particular direction.

"Host be prepared this is going to be tough, " Raphael's voice resounded in Shivam's mind.

They were waiting for the next wave, the last two waves were quite easy for the Shivam, and he knows that things were going to tough now, he was nervous and as well existed for the next fight. a few minutes later a crack appeared in front of him, and a giant Orc could be seen existed from that crack. Shivam felt nervous because this orc was massive in size of about 30 meters long, and he was wearing the thick metal armour which was covering his whole body while having two giant katanas in his hand. The katanas were Five meters long and looking very heavy. looking at this guy Shivam gulped the mouthful saliva while taking the battle form.

<Tier 5 orc warlord appear, Get ready to fight> a notification resounded in his head.

"This is going very tough, I have to put my everything while fighting this guy" Shivam talked to himself. but suddenly he heard an eerier voice.

"So you are The one who killed my man," That orc warlord said those words while looking at Shivam top to bottom.

Shivam heart sank while hearing those words, "this orc can talk, which tier this orc belong to" Shivam thought but alas he can't do anything at that time.

"Raphael scans this guy, I am getting the sinister feeling from that orc" He mumbled in a timid voice.

[Request denied]

<Initiating again>

[Request denied]

<Initiating again>

[Request denied]

[Some unknown error occurred, the system is going to upgrade, To successfully initiating Upgrade, the system is going to offline]

a notification resounded in Shivam's head, hearing those words, he felt s chilly sensation in his whole body "What the fuck is going on" These are the words he wanted to say but, only a hiss sound can be heard in the whole place.

meanwhile on the orc side,

"Sigh how can a low tier beast clear those waves" again that orcs ask, this time Shivam comes back to his senses, he knows he won't have any choice but to depend on himself.

[Poison breath]

Shivam didn't waste more time as he opens his mouth and a poison ball started to take a form through his mouth and shoot towards the direction of the orc.

In an instant orcs slash this poison ball with his katana in the half. and attacked Shivam with another katana.

ahhhh...Shivam cried with the pain while taking few steps back, A black colour blood started to rushing out through his body a deep cut could be seen on Shivam's body this cut was one meter long.

"Sigh, a weak snake who doesn't even talk, can clear those two waves, I am quite surprised" that orcs said those words while licking his katana which was covering with Shivam's blood. on the other side, Shivam was boiling with anger his eyes become body red and the next moment he swings his tail and hit the orcs with his all might, a massive impact was generated and orcs send flying hundreds of meter while destroying every tree in his path. Shivam did stop he put his all wait on his tail and jumped in the air like some kind of spring. [This is an innate ability some serpent can jump a few meters away or even some snake can also fly through this technique]

Shivam jumped hundred of meter and landed on the orcs body, The orcs cried with pain but Shivam was in a rage.

"How can a mere beast dare to hit him, he thought, he was distracted because of sudden notification which was caught him off guard.

[Poison bite]

Shivam bit that orcs on his chaste, a bite mark could be seen on his body, the poison started to spread in the whole body, and that orc lord becomes paralysed. that orc shouted with all his might, he was taken aback by the sudden of event, few minutes before he was dominating this serpent but now things take a turn like 360°.

"How dare you bastard, what trick did you used on me" that orc cried with pain. but Shivam didn't interest the chickening of that orc.

[Fire breat]

A mouthful of fire covered the whole body of the orc lord, he was in the pain and continuously mumbling few words.

"How can a mere snake have fire ability, it is impossible, how..... can... this happens to me" That orc lord died just like that. but to Shivam's surprise, there was no notification are there this time.

"Raphael is you there, answer me goddamit" Shivam shouted. but there was no answer.

shit, shit, shit "why now" what happened to you Raphael" Shivam was saying these type of words with a heavy heart. this is the first time he felt helpless after coming into this world. "are Raphael is going to be okay" he mumbled, he understands now that he cares a lot about Raphael, she becomes a part of him.

A few minutes later,

[System is going online, system upgraded in 2.0] He heard the familiar voice in his mind.

"Thank god you are okay" these were the first word he mumbled.


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