Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 426

Chapter 426

There was a smile in Ying Chenghe’s eyes: “What do you want to eat? We can’t go out now, so there’s nutrient solution and fruits.”

“Anything is fine.”

Ying Chenghe returned to the living room and brought a plate of cut fruits and nutrient solution.

Wei San stood up and accepted the fruit plate: “I have to see the doctor at six o’clock in the afternoon.”

“Let Jin Ke help you apply for a leave.” Ying Chenghe placed his hands on the back of the chair and rested his chin on the back of his hands, “Still sad about what happened downstairs today?”

Wei San finished her fruit and lay down again, staring at the ceiling: “No, I was just thinking about the mecha.”

Ying Chenghe was dubious: “I thought you were in a bad mood.”

“Average, what’s going on over there in Fa Hhan star? The port staff suddenly killed the students.” Wei San turned to ask him.

Did she just react?

Ying Chenghe looked at Wei San, feeling surprised, but he still explained the situation: “That port worker is an Independent soldier. He probably wants to take revenge on the students of Pingtong Academy before he is discovered.”

“It’s been so long, Fan Han Star still hasn’t cleared out the Independent Army yet?” Wei San turned sideways to the wall, staring at the white wall.

“It’s very difficult. No one knows whether the people around them are from the Independent Army or not.” Ying Chenghe leaned on the back of his chair and said, “Before, the Fifth District sent a starship over, and the chief adjutant of their starship was from the Independent Army. Something almost happened, and they can’t reach Fan Han star. Now all the military regions are investigating, trying to find the Independent Army.”

“Shouldn’t the military academy students be investigated?” Wei San rested her arm on her head, “If you want to fortify people from the Independent Army, it would be more convenient to start at the military academy.”

“It may have started.” Ying Chenghe didn’t know the content of the meeting at the military academy.


The two people’s light brains rang at the same time, which was a message from the five schools’ network system. Wei San opened it: [All students need to leave the building today, please line up to enter the infirmary at six o’clock in the afternoon for psychological investigation. 】

“Are you going to the infirmary or the doctor?” Ying Chenghe asked her after reading the message.

Before Wei San could say anything, the light brain sent another message, it was Doctor Jingti: [You should go to the infirmary at six o’clock this afternoon. I will also go to help my senior to check on Ying Xingjue. Come back tomorrow at six o’clock. 】

“Going to the infirmary today and I will be going to the doctor tomorrow.” Wei San simply stood up and walked to the living room with Ying Chenghe.

“Are you feeling better?” Huo Xuanshan asked Wei San.

Wei San sat on the sofa in the living room and mustered up her energy: “I’m hungry.”

“How many nutrient solutions and fruit have you not eaten that was just brought in?” Liao Runing clicked his tongue in surprise, “Wei, Bottomless Pit, San is born again.”

Wei San stretched out her leg and kicked Liao Runing, leaned on the sofa and asked: “What is this psychological investigation?”

“Maybe some questions will be tested.” Jin Ke said, “Don’t be nervous.”

Members of their main team initially went to actual training together and also conducted psychological investigations. If there are problems, the school will actively intervene. However, Wei San participated halfway and never had the opportunity to do a psychological investigation.

Unlike all the cameras in the extremely cold stadium that face the cold wave, although the outside of Fan Han star is cold, it is far less cold than the inside of the stadium. In addition, Fan Han star has taken antifreeze measures in the port building, so all the cameras are intact.

All the videos were pulled out throughout the afternoon, and everyone who had left the building was required to undergo a psychological investigation. Even the military cadets who were standing in front of the windows of the building were asked to go. All the other military students who saw the Independent Army murderer nearby were listed as key intervention targets.

Three of the five members of Damocles’ main team were marked red at once.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, all the team leaders and teachers had also finished the meeting and were standing at the door of the infirmary, waiting for the students to arrive.

Standing at the door, Xiang Minghua found it difficult to express his inner feelings for this moment. It was obvious that the person who was killed was a student from Pingtong Academy, but as a result, the names of three soldiers from the main team of their Damocles Military Academy were marked in red.

“No matter where something goes wrong, there will always be people from your Damocles Military Academy.” Samuel, the leader of the team, stood nearby and said something sarcastic.

Xiang Minghua: “……”

The students who come queue up in batches, and the first batch is those whose names are marked in red.

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