Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 421

Chapter 421

The federation-wide live broadcast was still broadcast on the official website of the first district of the Imperial Star. The number of people online reached an extremely spectacular number, and the official website crowded at once. It took a full two minutes for the official website backend to be repaired.

Xiang Minghua saw at a glance that Wei San had her hands in her sleeves, resembling an old lady and old man chatting in the village. Her legs were spread apart and she was about to start shaking his legs.

He immediately leaned over, blocking the camera in front of them, and glared at Wei San: “Take your hands out, put them down, and don’t shake your legs!”

Wei San reluctantly said: “……Oh.”

The staff over there were already calling Xiang Minghua to get out of the way. He raised his hand, raised his index and middle fingers, pointed at his eyes, and nodded at Wei San to show that he was always paying attention to her.

Wei San took out her hands and lowered them by her side. She stood up straight with her legs, looking straight, but her eyes were obviously looking at the camera facing Damocles’ team over there.

The first reaction of viewers who logged onto the official website was: [She is looking at me. 】

It wasn’t over yet, Wei San actually stared at the camera and smiled.

[wuwuwu, she’s doing it again, roguish san just wants to be a roguish fan, but Wei San always wanted to seduce me to be an appearance fan.】

[Stop laughing, I’m laughing so hard that my soul is gone. 】


There was a sound check on the stage, and several staff members were talking to the announcer. Finally, Ying Yuerong stood in the middle.

This summary meeting does not include any local forces in Fan Han Star, only the main commentator. As the local people in Fan Han Star are still investigating the matter of the independent army, Ying Yuerong, one of the main commentators, will preside over the entire summary meeting.

“We encountered a big cold wave. It’s a pity and we are very lucky at the same time. It’s a pity that the game ended in a hurry. I’m glad that most people walked out of the field alive. Fortunately, it was us who encountered the big cold wave and not others.” Ying Yuerong held her hand. The microphone’s fingers were red from the cold, but they seemed completely unconscious and completely unmoved.

“In this cold wave, we lost a total of 34 staff members, two rescuers, and 11 military cadets.” After Ying Yuerong finished enumerating the numbers, there was silence.

The two rescuers in charge of Pingtong Academy’s aircraft disappeared when the second cold wave hit. The major was lucky to have brought extra energy and encountered the fifth area. Otherwise, one more person would have been added to the number here.

The 34 staff members were on board Colonel Li Ze’s aircraft. The aircraft crashed at that time. These staff members did not enter the mecha in time and were swept away by the vortex.

Among the remaining military academy students, nine were from Pingtong Academy. These people all died or disappeared before encountering the fifth area. The remaining two were Ying Xingjue, after the separation from the Imperial Military Academy, two from the Imperial Military Academy also were swept away by the whirlpool and no trace could be found. On the contrary, the Damocles Military Academy, which was the first to be involved in the accident, had no casualties.

“In this competition, except for the no-response time of the Imperial Military Academy and Damocles Military Academy, Pingtong Academy had a chance to avoid losing nine students.” Ying Yuerong looked at the Pingtong Academy representative who came up just now and handed the other microphone in her hand. The person next to her said, “This is the representative of Pingtong Academy. They have something to say to the public.”

The civilian representative took the microphone, and the first thing he did was bow and apologize, and then said: “The death of nine military cadets is heartbreaking. It’s because we didn’t lead the team well.…..”

In the following steps, Pingtong Academy carefully analyzed the problems they had in the extremely cold stadium at that time and sincerely apologized.

Not only the general staff, but also representatives from the organizer also came over to explain the problems that existed during the game one by one and finally apologized.

A candle flickered across the live broadcast.

Everyone was still immersed in heavy emotions, and Ying Yuerong continued: “But in this incomplete competition, one military academy not only went to the finish line to take off the flag, but also sent out a signal that they were alive, their actions are indispensable.”

When Ying Yuerong said this, her heart was complicated. She originally thought that the commotion in the extremely cold arena was caused by Ying Xingjue and Ji Chuyu, but after asking, she discovered that it was Wei San and Ying Xingjue.

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