Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

After asking clearly which marked area Wei San encountered the cold wave at and the location of the aircraft, Ying Xingjue determined the direction they should head in.

“He is better than you.” Liao Runing whispered to Jin Ke.

Jin Ke: “.…..nonsense.” Could he not know this?

At the beginning of the game, after Ying Xingjue received the map, he had already calculated where most of the rescue marking points were, determined the area in front of Wei San, and he quickly selected the shortest road.

Everyone’s mecha energy was running low and they couldn’t head out very far.

“You mean there are star beasts in the whirlpool?” Jin Ke frowned after hearing what Wei San said on the way.

“They can individually attack mentally.” Wei San turned on her lightbrain, “I recorded a little section and will show it to you later.”

Ying Xingjue, who was standing at the front, paused imperceptibly. At that moment, did she still remember to use her light brain to record the battle?

This kind of behavior.…..he had only seen it from mecha engineers.

Jin Ke glanced at the white mist around him, “In the past, there was only one cold wave center in the Extreme Cold Arena, which spread to other parts of Fan Han Star. However, two cold wave centers appeared this time, and even the cold waves had gathered repeatedly. Maybe it has something to do with the star beast you mentioned. “

But that remains to be discussed.

The two teams, led by Ying Xingjue, gradually walked towards the direction from which Wei San came. They were lucky this time and there was no more assembling cold waves.

Midway through, the Imperial Military Academy ran out of energy. Their mecha masters learned from Damocles and came out to expand the mecha cabin while borrowing energy from Damocles Military Academy.

The two main commanders reached an agreement to double the amount returned

“Them commanders start scheming against each other whenever they get a chance.” Liao Runing curled his lips and distaste to Wei San.

“We are still better,” Wei San nodded in agreement.

The two military academies walked from day to night, but it had no impact on them. Anyway, they couldn’t see their surroundings, whether it be day or night.

“Is it over there?” Situ Jia flew down from mid-air, “I saw a red light flashing.”

——It was the unique signal light on the aircraft.

The originally dull team immediately cheered up, looked into the distance, and moved forward quickly.”

It wasn’t here before.” Wei San said in surprise, “Have they repaired the aircraft?”

Yet it just flew such a short distance?

“I’m afraid it’s not repaired.” Jin Ke looked at the aircraft, which was almost invisible, covered with ice and snow. There was a large concave pit on the side, which was obviously formed after impact.

Everyone rushed over, and Ji Chuyu was the first to stand in front of the aircraft and knock on the door. He controlled his strength and broke the thick ice at the door.

After a long time, someone inside finally spoke: “Who is it?”

Ji Chuyu turned around to get out of the way, and Ying Xingjue stepped forward: “The Imperial Military Academy and.…..”

The people inside heard the first half of the sentence and immediately opened the door: “Come in quickly!”

He is a staff member from the Imperial Capital Star.

“There is not a single staff member from Sadu Star inside.” Wei San reminded the students from her military academy.

Everyone put away their mechas and quickly entered the aircraft.

The staff were startled when they saw the people from Damocles Military Academy pouring in from behind. Wei San had really found her own team.

“What’s going on inside?” Situ Jia looked at the not-so-clean floor and asked the staff next to him.

The staff subconsciously looked at Wei San: “After she and the major went out, the cold wave came again, and we happened to hit the vortex. Our maintenance staff outside directly let the aircraft fly, and they.…..didn’t have time to come in.”

They are military aircraft, but they are not as good as a 3S mecha. Once they encounter the vortex, the entire aircraft will be unable to provide shelter once it is seriously damaged. The maintenance personnel could only let the aircraft take off decisively, but the aircraft was not repaired. It only escaped from the vortex and flew a short distance before falling again.

“Where’s the major?” Wei San asked the staff.

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