Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 395

Chapter 395

“What’s special about the simulation cabin at Guyu Arena? I haven’t been in it since it broke down.” Ying Xingjue seemed to be just chatting.

Wei San clicked her tongue in her heart, is this the confidence of a super 3S level commander? Her mecha was broken, so she immediately went down to register for a new one, fearing that it would delay her training, while the other party simply stopped practicing.

“What special scene can there be in the simulation cabin? It’s just that track.…..” Wei San said halfway, and then she remembered something, “Oh, the old simulation cabin has one more training scene than the new simulation cabin.”

Ying Xingjue slowed down his steps and stood side by side with Wei San. He turned to look at her: “What additional training scenes were there?”

“There was a black mist composed of a bunch of bugs, and I don’t know what kind of star beast it was. The simulation cabin burned down before I could see it clearly.” Wei San mourned with a little pity, “I didn’t see it in the new simulation cabin that was replaced later.”

That point in time.……was the moment when he took action after sensing the attack next door.

Ying Xingjue lowered his eyes and pondered, but when he was attacked, he did not see any black mist, but was attacked by the star beast inside.

“Don’t stop here.” Wei San stretched out her hand and pulled him forward, feeling that it was too troublesome to bring Ying Xingjue with him again. In this tense moment, he asked questions and even got distracted.

“.…..en.” Ying Xingjue recovered his wandering thoughts and followed Wei San’s footsteps forward.

At this time, a large whirlpool flow swept towards them, and when it approached, it separated into seven or eight vortexes. There was obviously a gray shapeless object in each whirlpool flow.

“Compare it to this number.” Wei San held the Sumeru knife in both hands, then pulled it away, holding two combined knives in her hands, and said casually, “We.…..are about to get out.”

Ever since the discovery of the gray formless living thing from the beginning, Wei San has never been mentally attacked, so she is not sure whether this thing is a mutant of the star beast.

But just now, Wei San clearly felt that she was under a mental attack.

In the next second, that attack was blocked by a sudden barrier.

“Wei San, the vortex on the second right is the main body.” Ying Xingjue said.

The gray formless living creatures seemed to understand what they were saying, and all their attacks were directed towards Ying Xingjue.

Wei San turned her sword around and stood in front of him, blocking the swirling currents: “Are you looking down on me?”

She stabbed the vortex on the second right. The gray formless living creature became more and more cunning. Not only did it escape the blow, it even merged with the surrounding vortex and separated again. It was so fast that Ying Xingjue didn’t even have time to remind Wei San. The body of the gray formless living creature changed its position again.

Ying Xingjue decided to look at Wei San who was quickly surrounded by several whirlpools. He ignored the stinging pain in his forehead and wanted to take action.

Wei San, who was surrounded by the whirlpool, suddenly rose up. Her double sword drew a circle in mid-air and cut off the whirlpool in the middle. Wherever she passed, the cross section was covered with white frost.

After closing the knife to draw a circle, it directly transformed back into a broadsword. Wei San held it horizontally with one hand. On the way down, the broadsword stabbed a gray formless living thing.

She couldn’t tell which one was the real thing.

However, as long as her speed is fast enough and all the gray formless living creatures are killed, it doesn’t matter where the main body is.

Ying Xingjue placed down the hand he just raised and looked at Wei San in front of him. In terms of combat power alone, she was actually not as good as Ji Chuyu just now, or even as good as Zongzheng Yue.

Except for the Super 3S level ability that has not yet fully exploded, the only thing that led her to surpass the two in combat was her mental quality.

Wei San seemed.…..not to have any emotions.

Neither scared nor excited, Ying Xingjue could only feel endless calmness from her body, as if what was in front of her was just an object, not a mutated star beast that could kill people.

Even if there was an explosion of movement, it was only on the surface, and there was no fluctuation in her perception.

Wei San put away her knife and gloomed, “It’s endless.”

Wei San, who seemed to Ying Xingjue to have no emotion at all, became very impatient after killing all the gray shapeless objects.

“Let’s go faster.”

Ying Xingjue looked at her sideways, with confusion in his eyes that he was not aware of. Even now, he still didn’t feel the fluctuation of Wei San’s perception.

Anyone who is too close to Ying Xingjue will easily sense his emotions.

Wei San’s perception was completely inconsistent with her behavior.

“How far are the people outside from us?” Wei San turned to ask him, and happened to find Ying Xingjue looking at her too.

Wei San in the mecha cabin raised her eyebrows, suspecting that Ying Xingjue was secretly looking at her mecha. Although Impermanence only came in black and white, it is definitely the most coordinated and beautiful mecha shell that Wei San has designed so far. When the mushroom purple liquid was placed into it, there would always be a layer of light flashing on the surface.

Engineer Wei would like to regard Impermanence as a perfect work of art.

Perfect works of art will naturally attract the attention of outsiders unconsciously.

Wei San understood, and in her heart, she affirmed Xingjue’s taste.

“At this current speed, we can arrive there in an hour.” Ying Xingjue retracted his gaze and looked into the distance.


In the ice cave that was forcibly dug out, the people from the Imperial Military Academy and the Damocles Military Academy were already shaking badly. Twenty engines around them were still too few.

“Will this cold wave last forever?” Someone asked tremblingly, unable to bear the pressure.

“It will not.”

“It’s been so long.”

“Commander, you go first.” Someone from the Damocles school team said.

Before Jin Ke could say anything, Liao Runing growled a little irritably: “What nonsense are you talking about? How do we leave?”

Buy us a Boba Tea!


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