Small upgrade system

Chapter 579 579 - Invisible Slayer

Sam, also did not go back to the Royal palace. He is also present in the VIP room alongside Oni king and queen, human king and queen. Naturally as their daughter and their sons were togethers, because of this, they also did not have to change the camera view present on the screen.

They could already see that Maria and the others already begin to advance in the forest and even though they were facing many powerful Monsters that they never faced before, they are still adapting in that tough situation while also collecting many points. 

Fortunately until now they did not face any other teams and because of this, they did not have to challenge anyone. First of all facing another team is not a bad thing because it could also give them a chance to gain all the points that the other team had with them. But at the same time it is also risky because if they face a very powerful team then naturally they would be the one who loses all of their points.

From Maria to Emma, everyone will lose their point individually and in the end they won't start from the beginning. Because of this, you can say not only just their team but every team that present inside the dangerous zone did not want to challenge other teams that quickly.

"Really, it is very risky but still the warrior association is able to do that. Most likely that place is very close to their headquarters or something like that and because of this, they are able to choose that big part of the dangerous zone without any problem and not only that they also scare away those planetary grade Monsters. 

Naturally this is a good thing because compared to the virtual reality here everyone will have the fear of getting killed and also in that way they will also get the experience that they won't be able to get if they went inside of the virtual reality."

Oni king said that. Sam and the queen's also agree with him but at the same time you can say the queen's very worried about their daughters. 

But because Emma was present with them, they can relax a little but still compared to the time when they normally when inside of the danger zone, at that time naturally they would had a shadow team following them so when they would face a very dangerous situation they would still able to escape from that place with the help of the shadow guards.

Naturally in the competition the shadow guards won't be able to go in that danger zone with any of them and even if they go and decide to show up then naturally every princess will get eliminated from the competition. Because of this you can say both of the queen's quite worried about their daughters 

On the other hand if you are wondering why they weren't worried about their sons, then it was because both of them know the personality of their sons. As both of them like to fight and have the gold to reach the same level as their grandfathers. Most likely because of the same type of personality both of them became friends so easily and not only that they also present in the same team.

"I also agree with you. Even if that place was not close to the headquarters of the warrior association, it is still most likely that place is under the control of the warrior association and because of this, the warrior association decided to teleport every participant in that. 

Even though I cannot tell how many planetary grade monsters are trying to enter the range of that place but most likely some legendary grade Warriors from the warrior association also present there and those people scaring everyone of those monsters so they did not interfere in the competition.

Unfortunately we still need to wait 2 days to get to know the ranking. But it would give everyone some time to prepare themselves."

At this time the human King said that to everyone. First of all he also thinks that compared to the virtual reality every participant after going inside of the danger zone will have the best experience and as the did not have to worry about their life, because Warriors from the warrior association present everywhere in that place and if they really faced a dangerous situation those warriors will immediately take action.

Sam, also agrees with him as he also thinks the same. But at the same time you can say he was thinking about one more important factor that could affect the competition. Naturally that would be those abyss humans. 

Even those people did not make their appearance for sometime but still there was a chance that those people appear once again and decided to attack every participants then they should be a very dangerous situation.

So Sam was thinking about that but at the same time he has the confidence in those warriors of the warrior association. But the thing was that he was very interested to know what those Abyss humans were doing right now.

In these few months he really got many missions related to those people and because of that compared to anyone he really has not much information about those people but even with that he cannot exactly be sure about the motive of those people. Previously it was clear as they wanted to sacrifice the life of those warriors to their demon god. 

But naturally after losing that many of their people they decided to hide themselves so that they could regain their power once again. Even though they had artifacts but unfortunately that wasn't long lasting so they cannot completely depend on those artifacts. 

"Sam.. Sam!!"

Suddenly Sam, thinking all of this, already came back to his senses when the human king began to call him. 

"Sam, really it would be very interesting if you also participate in this competition. I am definitely sure you would be able to get the first position without any problem. You can kill those Monsters without any problem using your invisible technique and nobody would be able to find you even if the warrior association decided to reveal your location.

I am definitely sure that that would be a hilarious moment when they will try to show your location to everyone but in the end those people won't be able to see anything. Really I just cannot imagine what would be the reaction of everyone of those participants."

The Oni king says that and begins to laugh. Not only him but both of the queen's also begin to smile after hearing that. Even previously not many people know about Sam or his power but right now after his achievement many people already know that he was a person who had a very powerful skill that made him invisible and even using their powerful observation technique they were unable to find his location.

You can say because of this he also gets a bounty. Even though the boundary was present in the black market, still that news already spread in different kingdoms and even Sam also got to know about that. Unfortunately who released that bounty, Sam did not have any information about that so he really cannot do anything.

But really it was very surprising for him that he had a bounty, and he also got to know that he had a nickname that was given by everyone after they got to know about his power. Invisible Slayer, this was the nickname that was given by everyone.

"Well, aise came back just earlier. I did not have the chance to participate in the competition and also I did not think I would be able to join the competition without any problem.

As all of you told me already that compared to previous competition in this competition not everyone able to participate as before participating the competition they also needed to pass a test, and also needed to get your permission. So naturally if I wanted to participate in that competition then someone needed to give his position to me and I really did not want something like that to happen."

Sam told that to everyone. This was a truth as compared to before this time not everyone of their Warriors participated in this competition and also before the main competition everyone of the participant needed to pass the test of the warrior association and the test of their own kingdom.

Actually many Kingdom before the main competition decided to choose the best people who had the chance in this competition and only those people would be participating. Because of this, this time not everyone participated.

"Haha… don't worry about that because I don't think anyone would be unhappy if they get to know that the invisible Slayer wanted to participate in the competition instead of his position. That person would happily give you his spot. But at the same time the most important question that I wanted to ask you, if you participate in this competition then naturally you wantt to go inside the dangerous zone without any team?"

The human King said that. After hearing the last question even the Oni King became curious to know the answer because by knowing the personality of Sam they were sure that even if he participated in this competition then he would not join any team. 


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