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Chapter 538 [Bonus ] 538 - Flight Between Planetary Grade Warriors

Some of the human Warriors at this time suddenly created Energy barrier in front of them because they were facing some powerful enemies but naturally that doesn't mean they will escape from that place and because of this fighting with those people and While fighting like this as you can tell the already became very injured. 

At this time If those attack hit them then it would be a serious matter. Fortunately before something like that happened they already created Energy barrier in front of them and because of that they still able to protect themselves but naturally you can see the track mark present on the energy very are and those people won't be able to maintain the energy very around them.

First of all everyone of those enemies were around Early epic grade Warriors, while they were just peak Elite grade warriors. Naturally the difference between them was much big and because of these even though they try to fight those enemies but infont of the full power of their enemy the unable to do anything and because of this day also get that much injured. 

Something unexpected happen because one by one everyone of their enemy begin to fall down on the ground. The really did not understand what was happening and why dost Warrior suddenly fall down on the ground but only then they notice that everyone of them already lost their life and not only those people but sometime later they could also see many of their enemy in the surrounding area also begin to fall down on by one. 

So with that they could tell most likely some was helping them using some kind of powerful technique that also make that person invisible or something like that.

Now came back to the main matter,

One by one many huge impact was created that even affected the battlefield but not that much and because of this, many Warriors also get affected as they already send backward by those sudden impact. Even sam could feel the impact that got created suddenly and at this time he quickly stop moving and begin to look toward the direction from where you can see those Planetary grade warriors final started fighting and because of that those sudden impact got created. 

Naturally as you can tell it was the human king and his friend who finally come toward those other legendary Warriors. They already start attacking each other and as you can tell everyone of their attack was very powerful. 


While at this time in the battlefield you can see the fight between Warriors was going on, ek group of people not farmer from that location was now silently observing the battlefield but those people did not do anything and just silently stay. Everyone of them hiding themselves while observing the battlefield. 

Even though they also wanted to participate in the war but right now they had other mission to do and that also very important. Actually those were the people who got selected to watch over the battlefield and the moment they will found any type of clue about Abyss humans and dark they should immediately take action. Not only that they should also try to see the moment of those Monsters because as you know every time those Abyss humans control the Monsters before attacking any Kingdom. 

Because of this as you know they got appointed to look for those dark humans and those Abyss humans. Naturally because of this until now they did not take part in the battlefield and just observed their surrounding area and also observed the movement of those Monsters.  of all if those monsters suddenly begin to attack they are soldiers then it could be a dangerous thing for everyone because fighting those enemies was Much harder and right now if those enemies also get help from those Monsters then naturally it could be very dangerous for their soldiers. 

At this time they suddenly feel a huge amount of energy fluctuation and in the next second They almost get blown away by the sudden impact. Naturally nobody was prepared for that and because of that something like that happened to them but fortunately they were able to stabilize their condition. But one thing was clear that those planetary grade Warriors were finally taking part in the battle and because of that a huge amount of impact was created. 


If you look at the human king right now then you will notice he is already fighting one of the enemies who is also a Planetary grade warrior. His opponent used a sword while he was using a spear. But at the same time you can see the whole spear also coated in dark flame. Naturally he could change the nature of the spiritual energy after coating the whole spear with spiritual energy and as you know the dark flame was the most dangerous flame and it could burn anything. 

But on the other hand his opponent also wasn't staying ideal and he also used the wind element at this time and naturally because of that the speed of those swings became more powerful. Right now a big cross slash going toward the human king but the human King already reacted and he disappeared from that place. But in the next second you can see a big fire slash going toward that enemy but that wasn't over because at the same time that fire slash suddenly became much bigger and it just kept getting powerful and Powerful. 

Naturally the human king was the one who controlled that attack and he also increased the power behind that attack. On the other hand all of this happened very quickly and because of these the enemy at this time just could only see that attack coming toward his direction. Even at the last minute he tried to avoid that attack but unfortunately he wasn't that lucky and already got hit by that attack and instantly you can hear the painful roar coming out from that person. 

Right now the left hand of that person was burning because of the black flame but that wasn't it. The armor present in the left hand already melted away and because of that you can see his hand was burning right now. In front of that black flame his armor was not even able to protect his left hand for that long. 

The human King at this time did not waste this chance and using his full speed he already came behind that person. The person was right now roaring jn paying and because of this he did not pay attention to the human king who was already behind him. The human King was just about to attack that person to finish him but suddenly something unexpected happened and because of this he wasn't able to kill that person. 

Suddenly out of nowhere an ice wall got created in front of that person and naturally the human king hit that ice wall at this time. The thing was that it wasn't your normal eyes as the color of that ice was Black so naturally that was the black ice. It is also the highest peak in all the ice control.

The black ice element was very powerful and not many people were able to break that or melt it full stop but as you know the human King also using the black flame and the black flame could burn anything and because of that sometime later you can see the ice wall already begin to melt away. 

But naturally at this time the enemy that he was going to attack earlier had already escaped from that place and he could not be far away from the direction that person was standing there alongside with another enemy. Just after looking at that person he already recognised him because he was an ice elf. Those people had some kind of relationship with those elf, but the thing was that compared to those elf they were much if you'll and they were also good at using the ices energy. 

At this time the human King could already see an ice beam coming toward his direction but not only that at the same time a powerful Sword slash that contains the wind element also coming toward his direction. Naturally the human King already reacted on time and this time using his full power he instantly created a firewall in front of him but that wasn't it because at the same time he also controlled the fire element to create a big fireball to shoot toward them. 

On the other hand his enemy continuously attacked his direction without intention to stop but they also another that right now the human King is already preparing an attack for them. At the same time if you are wondering about those other kings who also participate in the battlefield then they are also busy fighting those other enemies and some of them are already able to injure their Enemy seriously. But at the same time they also got injured by their enemy.


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