Small upgrade system

Chapter 503 504 - Powerful Enemy

Came back to the battlefield,

Finally, all of those enemies also decided to take part in the war because they could already see the situation wasn't good after the reinforcements arrived on the battlefield. 

Because of these the situation suddenly became more intense because at the same time every one of those monsters also most likely got affected by the dark spiritual energy and suddenly every one of those monsters present there began to glow in dark color. Not only that instantly their power also increased once again and with that those Monsters once again took advantage in this fight. On the other hand, those enemies also use their artifacts from the start the moment they join the war. 

One by one every one of them created an attack with their dark spiritual energy and attacked every one of those human Warriors and the reinforcement team of the Oni Kingdom. Naturally, all of those warriors are busy fighting with those Monsters and because of this, those enemies get the time and chance to attack those Warriors without any problem. 

With that many of them already got injured but fortunately, the old king was present there and suddenly he took action and created a barrier around those Warriors for a second which gave the time for those medical teams to react and they quickly used their full power to heal those Warriors. 

With that, those Warriors once again join the war and have already begun to fight those Monsters but not only that suddenly some of the Warriors also begin to attack those enemies at this time. 

On the other hand, the king already killed 4 of those planetary Monsters but still, he needed to kill the other 6 Monsters and you can say that this became quite difficult for him because suddenly the power of those Monsters also increased because of the dark spiritual energy.

This naturally makes the king and the old kings very alert because that means someone with a legendary grade also participated in the war and because of this that was possible. Naturally, the king already told the old King to look for that person and take care of him because if a legendary person was behind all of these then naturally only the old King would be able to handle that person. 

Because of this the old King also began to recover his lost spirit and at the same time observe the surrounding area to find that person but most likely that person wasn't near his observation range and because of this it became quite difficult to search for. Well for a legendary grade person, this wasn't impossible to control those monsters while he was far away from the battlefield. 

But then these also became quite dangerous for all the human warriors so naturally the old King already took action and after recovering The Spiritual energy he already floats in the sky and then instantly begins to advance on that battlefield. Naturally because of this right now he won't be able to help those Warriors to fight those Monsters and those enemies but still, if he is able to handle that legendary great enemy he could be able to help everyone in the war. 

Most likely those Abyss humans learn from their previous mistakes and because of this, this time a legendary Abyss human also participates in the war. With that, you can naturally tell how much those enemies while preparing themselves to attack the human Kingdom and kill all the humans and other citizens of the kingdom to use them as the sacrifice for their god. 

Fortunately, the old king was present there and you should know he wasn't a weak Warrior. He would only have problems if he faced an intermediate legendary grade Abyss human, but other than that he would not have any problems. So he was thinking that or you can say just hoping that the enemy wasn't that powerful, so that he could easily finish the fight and help those other Warriors in the fight. 

On the other hand, the king even though having a top time but still those Monsters were weaker compared to him but the thing was that because of their large number, it quite became difficult. But that does not mean he will give up on the fight. As you can see right now he is already able to seriously injure two of those Monsters while those 4 remaining Monsters also get quite injured. 

The king created a barrier and then instant attack behind him. With that, he can block the incoming attack and also instantly attack The Monster who is just about to attack him from behind. But it was not there because those Monsters were attacking him from all directions and with that he was very alert all the time. I think you should take a look at

Suddenly he disappeared from his place and with that, he quickly appeared behind the monster and wasted no time quickly attacking that Monster using his attack. Instantly that monster got struck by lightning but it was not there because, at the same time, the king was already controlling the cloud in the sky. Actually from the first he was preparing for his ultimate attack but with that, he needed much time to prepare for that attack. So from the first, he was just waiting for the finish of his ultimate attack. 

If it was before then those monsters naturally feel something different and also feel the coming from those clouds but right now they are unable to tell anything because every one of them became insane because of the dark spiritual energy. 

Now coming back to the battlefield, an electric field appears on that place and every Monster near that place receives damage from the electric field. But those Monsters even after getting attacked by the electric field were able to counter attack and the king once again created the Energy barrier in front of him to protect him from that attack. 

As you know that he was preparing for the ultimate attack so with that he was able to use full spiritual energy in that fight. Also as you know that it requires him to focus on the attacks it becomes difficult but at the same time the moment he will finish that he is just hoping he will be able to kill almost every one of those Monsters. But before that, he wanted to injure those monsters so that they got directly killed by his ultimate attack or if those Monsters did not get injured and stayed perfectly like this then it could be also difficult. 

On the other hand,

Sam instantly jumped away from the place. But at the same time, a huge fireball appeared in that place and directly hit the monster that was just about to attack him from beneath the ground. Right now he was fighting some Monster that was able to attack him from underground and because of this he also needed to stay careful about the vibration that was coming from the underground. 

Not only the judge of Monsters but at the same time he was fighting some Monsters that were able to attack him from the sky and with that you can naturally tell how difficult the situation is for him right now. He needed to fight Monsters that were able to travel underground and also fight those Monsters that could fly in the sky. 

Instantly, light spears begin to fall from the sky, and every one of those Monsters that were able to fly Got eaten by those Spears. But even with that, he wasn't able to kill everyone. Fortunately, as you can see he wasn't alone on the battlefield and many other Warriors were also fighting those Monsters with him, and at the same time those Warriors also attacked those Monsters. 

You can say that in this world Sam only decided to use the element technique Because by using the sword he won't be able to create mass destruction because of this he was using his fire element and the light element. 

Not only the light spear but at the same time many sun rays also appear in the sky and every one of those Monsters gets attacked by them once again. In the next second Sam quickly recovers his spiritual energy using the potion. Instantly he once again felt the vibration, so he jumped upward but this time suddenly Monsters, who were able to fly in the sky, instantly attacked his direction with their wind blades. 

Fortunately, before those attacks could hit him he already uses the energy shield and with that, he is able to protect himself. Not only that at the same time, those Monsters from the ground are also most likely about to attack him but he already uses the telekinesis technique and with that, he is already able to control all those Monsters.

Because of his telekinesis technique most of the Monsters did not able to go back to the ground and with that those Warriors present already take action and already kill those Monsters but naturally, those remaining Monsters came out of his control and already go inside of ground to escape from that place and attack them once again from beneath the ground. 

To be continued___________


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