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Chapter 493 494 - Shocked Oni King

Once again every Warrior becomes active inside the kingdom. After leaving the Royal palace they already started searching inside the human Kingdom for those humans who could also use the dark spiritual energy. Naturally only those people participating in this mission could use techniques like spiritual vision in this matter because other than that type of technique they won't be able to find those people. 

That does not mean those other people won't be able to help. Right now they also have the responsibility to observe the situation of all the people inside the human Kingdom. with that if they suddenly found some suspicious people they should immediately react and silently capture those people. With that they should not alert those other people. 

Not only just those Warriors but at the same time you can say the king and even the old King also observing the situation of the whole Kingdom. Naturally as you know the old King has the power to look at all the human Kingdom at once using his observation technique and his observation technique most likely powerful compared to any other present inside the human Kingdom. 

So naturally he already started observing the situation of the whole Kingdom while at the same time the king also appointed all the Royal guards in that mission to find the suspicious people and bring them into the Royal palace. Naturally, the king also told every Warrior that they should not give this information to anyone in the city because it would also create panic in those normal people of the human Kingdom. 

Right now they just wanted to know in which place those people decided to hide themselves. Only if they are able to capture those people, then it would be possible to find the real location of those and those Traitors and those Abyss humans. Naturally those people most likely preferred to stay inside of the Abyss world, but if those traitors really went outside of the human Kingdom to meet those abyss humans, then there was a possibility that those Abyss humans also came to the at the time and this would be the perfect time to attack those abyss humans. 

Naturally the king did not inform the search team who were present inside of the danger zone. Most people were busy searching for the flow of those Traitors, naturally because of this he did not decide to disturb those people and just remained Warriors in that mission. 

But at the same time immediately contact the Oni King. The Oni king was his old friend and not only that both of the kingdoms also had a collaboration so that was his responsibility to tell his friend about that important matter so that he could also get alert about it. After getting the previous information from that person the king was sure that not only the human Kingdom but those people most likely will try to invite other kingdoms and try to create those types of portals once again or try to do other things that could create destruction. 

Naturally wasting no time he quickly informs the Oni King. 

"Are you serious about this? How the hell did you find those people? I still cannot believe people like that exist in our world. How could someone try to observe the dark spiritual and g that naturally destroy the foundation of their body and also slowly kill their body? It was like taking drugs to make themselves powerful."

Right now the Oni King naturally got shocked after hearing the information from the human king. Still cannot believe people like that exist who could use the dark spiritual energy to make themselves powerful compared to any other Warriors. But the thing was that even if those people became powerful they won't be able to stay like that forever. It was like a powerful drug that makes you powerful for sometime but after that you will suffer from the side effects of the drug. 

"Yea, I am telling you the truth. It was Sam who found those people and wasted no time quickly bringing that person to the Royal palace. After that father decided to read the memory of the person and from that we got all the information. Like you I also cannot believe someone could do something like that. But the thing was that those people wear the one who previously created those dark teleportation arrays inside your kingdom and my kingdom. 

With that you can naturally guess how dangerous those people were and what they can do. Also, I got the information that many people like them came to the Terraria and everyone of them most likely went to various Kingdom present inside of the Terraria. They wanted to use their human identity to enter that Kingdom and try to create the dark teleportation array so that those Abyss humans could easily enter The Kingdom. 

Not only that, they were the people who searched for Traitors. Naturally they were the people who previously contacted the Duke of your kingdom and also contacted all the Traitors of my kingdom. Naturally that is most likely the case and because of that will be previously unable to detect any abyss humans inside our Kingdom and somehow still those dark teleportation arrays got created inside our Kingdom. "I think you should take a look at

The human being told all of this to the Oni king. Naturally, the oni king also agreed with him and with that he already decided to tell every Warrior who present inside of the kingdom to search the right now. He needed to make sure that people like those humans did not enter his kingdom. 

A minute later after hanging up the phone he quickly told the old king and not only the old king but also the Crown Prince about that. Naturally both of them should also get aware of the situation right now and they just did not tell the princess who already went inside of the dangerous zone right now. 

But the old Oni king instantly contacted Emma and told her everything. Naturally that was a very serious matter and what if the princess got attacked by those people? Most likely Emma and the Oni princess will try to avoid fighting fellow Humans, and those humans could use that as their advantage and do something. 

"I already know Emma about this. She told me that she will be watching over Livia and her teammates. So you can rest assured that nothing will happen to the princess. Quickly called all the Warriors right now in the Royal palace because this is a very serious matter and every Warrior should know about that so they could also help find those people. Also make sure that other than those Warriors nobody gets information about this."

The old Oni king ordered the king about that and the king Wasting no time to quickly contact everyone of those Warriors that he trusts. You can say that after hearing the news about the human Kingdom, the oni King also became very serious and he also tried to figure out if taitora like that Duke was still present inside of his kingdom or not. Actually the Oni King is also trying to make sure that nobody like that duke is present inside of the kingdom because that could be a very dangerous thing for the kingdom and what if those people suddenly decide to attack his own Kingdom. 

Naturally, after getting called from the king, naturally those people use their full power to reach the Royal palace as quickly as they can. They can tell after hearing the tone of the king that something most likely very dangerous happened and because of that the king told them that quickly. 


"Try to search every corner of the human Kingdom. You find out what happened to those teleportation arrays. It could be possible that the human King already found out about those teleportation arrays but we still need to make sure what happened and also need to know how the hell the king got to know about those teleportation arrays. Until nobody uses the dark spiritual energy nobody will be able to use those teleportation arrays and no energy fluctuation will come out from those arrays so what happened to those are we really need to find about that. 

As you know, this was a very important matter from the boss because he wanted to attack the human Kingdom and after killing all the people of the human Kingdom he wanted to keep the blood to the demon God so that he could open the portal and the demon could come to the Nether world. So at any condition we need to find out about everything that happened to the human Kingdom and also make sure that you are preparing yourself to escape from the human Kingdom anytime. We don't know which type of powerhouse is present inside of the human Kingdom so we also need to stay ready to escape from the human Kingdom at any time."

Right now inside of a dark alleyway, you can see almost 20 people present there and everyone of them normally looks like a simple human. Right now if some or any other Warriors look at them using the spiritual vision then they will be able to know that those people are releasing dark spiritual energy from their body. 

To be continued__________


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