Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 7: The Escape.

Chapter 7: The Escape.

Taking a glance at the man outside to check what he was doing, Felix again started thinking.

'Great! He's looking inside the carriage with his head poked inside.'

This was like a chance given by the heavens that he needed at the moment and he rejoiced getting a bit surprised at his finally working isekai luck.

Not waiting anymore he hurriedly thought of using the skill 'Silent Steps' as he made a quick run in the room to make sure it was working.

Making sure that it was working perfectly fine, he quickly moved out of the broken house while sneakily looking at the man.

'Sayonara as*hole! I'll be sure to repay what you did to me.'

Cursing inside his head, Felix ran towards the right side from the door of the broken house that was also on the opposite side of the man as he suddenly dashed behind the building making his way over to the fence.

Taking a bit of effort he hurriedly jumped over the fence while holding his hands that were hurting a bit from suddenly pressing his hands against the fence with too much pressure.

It seemed he was not yet used to his new small body as moving in it felt unfamiliar and slightly abnormal. Deciding to eat a lot after escaping and training his body to become fit to survive in this harsh world, he ran taking long steps towards the forest.

He used his injured body to its peak as he entered the forest, eyeing the tall trees around him with a curious look he ran between them making himself as far as he could from the place.


Twenty minutes later he couldn't help but stop himself after all the running as he sat down on the ground while grasping for breath.

"Huff! Huff! I don't think I-I can continue to run anymore"

Felix gasped as he tried to catch his breath. Calming down a few minutes later he thought of getting help from the system.

"System! Do you think I'm far enough from that man? Or at least tell me where I should go next"

[It is advised that the host seek answers by hims-]

"Oh come on!! You stupid system! Why are you even here if you can't help me with something", replied Felix as he angrily flipped the bird at the system.

[Does the host wish to deactivate the System?]

"NO! Wait- I was wrong! Don't deactivate.", he immediately shouted afraid of losing his only way of surviving in this cruel world.

'Damn I ended my story before it even began', sweated Felix as he imagined his life without his beloved system.

[The system cannot give host any answers regarding this world or the situation you're trapped in. The host has to find clues and find the answers yourself, so as to improve your way of handling problems.]

"....hmm, you're right."

Felix pondered about it and realised that if he always depended on the system, then that wasn't much different from the system controlling him.

And he didn't want that to happen, so he was quite grateful that the system wasn't treating him like a baby by providing everything he asked for.

Even though he was thinking positively, Felix didn't have a clue where to go and what to do, especially considering that the slave traders may come search and find him.

'Sigh... why is my fate so miserable.'

Taking deep breaths, he calmed down and surveyed his surroundings.

Knowing that he was far away from that man, he decided to look at himself and make plans for where he had to go from here, but then he heard his stomach growl making him feel weak all of a sudden.

'First of all, I need to look for something to eat, I'll be dead if I stayed in this state any longer.'

Slowly getting up he started moving around the tree nearest to him.

Looking up he couldn't seem to find the sun that was ever blazing earlier to be seen, now that the tall trees with their huge leaves were getting in the way.

'Thankfully it's not as hot as it was before at the farm.'

Searching around he couldn't find any fruits hanging on the trees, even if there were some, it would be too high for him to reach.

He saw that behind the tree some mushrooms were growing out.

Nearing them he thought of plucking them and satisfying his hunger when suddenly he realized that there were some purple spots on them that looked horrifying enough to make babies cry.

He hurriedly moved back at the mere sight of it.

'No shit that's a straight ticket to hell!!

Going back to where he was, he slowly started walking away from the direction of the farm as he looked around for anything to eat. His hunger not reaching the point of making him insane.

Many things in his surrounding were foreign to him, giving him a disadvantage of not knowing what were edible and harmful, so he thought for a second and said.

"System, can you create a skill that lets me analyze and identify all things."

[Processing the skill's power scale....grading the skill....estimating the possible points required.....skill successfully moduled.]


[Skill Name: Inspect


It allows the user to identify any object and find out its stats and uses.

Cost: 500 Skill Points]

"Hmm... five hundred huh...."

'It's a skill that's really useful, especially for someone like me for not knowing anything of this world. Too bad I can only create the skill with five hundred points when I have nothing at all.'

He continued walking ahead, searching for any food he could find as he looked in every direction.

The dense forest seems to be at peace as the slight chirping of the birds could be heard flying between the branches.

It looked so unreal that Felix had to stop himself as he looked at the slight sunshine entering the forest through the leaves of the trees.

A bit overwhelmed by the beauty of nature, something which he couldn't enjoy in his previous life by always staying inside the busy city, he walked peacefully as if nothing was better than this.

Finally coming across a group of squirrels who were eating a bunch of berries from a bush, he quickly moved towards them.

The small animals ran away when they saw a human come nearby.

'That must be edible'

Not minding them, he took all the berries from the bush and the ground eating them the moment he picks one.

'Nice...It's sour yet sweet. Reminding me of strawberries but only these are not ripe yet.'.

Still not stopping himself even as his mouth felt a bit distasteful, he ate all the berries he could find only to find his stomach quarterly full.

Walking ahead again from there he couldn't help but wonder,

'Does this world have fruits and the foods that were back on Earth? Hmm not possible maybe they have their own culture and traditions.'

Thinking of such random thoughts, he walked ahead when suddenly a weird noise made him stop.

"Kwiek! Kwiek!"

He suddenly became alert and stayed cautious as he hid behind a tree slowly looking at the thing that made those weird sounds.

And there he saw it.

The first monster that he encountered after his transmigration.

'Is that a-....Is that a-...Is that a-...'

These were his only thoughts as he stared unbelievably at the famous fantasy creature with wide eyes almost coming out of his sockets.


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