Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 5: I can create any Skill??

Chapter 5: I can create any Skill??

As Felix looked at his status, he couldn't help but ask the system,

"System, how is my age 14 when I look like a 10-year-old kid?"

[The host's body seems to have been malnourished and weak resulting in no growth in the structure of its bones and muscles.]

'Damn did this boy not eat anything for him to be so thin and short? Well considering he was an orphan just like me while also being in the slums it must have been hard to even survive already'

Felix thought deeply as he saw the bruises that were covering almost every part of his scrawny body. Suddenly his stomach growled as he felt hungry after surviving all the trouble.

'It's not the time to think about food, I can find something to eat later. But before that-'

"System it says that I'm Rank 0 here. Tell me more about it"

Making some quick calculations in his mind he thought that he had at least a few hours before the man standing outside came to check over.

But not taking any chances he decided to make a plan in a few minutes and escape from there.

[Yes, as the host has not started any cultivation you are at Rank 0. While the being that you killed before was at Rank 1 in Warrior Cultivation.]

Felix looked at the corpse of the huge man and asked again,

"How many ranks are there in both the cultivation?"

[According to the information that the system can reveal at the moment. There are a total of 9 ranks in both Mage and Warrior Cultivation. With Rank 1 being the lowest and Rank 9 being the highest.]

'Hmm.....If this pervert was a rank 1 then the guy outside must be higher possibly Rank 2 or 3.'

"And you said my race was human. Does that mean there other races out there?"

[Yes, there are many races in the world that the host has come to. But it is advised that the host find the answers to the questions that are related to the world by himself.]

"Well thank you for not answering that then"

Felix replied as he was still not happy when the System 'advised' him to seek answers by himself. Glancing at the status screen again, he asked again.

"What does talent mean, and Is having two stars good or bad?"

[Talent is a factor that determines the aptitude and capability of a person to achieve something effortlessly. Having one star means being useless in their work for their whole lifetime while having two or three stars means being average and capable enough if they spent more effort and hard work.]

[A being with four stars is considered a genius and can excel at many things while having five stars means one in a thousand years genius with lots of potential who ends up becoming someone great unless they get a quick death.]

"Damn it so with two stars I'm just an average boy even in this world."

Felix cursed as he felt the world hating him for some reason.

Finally arriving at the 'state' in the status which perfectly told the story, he moved his eyes at the last section which made him grin as a wide smile formed at his lips.

"Now tell me how I got 10 skill points by killing that huge guy"

[Skill points are given for killing every being with a rank higher than the host's, which you can use to access the Skill Board.]

[Killing a Rank 1 will give you 10 skill points, while a Rank 2 will give you 100 skill points and it gets multiplied by 10 with every increase in Rank. But you'll only earn skill points if you kill a being higher than your own rank. Killing a being of your same rank will not get you any skill points.]

'HOLY SHIT! This System really wants me to go on a killing spree.'

Imagining himself being 'wanted' across the countries for murder made Felix gulp at the sheer pressure.

"O-Okay...How about you show me the Skill Board"


[Activating the Skill Board!]

[Skill Board]

[Host can now use the skill points to create any skill that he desires.]

[Current skill points: 10]

"Any? Wow does that mean I can create any skill from anime and manga like Kameham*ha* and Raseng*n and such!!", his excitement reaching its peak.

[Affirmative, the host can use his memory or imagination to create any skill by using the available skill points.]

'Hmm let's try it.'

Closing his eyes and imagining how G*ku used his two hands to pull back and then shout 'KAMEHAM*HA' before releasing the white and blue beam of light. Felix considered the skill's strength and power, then asked.

"System, create the skill 'Kameham*ha'"

[Processing the skill's power scale.....grading the skill...estimating the possible points required...skill successfully moduled.]


[Skill Name: Kameham*ha


By drawing mana in the user's cupped hands instead of ki, it is then concentrated to the point that it is released just before the blast as a powerful beam of energy explodes out from the user's palms. The power of the skill depends on the amount of mana used.

Cost: 100000 skill points]

Felix stood rooted on the spot as he stared with wide eyes that the system actually created the said legendary technique. He read the name and description of the skill with heavy breaths before finally arriving at the cost of the skill.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!! A hundred thousand?? Why are you destroying my dreams! You hateful System!!"

[It is advised for the host to calm down and not act crazy because of his patheticness.]

"YESS YESS!! I'll calm down!"

"Huff", panting at the mere sight of the expensive skill he thought he could create.

Felix started to calm down and after dismissing the message of the skill board, he went into deep thinking about what skill he truly needed at the moment to survive this predicament.

'I need something to help me escape possibly making me leave this place as soon as possible.'

Thinking for a few moments, somewhat hurriedly to run away from here, he spoke to the system again.

"System try creating the skill....."


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