Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 30: Prey or Predator? II

Chapter 30: Prey or Predator? II

Felix hid on the stairs that led to the third floor and waited for the other intruders to come upstairs on the second floor.

A few minutes went by when he suddenly heard footsteps from downstairs.

'Hmm? There seems to be more than one person coming up...'

He frowned as dealing with two at once was not something he could do right now. If he killed one of them using 'Silent Steps', then before he could attack the other, he would have noticed him making his stealth skill useless.

'I better think of a different plan.'

At this time, the footsteps finally reached the second floor as two men wearing the same black robe as that lanky man stepped on the floor.

"Hmm? Where did Wally go?"

One of the men who was muscular asked curiously as he couldn't find his teammate who just went upstairs.

"Who knows? That guy was in a hurry to have some fun with the kids, maybe he is already torturing them about right now."

The other man who looked a bit fat with a large belly coming out of his robe had a twisted grin.

"Hahaha, you're right. But we can't let him have all the fun..."

Hearing them talk about 'having fun' and 'torturing' the kids, Felix felt something snap in his head as he clenched his hand tightly.

'These mother*uckers...I won't let any one of you alive...'

His previous concerns about whether to kill them or not vanished as only wrath was left inside his mind.

He had no other choice now because if he failed to defeat them, then these guys would surely make their lives a living hell.

Now that both of them were on the second floor, they searched around lazily not even showing any caution or worry.

For them, this mission was as easy as drinking water. They just had to deal with a bunch of kids who were out on their mission of exploring an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city with less to no public.

'This won't do...I gotta separate them and deal with them before they found the corpse of the other guy.'

Felix bit his lips and rapidly thought of a plan to do that. After a few seconds, he was ready as his eyes gleamed and decided on his next course of action.

Relaxing down, he activated his skill 'Earth Simming' as his body started liquefying. The stairs started to wobble like a wave as his whole body sank into it without leaving a trace of his existence.

Swimming in the solid of the floor, he came downstairs with his head poked out and sneakily peeked at the two men.

Seeing that they were busy going around together while chatting, he looked at the deepest part of the second floor before swimming there.

Reaching the corner at a quiet place, he slowly came out and kicked several of the barrels making a lot of noise before again going back into the ground.

The two men perked up their ears when they heard the noise and smiled at each other. The fat man was quick to raise his hands as he licked his lips and stopped the other man from going.

"Well, how about you leave that rat to me and look for the others? You know I like having fun all alone."

The muscular man twitched his lips as he shook his head at his ramblings.

"Do whatever you want. Just make sure you do the job properly."

"Of course, I'll do that. You don't have to worry about it."

He couldn't wait any longer as he grinned at the thought of playing with the kid and hurriedly ran to where the noise came from.

Felix remained hidden from their vision and peeked at the two of them from inside the ground. When the fat man ran deeper into the second floor, he gave a smile and swam in the solid to follow him.

Eventually, the fat man reached the corner where he stopped inside a room and searched for the kid.

"Oh come on now. I already know you are hiding here."

He teased while rubbing his hands, stretching his short neck to look behind the barrels. The place looked disorderly with many boxes and barrels thrown down, so he had to bend down and put them to the side for a better view at the hiding 'kid'.

With the fat man now showing clear carelessness with his heavy body bent, Felix did not hesitate and poked his full head out activating his skill.

Grid lines started appearing on the fat man's body with a prominent red line on the left part of his torso.

'Here goes another kill..'

Making sure to again activate 'Silent Steps', he came out of the solid floor with his knife stabbing forward while the fat man remained bent down to put away the barrels that were thrown down.

Felix quickly reached his target and stabbed the knife right into the red line of the seemingly careless and unguarded fat body. With the pain spreading from the inside of his torso, the fat man finally realized that a foreign object had entered him.

The pain of his guts being stabbed made him fall to his knee as he turned to stare at his attacker while letting out a shout.

"Khaaaah!! Aaaaagh!!"

His previous playfulness disappeared when he saw that the kid he was supposed to have 'fun' with had stabbed him with a knife, that too deep in his weak spot.

Seeing the fat man dropping down and shouting a lot, Felix frowned.

'Shit! The other man must have been alerted by that shout.'

Not wasting any more time in handling the situation, he raised his small leg and kicked the fat man right on his face with the soles of his shoe penetrating his eyes as indicated by the red lines.

The man could not react to the kick as he was busy removing the knife which he thought must have been a lucky attempt of the kid. And that resulted in his eyes getting a direct hit from a fast kick.


Squealing like a pig, he held his eyes that seemed to have sunken inside the sockets with blood escaping from between his fingers.

Felix did not give him a single second to recover as he raised his leg again and kicked at the red line that appeared on the fat man's neck.


That was the last sound coming from the fat man as he fell face-first on the floor with his body slowly turning cold.

Seeing the fat man falling down very likely dead, Felix took some breaths to relax his tired body before he started hearing hurried footsteps from outside the room.

Again activating his skill, he quickly submerged inside the floor and vanished from the scene. Not forgetting to move under the fat man's corpse and take back his knife that was pierced into his torso.

And the moment he did that, the other man entered the room.


Looking at the corpse of his teammate lying on the floor with a pool of blood, his eyes widened in shock. He took a step back and cautiously surveyed the room.

There was no one except the body of his dead friend, with barrels thrown around the room making it messy.

"W-Who did this? There's nobody here though..."

While swimming inside the floor, Felix moved near the man who was still confused with the turn of events.

He peeked out from the corner of the room and glanced at the man who was walking toward the corpse. The man kneeled down and turned around the body to check whether his friend was still alive or not.


Felix rushed out from the ground activating the skill 'Ratio technique' and slashed his knife at the man who was oblivious to the fact that there was somebody else in the room.


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