Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 189 188: Source Of Elemental Stones; Elemental Breathing Technique

Why was an Elemental Stone so expensive?

Why did it seem so valuable and what were its uses?

These two questions were the questions Corey had when he knew about the absurd price of an Elemental Stone.

Corey checked all his recorded books to figure out the reason behind the high price of an elemental stone, so he had to call Divine to ask about the reason.

Although Divine gave him the reason behind the high price of an elemental stone, he had to pay a price, which was… Ten Thousand Value Points.

Corey so much wanted to beat the crap out of Divine when he heard the price of the information, but Divine's reply was:

"Since an Elemental Stone cost ten thousand value points, you'll pay ten thousand value points to get the information.

I'm not cheating you at all by the way. In fact, I'm even generous enough to not charge you a hundred thousand value points. Aren't I a magnanimous person?"

Corey's eyes twitched both in the past and in the present as he remembered Divine's words.

After he heard Divine's blatant lie, he wanted to cut the call and use the E-Underworld to find out the information he wanted, but before he could, Divine later warned him about what he searched on the E-Underworld, that whatever he searched for could be used against him in the future.

So with Divine's warning which to some extent, held some truth, Corey had to yield to Divine's extortion. Increasing Divine's account balance by sixty thousand value points- fifty thousand for the repayment of the loan he collected from Divine, and ten thousand for the information.

After paying Divine, Divine first thanked him for patronizing his business, causing a vein to pop in Corey's head. Although Corey was at first pissed at Divine for extorting him, the information given to him by Divine was detailed and useful.

The main reason for the high cost of the elemental stones was due to their source.

Elemental stones were gotten from the twelve danger zones of New Earth. The danger zones were the twelve uninhabitable places of New Earth Ashley told him about. Every danger zone was called a danger zone due to the excessive amount of an element in a particular area.

For example, there was a place that had an ever-burning flame, and another place had so much ice and the temperature of the place was so low that a normal human would become an ice sculpture in an instant if they dared to approach the place. Another place had never-ending lightning strikes and thunderclaps.

The twelve danger zones all had their special reasons for being called danger zones, and despite the twelve danger zones being extremely dangerous, they were ways one could benefit from the zones.

With one of them being elemental stones.

The danger zones produced elemental stones that were respective to the element of the danger zones. For example, the danger zone of fire would produce fire elemental stones, the danger zone of lightning would produce lightning elemental stones, and so on.

Due to the danger and difficulty in getting elemental stones from a danger zone, the price of an elemental stone both in the outside world and the Underworld was extremely high.

There were other minor reasons for the high cost of an elemental stone, but those minor reasons were of no usefulness to Corey.

(Going back to Corey and the manager of the shop of the elements)

The manager had a skeptical expression as he scrutinized Corey from head to toe. He had heard a few things about Smile Reaper, and from what he knew, Corey was not meant to have the money to buy an elemental stone…

'Unless he borrowed money from that freak named Divine.'

As the manager had this thought, he realized his theory about Smile Reaper's words could be true and with that theory, the manager's curiosity about Corey died down. Meanwhile, his curiosity about Divine's actual wealth increased.

"Since you know the price of an elemental stone, how many elemental stones do you want?"

The manager asked with a smile and Corey seeing a change in the manager's expression, slightly raised his brows.

Although he was curious about the change in the expression of the manager, he decided not to make a comment and buy the elemental stones he wanted.

"I'll buy nine different elemental stones. Each elemental stone should contain the nine different elements."

Corey's gain from the selling of Neon was approximately two hundred thousand value points, and Corey was extremely surprised when he received his money.

The money gotten from the sales of Neon in the past two weeks was not actually two hundred thousand value points. It was much more than that, but there were expenses which were needed to be subtracted from the money so as to keep the business afloat.

An example of some of the expenses was the Terror Queen collecting her share of the money. The Terror Queen also collected a part of the money to pay the middlemen she used to advertise and influence people to buy Neon.

He also needed to pay Divine and his group since he was using their identity as a sort of protection. Also, the group also had their work to do regarding their upcoming drug empire and they also needed their share of the money.

Other things took out of the actual money earned from the sales of Neon, but despite the many expenses, Corey still earned a whopping Two Hundred Thousand Value Points, showing the value of Neon to the Underworld residents and also, it showed Corey how much work the Terror Queen put into the sales of Neon, and he was extremely satisfied with her for that.

Although Corey earned approximately two hundred thousand value points, he had to pay back the debt he owed to Divine, along with the money for the information on elemental stones.

So in essence, Corey had approximately one hundred forty thousand value points left, and he planned on using ninety thousand value points to buy elemental stones.

Although he could buy five more elemental stones, there was no point in buying just five more elemental stones due to the Elemental Breathing Technique.

According to the Paragon Ancestor and the Elemental Breathing Technique, there were nine elements- Fire, water, wind, earth, ice, lightning, metal, wood, and magma.

And the elemental breathing technique requires Corey to use nine elemental stones to use the elemental breathing technique.

The elemental breathing technique was a technique that allowed Corey to absorb the elemental energy from an elemental stone, increasing Corey's stats in the process.

Although Corey had to absorb the elemental stone from a stone on each of his hands, Corey had to make sure he absorbed all nine elements from an elemental stone in quick succession or the elements could become rampant and cause an implosion if not attended to.

There was more to the Elemental Breathing Technique than just its elemental stone requirement. The elemental breathing technique would increase certain stats with every elemental stone he absorbed. For example:

A fire elemental stone would mildly increase his constitution, dexterity and intelligence.

A water elemental stone would mildly increase his strength, constitution, and dexterity.

A wind elemental stone would greatly increase his agility and dexterity.

And earth elemental stone would greatly increase his constitution and mildly increase his strength.

An ice elemental stone would mildly increase his constitution.

A lightning elemental stone would greatly increase his speed, mildly increase his constitution and give a slight increase to his intelligence stat.

A metal elemental stone would greatly increase his strength and constitution.

A wood elemental stone would mildly increase his constitution and intelligence.

And a magma elemental stone would greatly increase his strength and constitution.

Although the elemental breathing technique used words like greatly increase and mildly increase, Corey had no idea to what extent the increase would be.

(Back to Corey and the Manager)

The manager had raised brows as he once again, found himself scrutinizing Corey for a few seconds.

"Excuse me for being rude. But, I have to ask. Are you by chance a formation specialist?"

The manager asked and Corey looked at him with raised brows, his eyes having a tinge of confusion.

"Why do you ask?"

Corey questioned with a curious and confused tone, and the manager perceiving the confusion and curiosity in Corey's tone raised his brows also. His eyes containing intrigue.

"From my knowledge, only formation specialist or some other special Profession requires so many different types of elemental stones."

As the manager spoke, his eyes gleamed with interest as he awaited an answer from Corey, but Corey's expression changed from confusion to that of indifference. His eyes and expression, revealing no hint of an answer.

A chuckle escaped Corey's lips a few seconds later and with a small harmless smile, Corey spoke:

"I think it would be best for the two of us if you mind your business… Mr. Manager."

Pin-drop silence engulfed the room for some seconds until the manager smiled and then clapped.

"I apologize for intruding on your business Mr. Smile Reaper. I was curious because a certain person also buys countless different types of elemental stones, and the person is also not a formation specialist."

The manager explained and Corey raised his brows with an interested expression.

"And who is the person if I may ask?"

Hearing Corey's question, the manager's lips twitched slightly and with slight fear in his eyes, he replied:

"Pamela, the leader of The Destroyers of Darkness."


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