Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 161 160: Dangers Of Teleportation

Four days went by after Corey left his master's abode and in those four days, Corey decided to train or to be more precise, learn a certain skill.

Though, before that, on Corey's way back to his residence, he took a detour towards the library in the outer area of the city of sin and after encountering the same old librarian, he returned the book he previously borrowed causing the librarian to have a slightly regretful expression since she had the hope that she would be able to punish Corey however she wanted.

'I wanted to shave his entire hair off while beating him black and blue.'

This… strange thought was the librarian's, and Corey, being fully ignorant of the strange woman's thoughts, walked out of the library, his mind on various other things as he walked towards his home.

As Corey walked towards his home, his mind went to Justin and he decided that when he had enough money, he would get himself a new residence, one where he could at least get more peace of mind.

After some minutes went by, Corey finally reached his home, fully expecting Justin to be performing some act of debauchery or an act that would most likely disgust and piss him off.

But surprisingly, when Corey entered his home, he found no sign of Justin and Corey released a soft breath of relief.

He walked up to his bed and he laid on it while telling Rhea to warn him if something important or dangerous happens as he goes into the library of records.

After telling Rhea what to do, Corey went into the library of records to train on his new skill, Teleportation or a Spatial ability at least.

One of the benefits or to be more precise… the main benefit, Corey gained from his battle against Jian, was him seeing the symbols that formed whenever Jian used his talent, Instant Teleportation.

Ever since Corey saw the symbols and Jian's ability to instantly teleport, Corey desired to have a teleportation ability or an ability related to space.

Not only was the ability very useful and dangerous, the ability would give Corey a chance to attack his enemies that could fly.

Something which he had suffered a lot from.

Just the experiences alone gave Corey the determination to learn the teleportation ability and oh boy did he learn.

His experiences while learning the teleportation ability was something that truly, truly terrified Corey.

Corey who barely experienced fear recently, felt fear while learning how to teleport.

On the first day Corey started training, he decided to study the complex symbols and at first, he thought that it would take him time to learn the meaning behind the symbols since it was his first time dealing with anything spatial, but surprisingly, or should he say… unsurprisingly, understanding the symbols was not difficult for him.

Corey wouldn't describe his understanding of the complex spatial symbols as extremely easy, but what he would describe it as, would be like whenever he encountered a difficulty in the spatial symbols, an… inspiration would just appear in Corey's mind and he would just understand it the more.

Corey used the entire day to study the spatial symbols and on the next day, Corey decided to try and teleport. And it was a decision that almost cost Corey his life.

During the process of Corey trying to use a spatial ability for the first time, Corey moved his fingers in the air, manipulating the mana in the air with his Eyes of Omniscience activated.

Complex silver symbols appeared some centimeters before Corey's eyes and with an extremely focused expression, Corey kept on moving his fingers, his movements seeming more like that of an talented painter painting on a canvas, but the air being Corey's canvas instead.

With every stroke of the complex silver symbol that was formed from Corey's hand movement, a certain quantity of Corey's mana was depleted, and with every stroke that was also formed, the empty air in front of Corey began to crack open little by little.

Corey kept on moving his fingers, his eyes not even blinking once as the minutes passed by.

Around ten minutes later, the silver symbol was just a stroke away from completion, and with sweat dripping from Corey's pale face and slightly red eyes, Corey moved his finger, though from an observer's point of view, one could see that his movement was more strained, the fluidity which he previously had was no longer there.

Not only that, in front of Corey's eyes was a broken space, looking more like a broken screen and in the middle of this broken screen, was just pure darkness.

Extreme pure darkness that absorbed the light, causing fear among weak minded individuals.

But not Corey.

He was determined to get this ability, to take a step towards using Spatial abilities… to become… stronger.

Just because of the unknown ominous darkness in front of him, he was not going to falter since he knew, that getting the ability to teleport, was a sort of increase in strength for him and one of Corey's desire… was to become much, much stronger than he currently was.

He was definitely not going to back down just because of the unknown.

With his eyes filled with extreme focus, determination and calmness, Corey moved his finger, a silver stroke formed in thin air, and in the next second, it moved towards the incomplete part of the complex silver symbol and… it joined with the silver symbol, completing it.



In an ominous sort of coincidence, just as Corey exhaled heavily and due to pure exhaustion… he blinked, a crack resounded… not only in the virtual space of the library of records, but also… in real life.

'What the-'

Corey's eyes widened and without mercy or minute consideration for Corey's thoughts, the darkness behind the broken space erupted with a suction force so strong, that Corey had no chance to resist, both in the library of records… and in real life.

Outside in the real world, the same crack and darkness that appeared before Corey in the library of records, appeared before Corey and without mercy, it sucked him inside, leaving behind an empty room.

'Where am I?... Why can't I see?'

Corey wondered as he opened his eyes, trying to observe his environment and know where he was, but no matter how much effort Corey put into trying to see, he could not see a thing.

'Am I blind?'

This thought passed through Corey's mind as he realized that he could not see even as he felt that his eyes were opened.

'Also, why is this place so… viscous and difficult to move in?'

Corey's brows furrowed as he also realized that moving a finger, took so much effort from him.

'Okay, what is actually going on?... Where am I?'

Corey's face changed to that of frustration and in the next second, his eyes became extremely white, and the world changed in Corey's eyes.

'What the-?'

Corey's mouth opened in shock as he saw his environment.

His surroundings was akin to that of an extremely dark and extremely thick viscous liquid. In this liquid, and all around Corey, were symbols. Extremely black and immensely complicated symbols.

These symbols were chaotically twisting as they moved. While also assembling and dissembling together with other symbols.

Corey's eyes glanced at one of the symbols and just as he did, his eyes bulged and an immense sensation of danger overwhelmed Corey.

He had never felt as much danger as he currently did and just as Corey was trying to figure out the source of the danger, Corey's vision started dimming and in the next second, blood started dripping from his eyes, and an extremely, immensely and absolutely, unbearable amount of pain erupted from Corey's mind and eyes.


Corey's mouth opened and a roar of extreme pain escaped his lips.

Blood continued to flow from his eyes, and numerous veins appeared around Corey's head. He tried to move his hand, so as to pluck out his eyes, taking away this unbearable pain he was currently feeling, but the liquid around him prevented him from doing that.

Tears mixed with blood continuously spilled out from Corey's eyes and Corey just kept on roaring out in extreme pain as his white eyes started becoming muddy and dim.

But the weird and absolutely unnerving thing was that… Corey's voice was not transmitted outside… just like somebody trying to speak in space.

No sound was emitted from Corey's lips, but all around Corey… numerous ripples formed and with it, creatures and abominations that even immortals and gods alike would fear, started moving towards Corey.

Their curiosity towards the source of the ripples, was at it's peak.


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