Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 152 151: Suicide

Corey, Divine and the remaining members of the group all had somewhat the same reactions when the extremely loud scream filled with shock and pain resounded throughout the meal room.

They all looked at each other with confused expressions for a few seconds, all having the same thought on whether they should check out the source of the scream.

But a few seconds later, their curiosity overtook them and without saying anything, they all stood and walked towards the source.

Not only were Corey and his new group members walking towards the source of the scream, most of the people in the meal room, were also walking towards the source of the scream.

Some seconds later, Corey got close to the source and when he did, he saw a crowd in front of him, with all of them having their heads raised.

Corey raised his brows seeing that and with a confused expression, he looked up and when he did, his pupils constricted.

"Well I'll be damned, that's crazy."

A whistle escaped Divine's lips as he spoke with his head raised up.

Up in the air, around 10 feet (3 meters) above the ground, was a hanged body or to be more precise, corpse.

With it's neck dangling to the side, the corpse swayed slightly as the only thing that kept it from falling was the tightened rope around the neck of the corpse.

The rope was connected to a… foreign stand which was behind the corpse.

Foreign in the sense that, normally, there were no stands where the current stand was located.

Beneath that stand were stacked wooden boxes which was most likely used to allow the body to reach the neck which caused it's death.

"Where did she even get that stand?"

Fatty Black Bonez asked with a calm expression on his face, not bothered by the suicidal death before him.

"It's not just stand… It's a suicide machine."

Divine said and everybody in the group apart from Corey and Triple X turned who had furrowed brows and a nonchalant expression respectively, turned towards Divine.

Seeing and noticing most of his group members and even some outsiders with confused and curious expressions, Divine decided to explain.

"That stand is not just a stand, it's a suicide machine. It has a remote control which can allow the person to lengthen and shorten the rope. The remote control for this machine is most likely on the floor."

Everybody had slightly surprised expressions hearing Divine's words and a few seconds later, Fatty Black Bonez asked a question that was on the mind of some.

"How did she even get the suicide machine?"

Everybody glanced at Fatty Black Bonez then Divine, awaiting his answer.

"How else?... Value points."

Divine gave his answer, satisfying the curiosity of some but a few others were not satisfied and just as a few were about to speak, asking more questions, Divine spoke once again.

"There's also a shop that sells suicide machines. They're called The Suicide Committers Shop."

Divine said and a few had intrigued, confused and surprised expressions.

Meanwhile Corey, who had deeply furrowed brows as he looked at the state of the corpse above.

'I know her.'

Corey had this thought as he looked at the corpse… which was that of a female.

Corey's head tilted to the left slightly as he observed the female corpse which was wearing extremely revealing clothes, exposing some places which were not meant to be exposed.

Not only that, the clothes exposed some scars and marks on the body of the female corpse, signifying that the state of the female… when alive… was not even in a good condition.

Once again, not only did the scars and marks, reveal that the state of the female was not good. The extremely lean body of the female… almost bony in fact, also showed that the state of the female when alive, was definitely not healthy.

A pondering light appeared in Corey's eyes for some seconds then a spark of realization hit Corey, when he remembered who… the female was.

'Isn't that the girl that was brutally raped by Savage?'

With his brows raised, Corey thought as he intensely observed the fatless face of the female corpse and the more he looked at the female corpse, Corey noticed the similarities between the raped girl and the present corpse.

'Yeah that's her alright.'

A surprised expression appeared on Corey's face as he noticed the vast difference between the appearance of the raped girl in his memories and the current corpse.

Before the girl was raped by Savage, the girl looked normal and did not look like a girl with no flesh and all bones.

But now, the state of the girl or… corpse, was extremely poor, denoting a life of suffering before her death.

'Looks like she was also taking lots of drugs.'

Corey place his hand on his chin with a pondering expression on his face.

Just as a few thoughts were going through Corey's mind, Corey heard a commotion to his right and with slightly raised brows, he looked to his right, observing the commotion.


A slightly tall man, with so many tattoos, ear rings, nose rings, eye piercings and an extremely skinny body, spoke to a much bigger man in front of him. His eyes, held coldness and anger in them.

Beside the man with so much… 'additions'… to his body, was a man who Corey knew.

The man was wearing glasses and a long black robe with a staff in his right hand.

He was of average appearance and was also slightly tall. His facial expression was that of pure and utter indifference.

This man was the man who asked Savage, if he and the other members of The Legion of Nightmare could take turns with the two girls.

Meanwhile, the man who was spoken to, by the man with so many 'additions' to his body, turned back, and looked at the lean man with so many 'additions'.

His eyes moved up and down, observing the lean man for a few seconds, then a light of disdain appeared in his eyes.

"Who the fu-"

Just as he was about to complete his sentence, his eyes… caught sight of the man in robes beside the man with so many 'additions' and his pupils constricted way past the limits.

Although, his eyes was on the man in robes.

What his eyes were truly on, was the black tattoo of a goat-like demon's skull on the left side of the man in robe's neck.

The slightly huge man turned towards the man with 'additions' and he looked at the left side of the man's neck, where the same type of black tattoo of goat-like demon's skull was present… among the many tattoos.

Seeing that, and without saying anything, the man quickly made way for the two men, his back drenched with so much sweat as he thanked every god he knew that existed.

But… the 'gods' definitely did not hear his words of thanks.



The man looked down as he felt the left side of his chest… being empty.

Just as he looked at the left side of his chest, a confused expression appeared on his face when he saw a fist sized hole in the left side of his chest and in the next, few, seconds…


A slightly loud thud resounded as the man fell… with a confused expression frozen all over his face.

"When I say move, you move immediately."

With a cold expression and a cold tone filled with anger, the man with so many 'additions' spoke, as he held… the heart of the fallen man.

With a wave of his hand, the man threw away the heart like garbage and walked past the fallen man with the man in robes walking beside him with an indifferent expression.

This time around, nobody dared to obstruct the duos path.



Coincidentally, the heart of the fallen man bounced twice and landed in front of Corey, staining the lower part of his clothes with a little bit of blood.

Corey glanced at the heart, then he looked at the walking duo with deeply furrowed brows.

'I couldn't see the guy's movement.'

Corey's frown deepened as he remembered how he could not see how the man with so many 'additions' killed the slightly huge man.

'His movement was extremely fast, so fast to the point that I could not see it.'

Corey thought as he saw the path which was open to the duo close up.

'Or maybe it's a skill?'

Corey thought once again and just as he had this thought, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He looked back and he saw Divine, who seeing him, spoke.

"You guys wanna check out what's happening at the front?"

Divine asked and Melissa frowned slightly.

"It's the Legion of Nightmare captain. Shouldn't we try to avoid them as much as possible?"

She asked and Divine shrugged.

"We'll just not get too close to them. I'm curious about what is going to happen at the front."

Divine said, then he looked at the remaining group members.

"I don't care." Triple X said with a nonchalant expression.

"Sure, why not." Dave said while drinking from his bottle.

"Anything that has excitement, arguments and chaos, I'm always down for it." Fatty Black Bonez said while rubbing his hands excitedly.

Rosa who had her hands behind her back, subtly glanced at Corey and nodded.

Divine blinked repeatedly seeing that but a second later, he shrugged and looked at Corey.

"What about you?"

He asked and Corey shrugged softly.

"Sure, why not."

Corey said, since he was also curious about what was going to happen at the front.

"Well, majority wins Melissa, so we go."

With a slight grin on his face, Divine said and Melissa released a soft sigh.


She said and with a smile, Divine walked forward and tapped the nearest person, signaling for the person to make way for him and just like previous times, the person recognized Divine and made way for him.




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