Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 150 149: Drugs


What are Drugs?

There are so many diverse definitions that one could literally write a book on it.

And those definitions vary from a person's point of view.

Medical doctors or people, studying medicine or even science, would say that drugs are man made products that are used for the benefits of man, that are used to cure man of diseases.

This basic definition is definitely not wrong.

But what about the negative effects of drugs?

How do most common people see drugs due to its negative effects?

Some would see drugs as a curse to mankind.

While some would see drugs as… the best thing in the world… a literal pain killer, whether physical, mental or sometimes… even spiritual.

Drugs have had an extremely high positive effect on the world, and it has also had an extremely high negative effective on the world, so much that sometimes, the negative overshadows the positive.

Lives have been lost in so many ways and due to some many reasons when it comes to drugs, and it has made some hate drugs, some love drugs, some depend on drugs and some base their livelihood on drugs, destroying unfortunate victims in the process.

Normally, Corey would not have decided to sell drugs or anything related to narcotics, but...

He needed money.

He needed value points.

He needed value points to buy elemental stones so as to get stronger.

Corey does not know how many value points he made from his previous fight, but one thing he was at least 95% sure of, was that he definitely did not make up to 1,000 value points from his previous fight.

And even if he did.

Even if there was a minuscule chance that he did, Corey would still decide to sell narcotics because it is, one of the fastest ways he could use, to make money in a place like the Underworld.

More money for Corey, meant a faster progression in his strength.

And a faster progression in his strength, meant he would have more chances of survival and leaving the Underworld.

Now back to the meal room where Divine, his group members and Corey were located.

Divine and all his group members had baffled and stunned expressions as they looked at Corey.

Even Triple X who was previously ignoring Corey, while having an aura of negativity, had a surprised expression on his face when he heard Corey's words.

"You want to sell drugs?"

A few seconds passed and Divine finally spoke, questioning Corey once again, just to make sure he heard his words right.

"Well, not only drugs, weeds also… Narcotics basically."

Corey replied with a calm tone and expression as he leaned back on the backrest of his bench.

Divine looked at Corey from head to toe, a surprised expression plastered all over his face as he observed Corey from head to toe.

"Why do you want to start selling drugs?"

Divine asked and Corey raised in brows, his head tilting to the right slightly and his tone showing slight confusion.

"Isn't it obvious, why else do Drug Overlords sell drugs?"

Corey asked and Divine leaned back on the back rest of his bench, he stroked his chin for a few seconds, then he spoke:

"But you do know that there are also Drug Overlords in the Underworld right?"

"I know."

Corey replied with a calm nod towards Divine's question.

From the moment Corey had this thought of selling narcotics, Corey already guessed or should we say, knew that there were people that were already in charge of narcotics, Drug Overlords basically.

And he also knew that the drug overlords would be people that were more powerful than him, both in terms of strength, knowledge, experience and connections.

But would that deter Corey?

Definitely not.

"When I said we'll start selling drugs, I didn't mean we'll immediately go against the drug overlords. We'll make plans, be careful, gain information and connections.

We'll take everything step by step, until we're at the top."

With a calm and determined tone, Corey spoke. His expression and posture, calm and his expression and tone, also showing the belief and confidence he had in his words.

Meanwhile, Divine rubbed his head while looking at his group members who also looked back at him.

"I'm curious, when did you decide to do this… to sell… narcotics?" Divine asked curiously.

"When I realized that making lots of money in the Underworld is as difficult as making lots of money in the outside world… before the apocalypse that is."

Corey replied and Divine repeatedly nodded softly while stroking his chin. He released a soft breath, then placed both his arms on top of the back rest.

"Let me guess… you probably decided to join us beforehand because… you mainly need my help to start your… drug empire… Am I right?"

Hearing Divine's question, Corey did not reply for a few seconds, then he nodded calmly.

"Yeah, to start a business, one needs money. To make more money, one needs money."

Divine rubbed the middle of his brows hearing Corey's words.

'Oh my precious money.'

Divine thought with an internal sigh.

He looked at Fatty Black Bonez, Melissa, Dave, Triple X then Rosa.

"What do you guys think? Should we become drug lords and start our drug empires?"

Divine asked as he looked at his group members.

"Why are you still asking us? Of course we should start. It would be fun and will also rack up lots of value points for me, I mean us.

Why didn't we even think about this before?"

Fatty Black Bonez spoke while rubbing his hands with a glint in his eyes.

"We've been looking for a way to make lots of value points for the group and this is actually a 'good' idea. The money we earn from Fatty's sermon isn't enough to expand our needs for the group, so I support the decision to start."

"It would be dangerous, yes, but what is not dangerous in the Underworld."

With a charming and beautiful voice, Melissa spoke with a small smile on her face as she looked at Corey.

Corey glanced at her and he nodded, showing his appreciation for her accepting his proposal.

"Hmm. What about you Dave?"

Divine asked as he looked at Dave who was drinking from the glass bottle in his hands. He belched and with a soft shake of his head, he looked at Divine then he spoke:

"Is it going to give us more and better alcohol in the future?"

He asked and Divine's lips twitched.

"Most likely."

Divine replied and Dave took another gulp from his bottle.

"Then I support."

He said after drinking to his satisfaction and Divine nodded.

He looked at Triple X, and was about to open his lips to speak but before he could, Triple X waved his hand nonchalantly.

"I don't care. I support it."

With a nonchalant tone and expression, he spoke and Divine nodded.

He looked at Rosa who was sitting beside him with her hands still placed beneath the table and a docile expression on her face.

"What about you?"

Divine asked and she nodded without speaking or facing Divine, her eyes subtly glancing at Corey every once in a while.

Seeing her behavior and expression, Divine raised his brows in confusion but didn't comment on it.

He looked at Corey and with a small smile that held a little bit of pain in it, he spoke:

"So kid, welcome to the Underworld."

With the same smile, Divine stretched out his hand for a handshake from Corey and Corey looked at it for a few seconds then he spoke.

"Sorry, but I don't usually shake people… especially in a crazy place like the Underworld."

With a face that had an expression of indifference, showing no hint of apology, Corey tried to explain but Divine was not having it.

"I'm your leader, your captain, so most of my words go and I say, you must shake my hand."

With a smile and a tone that showed that he was not allowing a refusal from Corey, Divine spoke and Corey frowned slightly.

"Don't forget… You need my money."

Seeing Corey still hesitating, Divine replied with a blackmail and Corey's lips twitched.

He released a sigh and with a slight furrow of his brows, he shook Divine's hand.

"See, not so bad right? Nothing is happening right?"

Prolonging the handshake, Divine spoke with a smile and Corey's lips twitched repeatedly.

'One day, I'm punching this bastard's face.'

Corey thought as he looked at the smile on Divine's face.

Some seconds later, Divine allowed Corey to remove his hand from the handshake, much to Corey's relief.

Divine leaned back on the backrest of the bench and with his arms on top of the backrest, he looked at Corey curiously and spoke:

"What is your class by the way kid?"

Corey raised his brows in confusion hearing Divine's question, and his confusion showed in his tone.

"Why are you asking?"


Hearing Corey's question, Divine spoke then paused for a few seconds, then he continued:

"For now, whenever we have a new member, we'll ask them for their class."

"Although I can check your status without your permission, you're part of the group and there are rules, regulations and boundaries."

Divine spoke then he gestured towards Fatty Black Bonez.

"Fatty's class is Bone Warrior, he controls bones to a certain extent."

"Melissa's class is Snake Tamer."

"Dave's class is Seer."

"Triple X class is King of the Dead."

"Rosa's class is Blood Berserker."

"And my class is Child of Ice and Fire."




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