Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 137 136: Eyes Of Omniscience

With a calm expression on his face, Corey walked to the nearest bookshelf which had the cheapest books one could afford.

Corey picked a random book on the shelf and he looked at the book title.

"Basics of hand to hand combat."

Corey muttered with raised brows then he looked at the price tag on the book and when he did, his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

"Five value points?"

Corey exclaimed with a shocked tone and he looked at another book.

Without looking at the title of the book, he looked at the price and when he did, his lips twitched.

"That one costs twelve value points."

Corey spoke with a tone of disbelief.

Why was Corey flabbergasted by the prices of the books?

Because these were the cheapest books in the library.

Not only that, it was also because Corey only had five value points left.

He originally had twenty value points and he spent ten on the information concerning Astral Realm and Astral Mana.

He also had to spend five value points to use the map on E-Underworld!

'This is robbery in broad daylight.'

'Or maybe it's cause I've only fought in two battles as a tier 0 so my value points isn't high.'

Corey thought with a slight frown then a second later, he released a soft sigh.

'But assuming things are actually expensive in the Underworld, that would really be something else.'

Corey released another sigh then he looked at all the books around him while placing his hands on his chin.

'Should I use Record on all the books or I should just look for certain books and pick?'

Corey pondered as he stroked his chin while looking around.

If possible, he would not want to use Record on a lot of books because assuming what the librarian told him was true, it would be extremely weird if the librarian or another Underworld Official saw him pick random books then flip through each and every one of them.

It would definitely arouse suspicion and Corey definitely did not want that at the moment.

Just as he was pondering on what to do, like a bolt of lightning striking him, Corey stayed rooted on the spot and a thought came to his mind.

'Don't I have the skill, Eyes of Omniscience?'

'I should try it and see what it does. Who knows, it might be helpful in this situation.'

Corey thought with a slight furrow of his brows.

He looked around and after making sure there was nobody around him, he used the skill.

Corey was not that worried about the cameras in the library finding out about his talent skill.

It would actually be wrong to say that he was not worried, no what the right sentence should be is that Corey did not care if the cameras in the library found out about him using his talent skill because the only thing they would notice would be the change in his eyes.

Assuming the librarian or another Underworld Official asked him why his eyes changed, he could just make up a believable lie.

So not worrying about the cameras, Corey activated the skill and when he did, the whole world changed in front of Corey.

Corey's eyes became pure white and his vision was no longer the same as before.

There were two notable changes in Corey's vision.

The first was that Corey could see numerous transparent, colorless floating particles in front of him.

This colorless particles mesmerized Corey and Corey had a feeling that they were extremely important.

The second notable thing that Corey saw was that everything became transparent to Corey.

Corey could see through the shelves, the books and even the walls in his vision.

It was like the whole world was naked before Corey's eyes.

Corey had the urge, had the desire to know the abilities of his new talent skill, Eyes of Omniscience but knowing that he was neither in the right place nor did he have the time, he reeled in his urge and decided to do what he wanted to do with the skill.

Corey looked at the shelf in front of him and when he did, he could see numerous letters, words, numbers, symbols and diagram in front of him.

Corey frowned since what he was seeing was not organized and just as he frowned, his vision changed and he no longer saw any of the words, symbols, numbers etc. in front of him.

Corey raised his brows and instinctively knowing what to do, Corey picked up one of the books on the shelf and he looked at it.

A second after he looked at it, he saw the contents of the book without opening the book and Corey was mesmerized and happy seeing this.

'Time to obtain lots of free knowledge.'

Corey thought with a small smile on his lips, then in the next second, he took a book and looked at it for around three seconds before dropping it.

Corey did not need to look at it for three seconds before the contents of the book were recorded by his talent skill, Record.

Corey did not just want to arouse so much suspicion and interest from whoever that was watching or would watch the videos of the cameras in the library.

Looking at the cover for three seconds or so before dropping it would make it seem like he was just checking out the book title and he was not satisfied with it, which eventually made him to drop it.

Corey who was busy picking up variety of books while recording them, also saw the price tags of the books and let's just say that the prices were absolutely shocking to Corey.

The section Corey was in, currently had books that were priced in the ranges of 50,000 value points – 100,000 value points.

And the price was just to rent the books out!

Corey wasn't sure if these books were actually worth that price or had extremely important information or knowledge, but he would find out when he goes home after leaving the library.

Hours passed and Corey kept on picking up books and books while recording them, and an hour later, Corey stood dropped a book and stood before the last untouched shelf by him.

But as Corey stood there, he had an extremely confused expression because on this shelf was only one book.

The book had a black cover and with his head tilted slightly, Corey picked up the book and when he did, numerous diagrams, symbols and words appeared before him as he looked at the book.

Corey had a slightly confused expression as he looked at the sight before him because the images before him were a lot.

Corey looked at the book once again and when he did, he noticed that the book was also thick.

He looked at the title of the book, and when he did, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"Fundamentals of Magic by Pamela."

Corey muttered as he read with surprise in his tone.

He looked at the book for a few seconds then he closed the book and deactivated Eyes of Omniscience.

The moment he deactivated it, Corey wobbled slightly as he held the side of his head with a slight hiss.

'Is it because this is my first time in using the skill or is it because I used the skill for a long period of time?'

Corey thought as he tried to ignore the banging headaches he was receiving from his brain.

Spending quite a few minutes with his back resting against the wall, Corey's headache subsided and he released a slightly deep exhale.

He looked around for a few seconds then he walked back to the first shelf he went to in the library and took the book, Basics of Hand to Hand Combat.

He walked to the desk of the librarian who was reading a book with extreme focus.

"Hmm, hmm."

Corey cleared his throat in an attempt to get the woman's attention and it worked.

The woman raised her head and when she saw Corey, a surprised expression appeared on her face.

"You're finally done. I thought you were planning on sleeping here?"

The librarian said with a tinge of curiosity in her tone and Corey just shrugged nonchalantly while placing the book he picked on the table.

"I decided to check out all the books in the library for future purposes, though my number of value points is extremely low."

Corey said and the librarian raised her brows in confusion.

"Are you a newcomer of the Underworld?"

She asked and Corey nodded.

He was not surprised that she didn't know him since it would be kind of unsettling if every resident of the Underworld knew him.

"I can take this book for a week right?"

Corey asked and the librarian nodded.

"Make sure you return the book in a week or you won't like the consequences."

The librarian warned and Corey nodded.

Without saying anything in response, Corey walked towards the exit of the building.

The librarian raised her brows at Corey's behavior but deciding not to say anything in response, she just shrugged and kept on reading her book.


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