Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 72: Just the two of us in a Cafe.

Chapter 72: Just the two of us in a Cafe.

And then, a few days later.

Me and Sei-chan went on an after school date at a cafe.

Since we couldnt go home with one another at school, we pretended to go home separately and silently meet up at the cafe.

It may be a bit of a hassle to do this so elaborately, but it feels like a secret rendezvous and its surprisingly fun.

Coming back to Moonbucks, a cafe Sei-chan likes to visit, she buys a long long spellbinding drink and sat down next to me.

Sei-chan, who surprisingly had a sweet tooth, had her eyes closed with a wide grin on her face when she drank it.

Is it delicious, Sei-chan?

Nnn, its delicious. I always order this when we come to Moonbucks. I occasionally order the new arrivals from time to time, but nothing can beat this.

I see, its that good, huh.

You want some, Tsukasa?

Ehh? You sure?

Sei-chan is still not used to calling me by my first name and so she blushed a little when she said my name.

Its just feels so adorable and makes me wish just a little bit that she never really gets used to it either.

Obviously, a little bits fine to have.

Got it, let me have a bit of it then.


Sei-chan offered it to me, I was about to have a sip till I saw the straw and stopped.

Wait, isnt this an indirect kiss?

No, I already experienced one with Sei-chan during the amusement park date, but that was with food.

But this is a straw, so it feels like it ascends a whole different level at the stages of indirect kissing. I dont even know if there is a level to this.

Tsukasa, whats wrong? Ah

Sei-chan seemed to notice my hesitation at the sight of the straw and her cheeks were dyed a red shade.

Oh, well Ill just buy another one of that coffee and get another straw to drink with.

I-Its alright..


A-An indirect kiss, I dont mind it at all. Were lovers after all. [TLN: Man, can we burn Hisamura already.] [EDN: as much as I feel like it, I dont think we should.]

Sei-chan said as she blushed and turned her head away near instantly.

Kuu Shes so cute when shes embarrassed. My heart is so full!

I-I see, I-Ill have a sip from this then.

B-Bon appetit.

If I say it like this, it doesnt really feel like Im drinking from a straw now, does it? 

Whatever, lets just not think about it too much.

I nervously put the straw in my mouth and drank from her cup.

H-How is it..?

U-Umu, its delicious.

I couldnt even taste it properly, but it felt sweet and delicious

I dont think I need to explain why I couldnt taste it properly.

T-Thats good to know.


I guess we both got embarrassed, so Sei-chan and I just kept to ourselves for a bit after that.

I-I made some cookies for Tsukasa today.

Ah, so thats what todays date is for

Sei-chan started a conversation, so I played along with her.

Yesterday night, Sei-chan had RINED me, Im going to make cookies tomorrow, do you want some?

I, Tsukasa Hisamura, of course replied with Yes, Definitely.

But then I immediately asked Im happy, but whats wrong? Why so sudden?

I got the reply immediately after that. 

Thats because we promised to do the Ahhhh, no?

I was in so much agony when it hit me.

Sei-chan made me cookies just so she could do the Ahhh thing with me.


The fact that Sei-chan made these cookies was for


Sei-chan also remembered last nights RINE, and froze when she took out the cookies.

We both looked at each other and our faces immediately turned red.

S-So Tsukasa. H-heres the cookies I promised to give you on RINE

U-Umu, y-yeah, these look great.

Thank you Um, so like the thing you said yesterday.


Sei-chan takes out a cookie from the bag and holds it up to my face.


Sei-chan was red till her ears, a little teary eyed, and offered me a cookie with her trembling hands.


I want to take a picture of this scene and save it as my wallpaper.

But it would be pitiful to leave Sei-chan in such a state for any longer.

Im embarrassed too, but I made up my mind.


The cookies that Sei-chan made its way to my mouth directly from her hands. [TLN: Unprotected mouth feeding, arrest them.] [EDN:

How can I be any happier than this.

H-How is it?

Y-Yeah, sorry. I-I was too embarrassed to properly taste it, but I was insanely happy.

I-I made it while keeping your tastes in mind, so please properly taste the flavours of it too.

Uuu, too cute

WHAT?! D-Dont say that out of nowhere.

I couldnt help but say that out loud, this is beyond my cuteness capacity.

But yeah, its my fault for not tasting it properly.

Its bad because Sei-chan just is too cute, but its also not bad because Sei-chan is too cute.

In other words, Im the only one to blame for this.

Im sorry, Ill taste it better this time. Can I have another one?


Yeah, Id like the Ahhh service for all the cookies.[TLN: Chad]

ALL?! How many do you think I baked here!?

She placed all of them in a clear bag, so I could see that it was around 20 with just a glance.

One more for now. This time, Ill properly taste it.

Kuu really?

Of course.

W-Well then, Ahhhhhn

Ahhh UM, Its soooo good!

I still felt a little embarrassed, but I was able to taste it properly unlike the first time.

The cookies were chocolate flavoured and were very tasty. It also came in a very nice shape.

I-Im glad to hear that.

Un, Thank you so much Sei-chan.

Ah, well it was a promise

I think this shows Sei-chans serious and disciplined nature very well. To keep her end of the deal of doing the Ahhhn with just the two of us, I like it very much. Shes very cute and I love her so much.

Ive made quite a bit so please go home and eat it with Rie.

Thank you, Im sure Rie will be pleased.

I was about to put the bag from Sei-chan inside my bag until I remembered something casually.

You gave me an Ahhh moment Sei-chan but I didnt manage to give you an Ahhh moment.

M-Me?! I-Its fine! You dont need to do it to me.

No, I want to do it with Sei-chan.

Kuu You want to do it so bad?

I want to do it really bad.

When I looked straight at her eyes and said so, she looked away in embarrassment.

G-Got it, will you do it for me then.

Un, Alright, Sei-chan, Ahhhhh


Sei-chan closed her eyes and opened her mouth whilst moving her head forward a little bit.

Ugh, whats with this cute creature? Shes too cute!

Tsukasa Why are you freezing up? Dont make me wait with my mouth open like this. I feel like a dummy.

Oh, sorry, I was just admiring the look on your face.

Y-You really are

Sei-chan sighed in exasperation, but her cheeks were a little red, perhaps she was a little embarrassed at my words.

Im sorry, but Ill be sure to give it to you properly this time.

Please A-Ahhhn.

I gave Sei-chan a cookie whilst enduring her deadly cute face.

Nnn, yeah it tastes just like before.

I bet.

Its not like the taste changes if it was Ahhhedby someone else.

But it made me feel a lot happier about it since Sei-chan fed me one.

Y-yeah, maybe I was a little happier too than when I had tasted it myself.

I cant believe Sei-chan said something so cute just now.

Y-Youre making fun of me.

I might be stupid for saying this but,

Maybe the others see us as a bakacouple.[TLN: a Bakacouple is couples that flirt everywhere and kill everyone with sugar. Regardless of time place or occasion.]

Kuu Its hard to deny that.

Sei-chan looked around to make sure that there wasnt any familiar faces nearby.

I dont know anyone here, but I got quite some smiling looks from the elderly couples and a LOT of hateful glares from the single businessman-looking people.

Thats amazing, I really feel like I can see a black aura emitting from those people.

I frequent this cafe all the time, so I dont really want to stand out.

Dont worry, Ill be with you when you come here from now on.


When were both together, therell be just the two of us, So youll get half the stares, and Ill get the other half of the stares.[TLN: I might want you to burn, but thats some pretty smart thinking.] [EDN: He can be smart at times too, you know.]

And since most of the stares I get from men are hateful glares at me, I think less than half of the staring will go to Sei-chan.

Thats still not okay!

Sei-chan said with an amazed laugh.

TLN: Massive thanks to Spynine01 for editing this chapter. Point out any typos or possible mistranslations in the comments thank you. Also join the discord so I get more friends.


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