Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 56: Party

Chapter 56: Party

Well, I think Ill go to the other group then.

With that in mind, I got up with my own glass and walked away from the on-going shuraba. [ED: war of love ? I think thats what it is.]

I wanted to talk to Sei-chan, but she was surrounded by various girls, so it was indeed pretty difficult to talk to her.

I always hang out with Yuuichi, but I usually talk to other boys as well.

Its not like I dont have any friends.

But it would be awkward to join any group right now.

Hisamura-ku~n,  are you alone?


I heard a voice calling me out from behind me and so I turned to see four girls looking at me with a grin on their face.

Two of them if I remember correctly were the ones who talked to me after my match.

Why dont you join us then?

Am I really allowed to?

I wondered if it was okay for me, a boy, to join a group where there were only girls present in.

Dont worry, we were just talking about you, Hisamura-kun.

You were talking about me?

As I said this, I went over to the group and sat down.

It was the two girls who talked to me after the game. As well as two others who I werent acquainted with.

To be honest, I really cant remember any of their names.

I asked Yuichi for the names of the two girls who spoke to me after the match. I think that they were Sato and Ito.

I really cant tell which one is Sato and which one is Ito by just looking at them though.

You performed really well in baseball didnt you? That was really cool!

Especially Goto-chan. She got really excited seeing you play.


The last girl who looked like she was being teased was Goto-san.

And Kato-chan said youre cool, too.

Sa-Sato-san said it as well.

Hold up.

Why are you guys names all stuck up together Sato, Ito, Goto, and Kato?

I heard everyones name, but I will definitely remember it wrong and mix them up.

Im very likely to make a mistake if I try to call out their names here.

You were a good pitcher, did you used to play baseball?

One of the girls who talked to me after the baseball game, I think its uh Sato-san or Ito-san.

Yeah, I used to play it in elementary school.

I see, its surprising that Hisamura-kun is rather athletic.

Id say thats about as good as it gets.

Ehhh, thats not the case. You played extremely well.

Id say Im pretty experienced at the game. There is a huge difference between an experienced player against an amateur. There are a few exceptions though.

I said as I looked at Yuuichi.

Yuuichi was still eating whilst being surrounded by those two.

Sheesh, you really do eat a lot, dont you?

Haha, Shigemoto-kun is a bit special though, isnt he?

Shigemoto-kun, has he really never played baseball before?

Hes so talented in every sport he plays.

I dont think its possible for humans to be so talented, but I guess thats the protagonist of a manga for you.

Shigemoto-kun was amazing, but Hisamura-kun was really cool too!

If it werent for you, I dont think the boys would have won either.

A-Ah, thank you.

Kato-san and Goto-san told me that, and I thanked them whilst being a little surprised at their praise.

We cant play sports with him at all.

Yeah, I didnt even get to play a match.

We won thanks to Shimada-san after all.

As she said that she looked towards Sei-chan.

Sei-chan was still surrounded by the girls and seemed to be having a good time talking to them.

Shimada-san, you were really cool.

Yeah, I really thought I was going to fall in love with you.

If I were a girl, I would have fallen in love instantly.

You are a girl.

I said this as the girls looked at Sei-chan with a slightly smitten look in their eyes.

Eh? Lets stop for a moment.

Im happy that you guys think shes awesome and cool, but it makes me nervous to see that you guys are in love with her.

With the way you blurted out It was so cool I feel like you were serious about it.

I want girls to NOT be a rival against me here.

As we were talking about this, the topic of our conversation changed again.

Hey, Hisamura-kun, is there someone you like?

Hmm, someone I like?

I thought while giving a troubled expression.

Of course there is.

When you ask that question to me, I cant think of anyone other than Sei-chan.

But what if I said that I like Sei-chan here?

They will definitely badger me for more details.

Its a secret that Sei-chan and I are dating so it would be annoying to let it out here.

But I dont know if I can answer that I dont like anyone here either.

I guess so

I decided to answer honestly.

I felt like it would be wrong to answer no here.

I said I guess but I dont mean that lightly at all, I was serious as hell when I said that.

Eh! Really?!

I didnt expect Hisamura-kun to have someone you like.

As I expected from a high school girl, she was very interested in other peoples love stories.

All of them rolled their eyes in surprise, and then at once, all their eyes lit up.

Eh?! Who?! Is it a girl from our class?!

A girl from another class? Or maybe a girl from the same club as you?

I knew shed ask for more details.

I dont know what to do, but I cant honestly answer that its Sei-chan.

Im not in a club, so

Oh really, so someone from our class?

HmmmWell, thats a secret.


When I said it was a secret, the girls made a sound as if they were bored of my response, but their faces still lit up.

You cant just say that out of the blue!

Boo-! Boo-!

I wanted you to tell me that when you joined us.

Fine, well guess. Tell us if we got it right then.

When one of them said that, they all tried to guess who I liked.

I havent even said if Id tell you if you got it right.

Give me a hint!

Arent you asking for a hint too soon? No one even took any guesses yet.

Its fine, hint, hint! Hisamura-kun give us a hint~!

Even if its called a hint

Well then, shes extremely cute.

Ehh? Is that so? So youre the type to go for looks?

Not really, Its just that the girl I happened to fall in love with happened to be the worlds cutest girl.


The girls who heard what I said let out a shriek.

Whats wrong?!

Youre serious? You like her that much, huh? Hisamura-kun.

I couldnt help but express my true feelings out loud, and it was surprisingly exciting to let it out for once.

I could feel the stares coming from the people in the class around me.

Sei-chan was

Hey, Shimada-san, whats wrong? Your face is getting really red.

Shimada-san? Are you okay? Do you have a fever?

N-No Its fine.

The girls around her pointed out that her face was red.

I dont know whats going on but Im getting pretty worried too.

After all, after working so hard on a basketball game, youd naturally get tired, right?

Well, well, well. You didnt fall in love with her because of her looks then?

Yeah, well. I like her face a lot too.

Fufu~ What a treat. Then, what kind of person is she?

I didnt expect to be questioned so much.

It was either Sato-san or Ito-san who asked me that, but the other three seemed to want to hear my response too.

Hmmm, well I guess its okay, they wont know that its Sei-chan anyways.

Ill blurt out a little bit.

Well, I guess the part where the person is incredibly friend-oriented?

Really? What part made you notice the trait?

Its hard to explain. But, its like when shes willing to push aside her feelings for her friend and even muster a kind smile during tough times.

Wow, I dont know who it is, but she must be incredibly nice.

Yeah, its hard to explain when you must censor certain things out.

But the girls seemed to be satisfied with my answer and their eyes were still shining.

Shimada-san, whats wrong?

N-No I-Its too much for me right now.


I glanced at Sei-chan, and for some reason, she was covering her face with her hands, probably to prevent me from seeing her face.

I wonder whats going on.

I was looking at Sei-chan with that in mind, when she peeked her eyes through the gap between her hands.

A moment later. Our eyes met.


I could see her bright red face, and her moist eyes glared at me a little.

Sei-chan quickly hid her face again to remove the gaze.

Th-That reaction

Did you hear what I just said Sei-chan?

But the distance between me and Sei-chan is pretty far.

I dont think you should be able to actually hear from that distance.

I dont know anymore. I guess Sei-chan is just physically more capable than the rest of us.

I think she could hear us because she had better hearing or something.

But I cant be so sure here.

Hey, Hisamura-kun. Give us a few more hints.

Hmm? Uh, I guess.

Rather than a hint, I want to hear Hisamura-kuns thoughts on that person!

You changed the direction of the question, didnt you?

Ehhh, what should I do?

While answering the girls questions, Id like to see if Sei-chan can hear me, too.

Do you guys have a sweet tooth?

I think almost every girl has a sweet tooth.

I guess youre right. But I dont know, the person I like doesnt really look like she likes them. But she looks so cute when shes eating something sweet and delicious.

Ehhhh, really?

It didnt really seem to resonate well with them.

Maybe its because I love Sei-chan so much that I have a disease that makes me think anything is cute.

At any rate, I looked at Sei-chan and saw. 

I-I like salty food too!

Shimada-san, why did you suddenly start eating the remaining potatoes?

Could she actually hear me?

When I told them that she liked eating sweet things, she immediately started eating salty things.

I cant hear Sei-chans voice so I cant really tell, but I can see that her cheeks are a little red.

Im not sure if she can really hear me or not.

I wonder who Hisamura-kun likes.

Its hard to tell, even with all these clues.

The girls were trying to guess who I liked after all those hints.

Just so you know, even if you managed to get her name right, I wont tell you if you got it.

Ehhhhh? Why?

Its embarrassing.

To be honest, Im not really that embarrassed about it.

Im not ashamed to tell people about my love for her after all.

But she doesnt like telling others that were dating so I guess its best to hold back for now.


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