Silver Overlord

Chapter 624 - Winning Support

Chapter 624: Winning Support

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“For the past few decades, the imperial court prohibited us from starting any border conflicts or fights with the Shatu Seven Tribes due to the Writ of Grace. As a result, we had to back down as we were not allowed to send any soldiers out of White Stone Pass. Under such circumstances, the Prefectural Governor’s Office didn’t want to be held accountable for any of our soldiers’ deaths or pay the death gratuity to the affected families either. Not only were the affected families not given any benefits, they even questioned the leading officers. So strictly speaking, the White Stone Pass’ soldiers who were sacrificed during the past few decades got nothing from the imperial court!” Tie Yunshan’s tone was pained, and the other officers in the room fell silent too.

Yan Liqiang didn’t even have to use the Psychic Serpent’s ability to know that Tie Yunshan was speaking the truth. “Didn’t you mention sending soldiers in disguise out of White Stone Pass to fight the Shatu people outside the pass a few times? What happens if there are casualties?”

“We can only report those casualties either as accidents during training or sickness. The commandant and the other higher-ups from the White Stone Pass’ garrison will each offer up some money and send twenty taels of silver to the family of every soldier we lost as a token of respect.”

“Do you all have that much money?”

Tie Yunshan fell silent. Beside him, Administrative Supervisor Xiao Yuman sighed. “Perhaps you aren’t aware of this Protectorate General, but the soldiers of White Stone Pass are notorious for being poor in Pingxi Prefecture. The soldiers here can’t get the merits they deserve despite all the trouble they have to go through. Many barrack generals of various ranks in the prefecture refused to be assigned here. Even if Lord Tie sold all his possessions today, he wouldn’t receive more than two hundred taels of silver...”

“White Stone Pass is an important mountain pass that connects the Gulang Plains to the northwestern region. Surely, there are countless Shatu caravans that have to pass through here every day. If you collect some tolls from each of them, you will definitely end up with a decent figure. How can you still be poor?”

“It’s those bastards from the imperial court who insist on worshipping the Shatu Seven Tribes. F*ck that Writ of Grace! The Shatu Seven Tribes relied on that to do whatever they pleased. They wouldn’t pay those tolls! If we fought those dogs and they reported us to the higher-ups, the imperial court and the Prefectural Governor’s Office would place the blame on us. They would never investigate but instead would cut our pay...!” Wang Naiwu cussed in anger. “All of us just got the short end of the stick...!”

Wang Naiwu’s words immediately evoked all sorts of emotions from the other commandants as they also cussed in anger.

“That’s right! Back then, one of our commandants killed two Shatu people because their caravan attempted to barge through White Stone Pass after dark. Do you know what happened to him in the end, Protectorate General? That commandant was imprisoned by that traitor Ye Tiancheng. Had it not been for our aggressive protesting and making a petition to seek protection, our brother would have been beheaded by Ye Tiancheng. Even so, he was only released from prison after two years. Disheartened by this incident, all of us swore to never live on our wages as soldiers. In the end, we left the northwestern region and moved somewhere else to make a living...”

“As Han Chinese, those corrupt officials and traitors in the imperial court chose to worship the foreign tribe as gods while giving their own people harsh treatment. They spoiled those people from the Shatu Seven Tribes like they were prostitutes from a brothel, and even wanted to offer up the women from their own clans so badly. Those dogs licked the Shatu people’s asses while stepping on our peoples’ heads. I blame myself for being powerless. Otherwise, I would have sent their heads flying and sold all their family members to the Shatu people as cheap slaves...!”

“Cough, cough, cough...!” Xiao Yuman coughed. The soldiers whose faces were red from being too overly worked up immediately stopped to recompose themselves.

Yan Liqiang’s expression turned cold as he continued questioning Tie Yunshan. “According to the military rules, how should we deal with the spoils of war that we seized from the Tuli Tribe yesterday?”

“According to the Great Han Empire’s military rule, all spoils of war should be turned over to the bureaucracy so that the higher-ups can make the final decision. Battle mounts like rhinodrake steeds are high demand resources since the military ranch is short of them and is always thinking up ways to procure them from the Shatu people beyond the pass. So naturally, they have to be turned over to the authorities. As for oxen and sheep, they are useful in agriculture, so they too will be confiscated. The only things that the troops got to keep are some poultry or domestic livestock like chickens, ducks, pigs, and lambs, which will usually be slaughtered for food. Other than that, big sums of money, weapons, and armor will have to be turned over...”

“If the higher-ups were to share them, how much would an ordinary soldier get?”

Tie Yunshan shook his head as he replied truthfully, “Ordinary soldiers will get little to none. If the higher-ups choose to award them to us, only squad commanders and above have the right to get a share. Ordinary soldiers will only be rewarded with a few days of feasts in the camp at most for winning a war, and they get to keep the items they looted off their enemies. By right these items should be turned over to the authorities, but as long as they are in small amounts, we agree tacitly to let the soldiers keep them. This is to maintain the morale of the army to prevent problems!”

After listening to that, Yan Liqiang shook his head helplessly and sighed loudly. “I didn’t expect to hear that the officers of all ranks in this army also have their own problems to face...”

“Indeed!” Tie Yunshan continued. “We have seized many spoils of war this time. Your decision please, Protectorate General!”

Yan Liqiang closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. With a solemn face, he spoke, “The Court Clerk shall record my words here today. From now on, these will be the rules of the Qiyun Protectorate. As long as the Qiyun Protectorate exists, this rule shall never change!”

Everyone in the room looked at each other and immediately felt a rush of energy when they heard Yan Liqiang’s announcement, curious about what rules he would set.

“Let’s address the death gratuity first!” Yan Liqiang looked around, then continued, “From now on, any officers and soldiers serving the Qiyun Protectorate shall receive the following benefits if they are sacrificed in the line duty: Death gratuity of fifty taels of silver for every fallen soldier, a hundred taels of silver for every fallen soldier above the squad commander rank, five hundred taels of silver for every fallen battalion commander, and at least a thousand taels of silver for every fallen soldier above the commandant rank. The amount of death gratuity doubles for every rank beyond that!”

“Secondly, aside from death gratuity, those deemed as the dependents and the blood relatives of the fallen soldier shall be exempt from head tax and labor corvee! Their children above the age of fifteen shall be given the privilege of joining the martial arts academy and archery academy without taking any exams or tests!”

“Thirdly, a Heroes’ Shrine shall be built in every county under the Qiyun Protectorate’s jurisdiction. The memorial tablets of soldiers who die in the line of duty will be placed there, regardless of military rank. They shall leave their names behind to be worshipped by the citizens. A National Heroes’ Shrine will also be built in the prefecture, dedicated to soldiers and generals who made outstanding contributions during their lifetime. Their names shall be carved on the iron pillars so that they will never be forgotten and then be worshipped as the national heroes in the Pure Brightness Festival every year!”

Just the first benefit alone was able to lift the spirits of everyone in the room. By the time they heard the second benefit, even the eyes of someone like Tie Yunshan immediately lit up. By the time Yan Liqiang stated the third benefit, every soldier including the ones guarding outside the room instantly kneeled to Yan Liqiang. The eyes of those tough-looking men immediately turned red as they teared up. They were emotionally moved beyond words and were speechless. All they could feel was the boiling magma rolling in their hearts. Their blood raced and their heads were numb.

However, Yan Liqiang wasn’t finished speaking yet. The words that continued to come out from his mouth echoed throughout the room...

“Fourth, any military members found guilty of embezzling the funds for the death gratuity are subject to capital punishment!”

“Fifth, half of the spoils of war seized through battles shall be turned over to the authorities while the remaining half shall be shared among all soldiers under the command of the Qiyun Protectorate that take part in battle from now on! You are free to keep any armor and weapons looted or acquired from fallen enemies without reporting to the authorities!”

“These five rules will stand for as long as the Qiyun Protectorate exists and as long as my descendants remain! I swear this to the heavens!” Unbeknownst to anyone, Yan Liqiang had taken out a dagger. At the end of his speech, he slit open his palm and let his blood drip on the ground.

By the time they heard the fourth statement, tears were already cascading down Tie Yunshan’s face. His lips were quivering as he kneeled respectfully before Yan Liqiang by the time the latter finished his speech. With his hoarse voice, he pledged to Yan Liqiang, “All... of... us... from... the... White... Stone... Pass... shall... serve... the... Protectorate... General... with... our... lives...!”

“WE SHALL DIE FOR THE PROTECTORATE GENERAL!” the other commandants and soldiers outside roared.


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