Silent Reading

Chapter 65: Macbeth Six

Chapter 65: Macbeth Six


The camera man was very careful not to show anything unnecessary. Only Zhou Huaijin and a wobbly old chair that he's tied to were in the shot. The background was completely dark and didn't reveal anything valuable. The video was less than one minute long. From start to finish, it filmed Zhou Huaijin's closeup in all possible angles in case anyone might misrecognize him.

The abductor did not speak a single word.

"The uploader used a ton of proxy servers. Tracking is gonna take a while." Lang Qiao said, "Boss, I've never met such a 'creative' abductor. What does he want? What do we do?"

Luo Wenzhou stared at the phone and didn't answer.

Lang Qiao already responded very quickly to take down the video, but the news still got out, and took flight. Despite the net surveillance team setting up multiple keyword blackages, the headlines and hashtags about Zhou Huaijin's abduction stubbornly occupied the trending list.

Luo Wenzhou asked: "When was the video uploaded?"

"Six am sharp."

Six sharp, the time that the city wakes up.

Besides alarm clocks, what could have been more refreshing and exciting than a gossip that unfolds in real time with multiple twists and turns?

Standing next to him, Fei Du signed: "Captain Luo, should I step away now and wait to be questioned?"

Lang Qiao was completely lost and slipped a one-word question: "Huh?"

" 'Huh' what? He is a suspect too." Luo Wenzhou tossed the phone to Lang Qiao and turned to Fei Du, asking with entitlement, "I need to know who could've been involved in this -- which group could be behind the publicity stunt. Give me a list."

Afterall, Zhou Huaijin was very low key and seldom engaged with the press. True, the public may know about actors or singers, but who would know what a rich second-gen who lived abroad looked like? There weren't even many clear photos of him online.

Then why would the short video clip attract so much attention in such a short time? Who was the driver behind this?

The car crash of Zhou Junmao and the abduction of Zhou Huaijin seemed closely related at first glance. First the old man, then the crown prince... It's tempting to conclude that someone must have been after the Zhou family. There were also the mysterious, tropey tales about the bastard and the war on inheritance which made the whole scheme against the Zhous sound legit. But upon a closer look, things didn't quite check out.

Suppose Zhou Junmao's car crash was not an accident, then the organizer undoubtedly wanted him dead and he wanted the death to be quiet --- since the truck driver was killed on site, as long as the police did not obtain any robust murder evidence the case wouldl be processed as an ordinary car accident.

However, Zhou Huaijin's abduction was too showy, with a clear intention to flaunt and to gather public attention. The two cases had completely opposite goals.

It didn't make any sense.

So what good would the publicity do, other than attracting the probing eyes from the police and the public? Who would it benefit? Perhaps only those capitalists who profited by sucking the blood of the Zhous -- only they would benefit from spreading such sensitive information during such a sensitive time.

Such as Fei Du, and the likes.

If the Bureau were for sale, that one probably earned enough over one night to pocket two of it.

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"I can give you some names that I know." Fei Du casually sent an email on his phone, then said, "But beware: we live in an opportunistic world and everyone is searching for the opportunity to speculate. There must be countless institutional investors involved, not to mention individual investors. I am not going to know all of them. I'm not omniscient afterall."

"To be able to take someone away so easily, it must be someone local." Luo Wenzhou's eyes fell on him like knives, "There's no one that you don't know on this one point three acres (1), no? Director Fei?"

'One point three acres': this is a Chinese saying. It means a very small piece of land that you own and are very familiar with.

"Well then, this active-duty suspect here will give you one piece of advice. Only for reference. Could be totally wrong." Fei Du deduced, "I guess the abductor and the pusher might have been in contact, but are not in the same camp. The pusher might not be the mind behind the crimes at all. Although Das Kapital wrote that '100 percent profit will make it ready to trample on all human laws', in my opinion this is a very biased and unfriendly evaluation. In reality, as we all know, even if the profit is 1000 percent one has to have the life to take it. Captain Luo, although we eat menblood-drenched Mantou, we do not eat men."

These words were cold-blooded and impudent as f*ck. Luo Wenzhou's eyes shot at him like cold daggers. In no time, the two seemed to have returned to the day that Fei Du gave alabi for Zhang Donglai and delivered his impertinent speech at the Bureau.

"Well, if I were to be more exact, "Fei Du shrugged, and added oil to the fire with his indolent smile, "at least we do not eat men under broad daylight."

Lang Qiao was chilled to the bones by the stiff and sullen atmosphere between the two. She thought they were going to start a war in the next second. Their eyes crossed fire like the light swords in the sci-fi movies. She stood on the sideline in fear, wanting so badly to ease the tension but knew absolutely not why they were fighting or what word to say. How she wished to teleport to the Liusha river banks and switch places with Tao Ran.

But right at that moment, Luo Wenzhou looked away first and withdrew from this round of silent clash.

Instead, he asked calmly: "The video only took half an hour to go viral. The pusher seems experienced. It is probably not their first time. Also, they could be rivals with the Zhous in certain fields. Adding these two criteria, how long will you be able to get me a list?"

Right when Luo Wenzhou finished the question, Fei Du's cell phone buzzed. It was a pleasant notification alert for email.

Fei Du threw the phone to Luo Wenzhou without even reading it, as if he knew too well what was coming: "Then it'll narrow down to only two or three. Here is the list that my assistant sent. You can go ahead and arrange the questioning now."

Then he didn't look at Luo Wenzhou any longer. One hand in the pocket, he walked back into the grandiose house of the Zhou's, took a cup of black tea from the maid along the way and went to talk to the sobbing Zhou Huaixin.

Luo Wenzhou skimmed the email. The one running errands for Fei Du was very capable. With such a short notice, she not only listed the potential pushers' names, but also included their contact information and the previous similar cases that they were involved in. It was like reading a short and neat report.

Luo Wenzhou forwarded the email to Lang Qiao and said: "Here, take care of the paperworks first. This time we'll not only summon their heads for questioning, but also search their work email, call history, and financial status. There're a couple permits you'll need to obtain first. Probably need help from brothers in the Economics Crime Investigation Team too."

The instructions were only a couple lines, but for Lang Qiao it meant mountains of miscellaneous work. Quite a headache already, but then Luo Wenzhou added: "If Fei Du's hypothesis about "pusher not controlling the abductor" is correct, then God knows what'll happen next. The psycho might do outrageous things to the victim to get attention, then Zhou Huaijin is in real danger. Hurry, we've no time to lose!"

Lang Qiao gasped at the 2.5 tons of pressure towering on her shoulder and had to put aside the sour note between her outdated superior and the fresh meat for now. Off she went.

Fei Du's phone auto-locked because of a long period of idleness. He had the default screen lock page. The metal backside was burning from Luo Wenzhou's tight clench. He looked up, eyes following Fei Du's back. The latter was speaking to Hu Zhenyu and Zhou Huaixin like an old friend. He might be briefing them on Zhou Huaixin's updates. Luo Wenzhou didn't worry -- certainly Fei Du wouldn't tell them inappropriate things.

Long ago, Luo Wenzhou thought Fei Du was a dangerous man, a risk factor ---

Although human-beings' nobility and depicability both knew no limit, the normal folks who grew up under the rule of law still had quite predictable mindsets - except under absolutely extreme circumstances maybe - like if hearing someone was about the commit a crime, normal people's reaction would either be to "take a secret peek out of curiosity", "report to the authorities", "don't care and walk away", etc. Occasionally there could be the bad bloods who'd be tempted to join the criminals.

But thoughts like "kill someone else and leave the body in the criminal activity area so as to lead the police there" is quite out of ordinary.

During peacetime, even the diabolical murderers know deep down that killing someone isn't a mundane business like eating or drinking. The societal norms had the red lines of the law woven into it, and after years and years of socialization, the moral taboos such as killing had already been stamped in people's subconscious.

However, Luo Wenzhou could clearly sense that Fei Du was an oddball. In his mind, the taboos were only rules of the game. Killing was no different from things like "tax evasion" or "securing an illegal cash flow from abroad": he wasn't doing them only because he didn't want the troubles, but when it becomes necessary, he'd do them without a blink of an eye. He even enjoyed fantasizing about 'ways to play', in case one day they become handy.

Yet when Fei Du accompanied He Zhongyi's mother Wang Xiujuan on that cold bench, paid hundreds of thousands to give a speech on the sky screen for her, or saved Chen Chen from Su Luozhan's slaughter despite his broken arm, Luo Wenzhou felt he was perhaps only pretending to be callous.

It was only until just now, in a split second, that Luo Wenzhou suddenly sensed something new from his invincible fake smile.

Luo Wenzhou thought of the ambiguous words Fei Du said yesterday evening in his car, and realized that they weren't casual, vague remarks about humanity. He was talking specifically about himself. Fei Du was like someone that grew up in another dimension. His nobility was genuine, and so was his despicability. The rules in that dimension were different from our world and Fei Du knew it. He knew very well how he misfitted, so he carefully put on other people's skins and limited himself in a comfort zone. He copied Tao Ran, copied Zhang Donglai, copied everyone around him all the time...except when facing Luo Wenzhou, who used to be the pontifical hothead who loved tearing people's masks. Fei Du basically gave up on pretending in front of him and let his human skin dishevel, revealing the eerie fangs.

For some reason, as soon as Luo Wenzhou realized it, he didn't hold grudges against him any longer. The strange behavior and fickle temper of Fei Du in the last 12 hours made sense now. Having sensed his cunning, tout, and reticent layer of self-protection, Luo Wenzhou's heart softened. A thousand emotions drowned him.

A phone call from Tao Ran suddenly interrupted Luo Wenzhou's thoughts and staring.

"We found that taxi." Tao Ran breathed heavily, "it was abandoned by the river. There's a strong smell of Ether inside. No obvious sign of struggle, except for a footprint on the back of the driver's seat. There were probably more than one abductors, otherwise how can one control a grown man while driving? Oh, and, Zhou Huaijin's briefcase is still in the car, and his ID, cell-phone, and wallet are all intact...Shhhhi!"

Tao Ran paused, then inhaled angrily. Luo Wenzhou could tell that he cut off a curse word. He asked: "What happened?"

"Someone's taking pictures." Tao Ran answered quickly, "perhaps they followed us from the airport. I'll go deal with it."

Luo Wenzhou hung up and rubbed his forehead. God knows how this news had already fermented online. He really didn't have the heart to get online to check. He gave out several orders: "The taxi that the victim took has been located. Now Zhou Huaijin is above 1.8 meters, not some child who could be taken by one hand. So they have to have another car to transfer him. Search the camera within three miles radius, look for suspicious vehicles. Also, give a word to the press: if they keep fueling the feud like this I won't be so polite anymore. Ask for backing from the net surveillance team...

Before Luo Wenzhou finished, a tech staff member suddenly raised his head: "Captain Luo, the same source uploaded another video!"

Luo Wenzhou's heart sank.

It was the same passed-out Zhou Huaijin in the same pitch dark background, except this time a gloved hand appeared in the foreground. It was holding a shiny dagger against Zhou Huaijin's neck, then suddenly pressed down. Amidst exclamations and gasps of the watchers, a cut appeared on a very dangerous spot on Zhou Huaijin's neck. The unconscious man twitched involuntarily. Blood rushed out.

Then the camera panned down. The gloved hands torn Zhou Huaijin's shirt open, took a small brush and wrote on his chest with his blood: "One cut for one deletion."

The net surveillance team ready to delete the video was covered in cold sweat. Their call immediately came in: "Captain Luo, what do we do? Delete it, or not?"

A brand new day was dawning. The morning rush has just begun.

Only a split second of hesitation, and the video was already spread across the internet at the speed of an explosion.

Zhou Huaixin obviously saw it too. He screamed his head off. The sound almost shattered the roof. Fei Du had to put his arms around his waist and snatch the cell phone away. To the clueless maid he said: "Take him upstairs to rest."

Amidst the chaos, a car pulled in the driveway and off came a young man in his twenties, rushing inside. When stopped by the police by the entrance he scrambled to take out his ID: "Pardon me, this is my ID and name card. I am Mr. Zhou's..."

Zhou Huaixin turned around and saw him. Immediately he started fighting to get to him: "I won't! Take that bastard down! He is the murderer!! You shameless asshole. How dare you set foot here! How DARE YOU!!"

Even though Zhou Huaixin was practically a walking skeleton, when running amok he was still a force to be reckoned with. Both Fei Du and Hu Zhenyu, who never toiled their four limbs, weren't able to hold him down. Zhou Huaixin's arms waved frantically like a weapon and almost knocked off Fei Du's glasses.

Suddenly, a hand appeared from nowhere and strained Zhou Huaixin's two 'waving wooden clubs'. Luo Wenzhou grabbed him like grabbing a chickling and shoved him back on the sofa. He towered over him and asked: "Should I give you a shot of tranquilizer or the rabies vaccine?"

Zhou Huaixin was extinguished. The young man by the door smiled bitterly, finally got to finish his self-introduction: "I am Mr. Zhou Sr.'s assistant and the secretary of the board. My name is Yang Bo."

His words drew everyone's eyes --- THE Yang Bo, the suspected bastard of the family, the suspect, the one who'd benefit the most by taking down Zhou Junmao and Zhou Huaijin..."

He was quite early to show his face.


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